Chapter Nineteen

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~~Sophia's POV~~

Waking up, Sophia notices that the warmth that was next to her the day before was absent. It's been a month since the shooting, and a month since she hasn't woken up to that warmth.

Sighing, Sophia sits up, letting her hair fall into her face as she looks down at the scar on her mid-section. She recently had her stitches removed, now just a reddish, scarred line left on her body. She missed Emilia's presence.

Emilia has been working non-stop looking and searching for those who did this. As if her life depended on it. Coming back late, leaving early in the mornings. They barely spend any time with each other anymore, and it was making Sophia feel like shit.

Sophia swings her legs off of the bed and sets her feet on the soft carpet, standing up and walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Hearing the bedroom door open, Sophia pokes her head around the bathroom door with the toothbrush hanging from her lip, watching as a tired looking Emilia walks in.

Emilia looks up at Sophia, a dazed look in her eyes, "O-oh heyyyy.." She stumbles in towards the bathroom.

Sophia turns around rolling her eyes, finishing up in the bathroom and walking out, only to be stopped by Emilia.

"H-hey where you going?" Emilia pushes Sophia against the wall gently, her hands at the side of Sophia's head.

"To get breakfast. Where are you going?" Sophia smells the alcohol on her breath, something that has also been happening for a while.

"To bed. Let's lay down." Emilia pulls away and walks drunkenly to the bed and starts stripping. Removing her shirt and pants, and throwing herself on the bed face-first.

"I'm going to get breakfast. You need to sleep for now and when you wake up, you need to eat. I'll be back later." Sophia puts on her slippers, as she says this, waiting for a response but receiving nothing but light snores. She walks over and covers Emilia up with the duvet, kissing her forehead, and then leaves the bedroom, walking down the spiraling stairs.

"Miss. Rodriguez! You're up early." Sophia glimpsed at her right, smiling at Lupia.

"How many times do I have to say this? You can call me Sophia. We're basically friends now." She bumps Lupia with her shoulder with a playful smile on her face.

"Friends? I never had much of those..and anyways, Miss. Rosario would kill me if she heard me call you by your first name."

Seeing as though Lupia had been one of Sophia's guards for a while, Sophia took it upon herself to make some new friends. Lupia was hesitant at first, quiet and reserved. But, Sophia used her charm and here they are. Lupia has warmed up to her, now a friend and protector.

"Sophia, what happened with Miss. Rosario?" Silas catches up with them, another one of the security involved with Emilia's business. He on the other hand, wasn't worried about Emilia. They had been friends since they were kids and Emilia didn't intimidate him.

"Did you need her for something?" Sophia takes out the pancake batter, then sprays the pan pouring the batter in.

"Well we were all working on something and she left for a few, came back and went upstairs." Silas says as he walks to the fridge looking for something to drink.

Sophia shrugs and turns around to be met with sorrowful looks, she raises her eyebrow" Why are you guys looking at me like that...?" Sophia walks closer to both of them, crossing her arms.

Silas brings his cup up to his mouth, drinking slowly. Lupia looks at him, rolling her eyes.

"We just..we've been noticing how Miss. Rosario has been lately."

"Wait let's rewind, Silas you said she went out for a while? How long would you say?" Silas slowly sets his cup down, clearing his throat.

"Uh, I'd say an hour or two. But I assume she went out for drinks." Silas shrugs and grabs his phone as it begins to ring. "Heard. Be right there," he then hangs up and looks at Lupia and nods.

"Alright, see you later Miss.Rodriguez," Silas mocks at her, chuckling as he walks away. Sophia rolls her eyes and then looks at Lupia as she releases a small laugh and walks away waving her hand.

"See ya." Sophia sighs as she turns around, forgetting about the pancakes.

"Shit shit shit!" She runs back to the stove and coughs as the burning smell overwhelms her senses, she grabs a rag, fanning the smoke around. Taking the pan off of the stove, she trashes the burned pancakes and just decides on strawberry yogurt, grabbing a spoon and walking around.

Sophia walks down the hallway, looking around. She finds a dark room near the ending of the hallway and flicks on the light, opening her mouth in awe at the art on the walls and how it pairs so greatly with the arcade game feel. She sets down her empty cup of yogurt, smiling evilly and rubbing her hands together, ready to dive into the games. She's soon interrupted by a familiar voice.

Stepping into the room, she peeks out the door and sees one of Emilia's old flings, Rose, walking out of a room, Jesse following soon after. Sophia's eyes widen and she turns off the light quickly, pressing herself against the wall, hoping they didn't notice. She closes her eyes and tries to control her breathing. She listens intently as they walk by, just wanting to get out of there.

Waiting a few minutes more, Sophia peeks her head out again to make sure the coast is clear, then she rushes out almost bumping into the wall. She walks down the hallway quickly, then up the stairs and into the bedroom, closing the door pressing her back against it.

"Uh, are you good?" Sophia jumps, startled, pressing her hand against her chest. Emilia steps out of the bathroom with a towel over her shoulder, her hair wet with a sports bra on and black boy shorts.

"Y-yes perfectly fine, you?" Emilia furrows her brows and narrows her eyes at Sophia, walking to the closet.

"If there's anything you need to say, say it." Sophia watches as Emilia grabs a white long-sleeve button up shirt and black skinny jeans, throwing them down on the bed.

"There's nothing I have to say. I'm going to go shower now." Sophia starts walking to the bathroom, hoping that Emilia would let it go. But she is disappointed when Emilia latches her hand onto Sophia's arm, stopping her.

"What's up babe? There's something you're not telling me. Anyone could see that by the way you ran into the room as if something was chasing you." She pulls Sophia to her, wrapping her arms around Sophia's waist and looking down at her.

Sophia sighs and places her hands on Emilia's arms, tracing a tattoo. "I saw Rose and-" She's interrupted by Emilia quickly.

"Wait Rose is here?" Emilia lets go of Sophia and starts getting dressed, putting on black and white converse.

Sophia crosses her arms, taken aback by Emilia's abruptness. "Yeah? Why are you rushing?"

"She can't be here." With that, Emilia rushes out of the room, leaving Sophia cold once again.

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