The Disease

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Mal's POV

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" I hear before I shoot up in my bed. I look over to Chelsey's bed to find it empty and then to Evie's bed to see it in the same state. I jump out of my own and run into the bathroom where I find Evie with her hair that has turned a bright orange.

"Ah!" I scream when I see it. She turns to me.

"Ah!" She screams. I look in the mirror.

"Aaaaah!" I scream. My hair's green!

"What happened to us!?" Evie screams still freaking out.

"Calm down E. There should be a simple explanation for thi-"

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" We hear someone down the hall scream followed by 20 more. Guess today's a day of surprises. Me and Evie run out to the hall to see all the girls there. Half looking normal, half not.

"Mal, Evie!" We hear Lonnie call before we see her, Jane, someone who looks like Cousin It from the Adams family, and CJ, run up to us.

"Guys what's going on?" I ask.

"We don't know, everyone just woke up and half of them realised that they've gotten something wrong with them." Jane explains.

"Well, you girls look fine. Is there anything wrong with you?" Evie asks.

"There is with me." CJ pauses, her voice sounding like she's gurgling mud.

"Me and Jane are fine, and that's what's so weird." Lonnie states, "it's only effected certain ones. I just hope the guys aren't as fre-"

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" We hear from the boys side of the school.

"Well, so much for the guys not freaking out." We hear cousin It say.

"Dizzy?" Evie asks before raking some of her hair to a side.

"I wanted long hair. Didn't think I'd get this effect from just changing my condioner." She says for us to chuckle as our guy friends come over.

"Yikes!" They say, seeing us.

"Happened to you guys too?" I ask.

"All except Tyler, Doug, and Gil." Jay states, his hands bright pink. "What should we do?" I turn to Jane.

"We need your mother. She can keep order of the students and-"

"MAL!" We hear Audrey scream as she comes up to us, her voice sounding like a man's. "This has magic written all over it!"

"And why do you think I did it? Audrey, I gave up my spell book weeks ago." I say trying not to laugh at how ridiculous she sounds.

"Well it's either you or your sister. You two are the only ones who have magic and it looks like she's fled from the crime scene." Audrey says, reminding me that I have no idea where she is. I go back into my dorm and spot a note on Chelsey's side table.


Went to the isle. I'll explain everything when I get back.


P.S. I'm borrowing your scooter.

Weird. Can't she just fly to the isle? I walk out with the note and show it to Evie.

"Think it has something to do with this?" She asks for me to shrug. We then hear FG's voice over the loud speakers.

"Classes are canceled for the day. Everyone who has something wrong needs to head to the infirmary immediately. That is all."

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