Chapter 30

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Damn so much had happened since I have been off the grid.

"Why didn't you tell me you had Lupus?" She asked me.

"I didn't know how to handle it myself Des. Then once I realized nothing was going right I just brought a house out here and this is where I have been."

"Why did you marry Drake if you knew he was lying to you?" I asked.

"Honestly I was trying to show that we were united and that I had him and he had me. I knew something was off ,but I still said I do." She said.

"August it's been good talking to you but I need to get back to my kids." She said standing walking away.

One day she was going to be mines.


Sitting there talking to August just put a lot of things in perspective for me.

Life is to short to be playing games with someone who is suppose to love you.

I walked back to the house and I could here Aubrey and Shakeya going at it.

This was the last thing I needed right now.


"You out here being a fucking hoe ass nigga is why she wants a divorce!"

I am so sick of Aubrey playing the damn victim.

"How many more women gonna come out of the blue saying they sleeping with you or they having your baby?"

"Shakeya that's not fair." He said.

"Nigga the shit you have put her through over the years ain't fair but you still do it. You treat her like she don't mean nothing to you until she is ready to leave. I should bust a cap in ya ass right now." I said.

"Don't do that Key." Desire said standing in the doorway.

"Aubrey I am serious I want out." She said and went upstairs.

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