Chapter 7

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I was waiting on Kima to come by to tell me what happened with Desire.

I should have still went. I know Kima let them bully her.

I heard the door and in walked Kima looking confused and defeated. This was what I was worried about happening.

"So. What happened?"

"Shakeya came with her. She wants me to her a DNA test and see a doctor. Alex this may not be his baby. I can not do this anymore. I feel like I am destroying a family." she said.

I just looked at her like she couldn't be serious.

"Stop crying like a baby and tighten up. Desire has the life that you were suppose to have with Aubrey. Don't be stupid. Those children should be yours. You should be planning a wedding. Not her!"

I felt my anger getting the best of me and I wasn't going to let her ruin this.

"I will make sure that DNA states that that baby belongs Aubrey."

She just looked at me like she didn't know who I was.


I was at my parents house. I needed to talk to my father. If I was going to handle Alexandria I needed my dad.

He was sitting out back by the pool. I sat down next to him.

"Hello father."

"What is it that you need?" he asked not looking at me.

"I need you to find out about a woman name Alexandria."

He put down his papers and looked at me.

"Why couldn't marry a man of statue? I will see what I can do. You have had so many troubles because you chose to deal with a man not worthy of who you are." he said looking away from me.

My father would never understand. Carlos may not be the man he chose, but he was the man I loved.

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