Chapter 9

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You don't know babe
Everytime you hold me
It's the sweetest thing
And it don't change
If I had it my way
You would know that you are
You're the coffee that I need in the morning
You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring
Won't you give yourself to me give it all
I just wanna see


I was sitting in the living room listening to Daniel Cease ft. H.E.R. while Aubrey was playing with the girls. Lexi was playing with little Aubrey and I was in my head.

The lyrics to the song were really hitting home. As I watched Aubrey splashing around with our children in the pool I thought about everything we had been through.

We have been through so many ups and downs. Watching him with our kids and seeing him enjoying our kids. This was truly the Best Part.

I knew what I needed to do to fix this stupid shit that Alexandria was trying to do.

I went to my laptop and I put some snippets of home videos together of Aubrey and I. I also put together little snippets of him playing with the kids or sleeping with the baby in it.

I added the song Best Part as the background music.

I wrote what I was feeling and if this didn't do the trick I don't know what would.

Instagram Post.....

I know everyone is so caught up in this news about Aubrey cheating or having a baby on the way. It seems like every person that could try to be against our relationship is trying to break it apart. What you guys don't see when we go behind closed doors is this. He is an amazing father and I love him so much..yes we go through ups and downs who doesn't...but this right here is all worth it and he is my Best Part and I am his...💜💜💜


I shared my hearts with the world. The response and the support we got were amazing.

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