Chapter Twenty

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~~Emilia's POV~~

"Rose what the hell are you doing here?" Emilia grabs Rose by the arm roughly, pulling her into the office and locking the door.

Rose crosses her arms and leans against the desk," I've been calling you and trying to come visit but you've been ignoring me. What's your deal?" She stands up straight, walking closer to Emilia, wrapping her arms around her neck and leaning in, "I know you miss me. Especially from seeing me last night."

Emilia steps back, pushing Rose away. "Nothing happened and you know it. I need you to stay away from me. What we had is over. It's been over. Understood? Stay out of my house. Out of my life. You made this deal and that was it. Fun. I don't need you anymore." Emilia spits out harshly.

Rose scoffs, her eyes watering," You're a fucking asshole. You will regret this." She then storms out as Lupia walks in.

"Make sure she leaves, Lupia." She nods and walks out, following after Rose.

Sighing, Emilia puts her head in her hands, running her fingers through her hair. She needed another drink.

Hearing a slight knock, Emilia lifts her head as her gaze falls upon her everything.

"Is everything okay?" Sophia's soft voice drifts into the room like a slight breeze, Emilia feels all her stress and worry fall away.

Emilia has noticed how distant they have been, they never do anything anymore since the shooting. She almost lost Sophia and it was all her fault. She should've checked and had the place under better watch, she should have noticed the blood leaking from Sophia, and she should've been quicker. Thinking of what she should've done made her feel like absolute shit.

"Yeah everything is fine. You need something?" Sophia leans against the desk, leaving enough room in between them.

"When is this going to stop? When you'll finally sleep with me and wake up next to me? When you'll finally hold me and let me hold you? You've been so distant and I know you see it."

Emilia pinches the bridge of her nose, feeling bad for how she's been but agreeing it was for the best. "Everything is fine. I'm going to find who did this and-"

"Emilia I don't care! Do you understand how I might feel? You were afraid of losing me but it was me who was on that bed! I could've lost my life and none of that would have been your fault. You're the one reason I am still alive right now." Emilia is shocked by Sophia's outburst and opens her mouth to speak but she has nothing to say. No words come out, just a tense silence.

"Exactly. Nothing." Sophia laughs out tiredly and walks away shaking her head.

~~Sophia's POV~~

Rushing out of there and having a drink was what she needed. What she thought she needed, but it's been a while since she's let out her emotions on paper and she realized that the only thing that was always there was art. That was her release.

Walking into the custom art room that was made for her, Sophia grabs her paintbrush and begins to paint away. Letting her instincts take over, her mind in a whole different plane than what existed. Just herself and her art.

~~Few Hours Later~~

There's a light knock on the door which startles Sophia. She hadn't realized how long she's been in here.

"Come in." Sophia doesn't turn around to look at who it is, not caring. She hears footsteps walk in slowly until the person walked into her sight.

"I just came to inform you that Emi-Miss. Rosario wanted you to get dressed. Nothing too elegant. More like casual."

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