Villain Lessons

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Previously: I stay up in the air as I see Pond Scum growl at some guy in blue leather. Hm, looks familiar. I then see Carlos standing up to Pond Scum. Wait a minute, Carlos, Evie, and Jay? I look at the other boy again and realize. . . . It's King Ben.

I swoop down and grab Ben by his jacket, lifting him into the air so the others couldn't hear me.

"Hey, give him back!" I hear Evie yell but I ignore her.

"You!" I growl, "You're the silver spoon sucking tramp that broke my sister's heart!"

"Sister's hear-"

"ANSWER ME!" I growl shaking him.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I wasn't thinking!" He said, completely terrified.

"You bet you weren't thinking! Do you know how hard it is to be something you're not!? Do you know how- how it feels to be put under so much pressure!?"

"I-I'm sorry! I-I-I just- I let the beast come out! It will never happen again!"

"It better not! Cause if it does, I will personally burn you to a crisp, chop you up, and feed you to Cerberus. So, Never. Hurt. My. Sister. Again. Get it?"

"Got it."

"Good." I said as I set him back on the ground. What a chump.

Evie's POV

"Hey! Give him back!" I scream as a kid swoops down and grabs Ben." I turn to Jay, "Do something!"

"I actually want to see how this goes." He says still looking towards where the kid held Ben in the air. What!? I turn to Carlos.

"Carlos! Do something!"

"Nah, I'm good." He shrugs. Ugh! What's wrong with these two!? I pick up a rock, only to have Jay grab it from me.

"Jay!" I scream, frustrated.

"Evie," Carlos paused, placing a hand on my shoulder, "it's Chelsey."

"What?" I look at the kid, who was now setting Ben back down. She had sparkly blue horns, beautiful purple curls, and magnificent black wings. She was Chelsey.

"Ch-Chelsey?" I asked she turned to me with her gentle green eyes.

"Hey, Evie." She says before I pull her into a hug.

"Evie." she groans. She loved hugs sure, but she never like them when we were in public.

"Look at you. You've grown up so much! Last time I seen you, you still had your freckles and your horns were barly grown in." I gush. I can't help it. She's my little sister as much as she is Mal's.

"Oh, yeah." She blushed, "I hit a growth spurt when I turned 11."

"Heya Chels." Carlos says coming over from checking on Ben. He gives Chelsey a hug, "Miss me?"

"Eh, somewhat." She shrugs for him to ruffle her hair. Jay then comes over.

"Hey Champ." He high fives her, "How'd those Bald Mountain Olympics go?"

"They were good. After 3 years and 6 months of training I could do them with a wing tied down and blindfolded if I wanted to."

"Did you place?" I asked for her chuckle.

"Yeah, I placed. Nothing too fancy though, just got platinum."

"That's my girl!" Jay cheered as I hugged her.

"Wait a minute," Ben said, for us to look at him, "Who exactly are you?"

"Oh," Chelsey paused going into a hover, "I'm Chelsey Chernabog. Daughter of Malefecent and Chernabog. Half-sister of Mal."

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