Chapter Two-Unexpected Surprises

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Sophia stumbles outside her door, wearing a tight black dress and tall black heels. She grumbles under her breath, cursing Rodrigo internally.

"Don't be such a Debbie Downer, Soph. It's your first night here!" Rodrigo smiles at her charmingly and presses the button to the first floor.

Sophia rolls her eyes and steps in quickly. "Well I rushed to get ready to go to this stupid club! So be happy and don't criticize me!"

As the elevator doors open, Rodrigo offers Sophia his arm, puffing his chest out. Sophia laughs lightly and latches on to his arm, holding her head high mockingly.

~~~~~~20 Minutes Later~~~~~~

Sophia and Rodrigo step out the car, and automatically, Sophia wants to turn around, go back home, grab a tub of ice cream and watch her current novela. There was something about the aura of the club that screamed 'dark' and 'mysterious', and Sophia did not like this sort of eerie feel. Nevertheless, she knew Rodrigo would not let her return to her safe haven.

"Sophiaaaa, what're you thinking about now? Don't tell me you're thinking about going home to cuddle up on the couch with a tub of cookies n' cream ice cream and watch your year long novelas..?" he says while throwing his hands up.

How could he possibly know all that? Creep.

"Pfft, I was not. I..I was thinking about how fun this will be. Loser." Sophia rolls her eyes and brushes passed him and walks into the club.

Rodrigo chuckles and follows after her, feeling something he can't quite describe at the moment.

As Sophia walks in, she takes in the view of the club. Littered with many people grinding, kissing and doing a little more than dancing, it was one of the best looking clubs she has ever been to. There are two levels. One she assumes are for VIP only, with dancers on every table. Rodrigo catches up to Sophia and hands her a VIP card and points to their seats.

"We can go over there, oh and I heard the club owner will be in here today! She's so hot." Rodrigo gushes excitedly.

Sophia snatches the card from his hand and places one of hers on his shoulder.

"With that attitude, you won't be getting any girls. They'll all think you're gay." She pats his shoulder in mock pity and walks away giggling at his facial reaction.

Sophia walks up the steps and plops herself ungracefully onto one of the seats, looking around. In the nearest left corner, Sophia notices the woman she saw earlier in the elevator. 'Is that why everyone seems hyped now? Is she the owner?' She questioned when her ears popped from the loud volume of the party-goers.

Almost like the woman felt eyes on her, she turned around and met Sophia's gaze. Shocked and embarrassed, Sophia looked down quickly and grabbed the drink that was sitting on the table, acting nonchalant. To her surprise though, she didn't notice the heels right in front of her face, nor did she hear the words coking out of the woman's mouth.

"You're the girl I saw in the elevator....Sophia, right?" She smiles at Sophia and sits down next to her, their knees brushing against each other.

Sophia would never admit what she felt when their skin touched. She immediately felt tingles and sparks and got excited in areas she shouldn't have. Growing up, she has always learned that this type of feeling was forbidden and wrong. Her parents practically beat it out of her...but at this moment, all she thought about was this beautiful woman sitting next to her.

"Y-yeah. That's me. I haven't gotten your name?" Sophia turns to her and lifts her head a little higher, portraying a sort of confidence.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. My name is Emilia Rosario. I am the owner of this club actually." Emilia gestures to the club and then turns to look at Sophia.

Sophia could only think of one thing, and that's what Rodrigo said about her is undeniably true. She is very hot.

"Oh wow, you are very hot." As what she said registers, her eyes grew huge and she turned, fully facing Emilia. "I-I mean this club! This club is veryyyy hot, right?" Sophia chuckles nervously and folds her hands together, her eyes casting down a bit.

Emilia laughs and lifts Sophia's chin with her index finger. "It's fine. Yes, the club is very hot. Would you like to go outside for a minute?" Emilia removes her finger and stands gracefully, in one perfect fluid motion.

Sophia glances up at her and smiles. "Yes, I would love that." Sophia never thought she'd be the type, but she has to agree. There is something about this woman that is definitely attracting her like a moth to a flame, and she can't seem to differentiate if this was a bad thing or a good thing, and she didn't care.

Sophia and Emilia walk down the stairs and outside the backdoor, being welcomed by the cool, crisp fall air. Sophia closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, finally feeling free and like she can breathe.

~~~~~~Emilia's POV~~~~~~~

Sophia looked really familiar to Emilia, and she couldn't see why. Sure she has seen many beautiful women, but deep down, there was something about her that attracted her. This hasn't happened to her in a while, and it feels like a strong sense of Deja Vu.

As Emilia stared at Sophia, she could feel herself getting excited. It was a different feeling of excitement, one that was in her soul, her mind and her lower region. With other women it was just sex, but she somehow knew Sophia would bring some change.

"So, I'm going to assume you're new here?" Emilia and Sophia start to walk slowly on the clearer-than-usual street of NYC.

"Yeah, I am. My new beginning. Who doesn't love to start new?" Emilia glances at Sophia and sends her a quick smile, remembering when she started 'new'. What was Sophia trying to escape from....better yet...who?

Emilia stops and Sophia follows suit. "Well, I'm here if you ever need anything. Congrats, you just made another friend in this new, strange place." Emilia winks at Sophia playfully.

Sophia blushes and grins, "Acutally, you're my first new friend in this place. And thank you, you made quite the impression."

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