Chapter Fourteen

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~~~~Emilia's POV~~~~

Sitting down in her chair, Emilia couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"S-so she's dead?" Emilia clears her throat, pushing down the dreadful feeling she acquired. She wanted to be numb.

Juan's lips set into a straight line, grimacing at the unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew Emilia would hunt whoever did this down, and make sure they'd pay.

"Maybe it's what she wants us to think? I mean there are people after her.." Emilia felt small hope blossom in her chest, only to have it be crushed.

"Emilia, you know I have the best men on this. Mother is gone. They have her buried."

Emilia lets out a deep breath, trying to control her sudden rage and sadness. She was taught to never let emotions get the best of her, even if it was the death of someone she loved.

Emilia nodded at Juan, "Very well. Where is the burial site located?"

Juan points on the map, his finger landing on a very small remote island in the middle of nowhere.

"She's here. That whole time we have been looking for her, she has been on the island father bought her. We assume she's buried here, seeing as though my men noticed that there wasn't anyone arriving or leaving this island."

"Thanks for the information brother." Emilia smiles at him coldly, wondering why she couldn't detect any underlying sadness in his voice...weird.

"No problem. My men and I will be leaving tonight. Mike said Lila is missing me."

Emilia's smile turns into a small one, but a real one, thinking about her one and only niece. She was there when she was born, but it has been two years since she last saw her.

"Tell her I love her and tia will visit soon. Tell Mike I said hi." Emilia begins to pack up the supplies, maps and information on their mother off of the table, hoping to save it for later.

"I don't think its a good idea for you to keep these. You'll drive yourself mad trying to find a woman who didn't care enough to stay." Juan glances at an old picture of their mom. The last one they ever saw.

Emilia then realized the reason Juan was off. "You feel like she betrayed us? She left to protect us Juan. When are you ever going to understand that?"

Juan chuckled darkly, "Are you sure about that? Oh maybe you knew more about our parents. They were always coddling you. Making sure to show me who the favorite was just because I loved Mike. I guess is different when you're a woman who loves another woman. Not as horrible?" Juan glared at Emilia and stormed out, slamming the door.

Emilia sighs and rubs her temples, wanting nothing more than to return to Sophia and relax. But, she needed some space for the moment. She didn't want to take out her frustration on Sophia.

It was true though. After Emilia's parents learned she was interested in women, they held her at arms length but never stopped loving her. With Juan, they have had him been put through programs. Trying to fix his disease. They viewed gay men in a different light than lesbian women.

~~Five Hours Later~Sophia's POV~~

Sophia had hesitated to walk into the meeting room. She didn't want to disturb them...she knew what they were talking about had to be of the upmost importance.

Sophia walks around the corner nearest to the kitchen, looking at the beautiful paintings on the wall. It was of a woman, standing in an empty field. The only thing shining so bright is her eyes. Round and dark, which would look plain. But if you looked closer, you could see the struggle in her eyes. The constant battle that she fights within herself. Her dark, beautiful brown eyes full of so much pain, but also something that makes them sparkle with an undying fire and light.

Tracing her finger over the edge of the painting, the eyes begin to remind her of herself. Her dark eyes that she stares at in the mirror. The dark eyes that look back with self-hate, but that is hidden within the darkest part of herself. Sophia feels her breathing increase as she looks down quickly, trying to control herself as the intense anxiety hit her. Sophia backs away from the painting, her eyes watering as she tries to regain her breathing. Rushing away, Sophia feels a tear run down her face. Turning the corner, Sophia bumps into Emilia.

"Soph? Soph are you okay?" Sophia looks up at Emilia and throws herself into her arms, burying her face into her shoulder.

Emilia loses her balance and stumbles back a few steps, her heels she just put on not being a good choice at the moment.

"SShhh, I'm here." Emilia looks down at Sophia with furrowed brows, wondering what upset her so much. She steps back from Sophia, grabbing her face gently.

"Did someone do this to you?" Emilia checks over Sophia's body, making sure there weren't any marks.

"N-no, I-I just....can we go into your room for a moment?" Sophia sniffles and wipes her face, looking away from Emilia.

"Claro, mi amor. Let's go." Emilia wraps her arm around Sophia's shoulder and they begin to walk in the direction of her room.


"The men have been watching her every step. We're ready to attack on your go, sir."

"No, no. Not yet. Let's play with her for a bit. She will soon learn that we're the only ones who could ever make her safe."

"What would you prefer..?"

The man on the other side of the phone smiles darkly, an overwhelming feeling of pleasure sneaking into his mind.

~~~~Sophia's POV~~~~

Sophia lays in between Emilia's legs, kissing her neck.

"Babe...Soph..." Emilia chuckles and sits up, slowly pushing Sophia back. "You can't distract yourself like this. Have you ever even been with a woman this intimately?"

Sophia blushes and rolls her eyes. "O-of course I have."

"I don't want you rushing into this only because you're upset. You can tell me what happened." Sophia looks deeply into Emilia's beautiful light eyes, captured by them.

"I...I just had a small anxiety attack. That painting when you leave the kitchen...on the wall. Just reminded me of something. But I'm okay now.." Sophia pushes Emilia back down, laying her head on her chest, listening to her soft heart beat.

Emilia plays with her hair, humming lightly. Sophia's eyes slowly close, the dark slumber of sleep welcoming her.

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