Chapter Nine

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~~~~Sophia's POV~~~~

After Sophia took her bath, she put on the nice light blue mini dress. It fit like a glove, pushing up her breasts. Looking in the mirror, Sophia decides to wear her hair down, with the nice natural wave, and flips her bangs to the other side to cover the slight bump on her head.

Running her hands down the length of her body, Sophia comes to the conclusion that she looks good, and pairs her dress with some black strappy heels.

Walking out the door in search for something else to do, Sophia remembers that she may have left her phone in her apartment complex. Along with some other important things. 'My art supplies and paintings!' Sophia needed to get them back. She then began to look for Emilia, accidentally bumping into Gloriana.

"You alright there? You seem like you're in a rush." Gloriana turns to Sophia, her hands wrapped around her arms, holding her steady.

"Yes, I'm okay. Would you happen to know where Emilia is? I need to ask her something." Sophia gently pulls away from Gloriana, realizing that her hands were wrapped around her.

"She's getting ready for the party. That's why she was so dressed up earlier." Gloriana begins her walk again, Sophia walking by her.

"Party? What party?" Sophia's heart rate increases. She really didn't like parties.

"Well she invited her play things, her play things invited other people. Might just be one huge orgy. You involved?" Sophia scoffs and looks at Gloriana in disbelief.

"No! Never. Is she really into that stuff?"

Gloriana laughs and responds," No, no it was a joke. The whole orgy thing. But there will be a party. I assumed you knew. You're all dressed up." Gloriana looks at Sophia's outfit up and down, appreciating the view.

"There's a whole closet full of shit in there. Of course I'm going to dress up." Sophia smiles at Gloriana, who in return looks away as they approach Emilia's office.

"I believe she's in here. Good luck. I'll see you around during the party, alright?" Gloriana then turns away, her hips swaying with every step she takes.

Sophia blows out a breath before knocking on the door, nervous to see Emilia again one on one. Getting no answer, Sophia rolls her eyes and tries for the doorknob, opening it.

"Oh god, Emilia.." Sophia walks in on Emilia kissing another woman, who is topless.

"Oh!!" Sophia turns quickly and slams the door shut, walking away hastily to get away from the scene. Hearing the door open and foot steps coming near her, she cuts a corner and continues to walk.

"Sophia! Please slow down." Emilia yells down the hallway, trying to get Sophia to stop as she buttons her shirt up.

Sophia whips around, her face tinted red in embarrassment and anger," Listen, Emilia," Sophia spits out,"I get if you don't want to be with me, or if you regret the kiss. But you do NOT string me along, I am not, and will never be, one of your stupid little playthings. Okay?"

Emilia looks at Sophia in shock as she storms away.

~~~~Emilia's POV~~~~

Emilia realized that she felt like absolute crap for doing that to Sophia. She didn't want to hurt her. She only wanted her to see that she can't do that life with her. 'I guess she knows that now.'

Emilia walks back into her office and looks at Rose tiredly, "When are they-" The doorbell rings loud and clear, and suddenly Emilia hears loud voices and footsteps. The party had begun, something Emilia regretted.

~~2 Hours Later, Sophia's POV~~

After Sophia rushed off, she found the balcony, and the beautiful sunset that calmed her. It has been gone for an hour now, with Sophia still standing out there, looking at the calm night sky. It was loud inside, people partying, getting drunk, high and whatnot.

Sighing, Sophia leans against the rail. Not wanting to think about the woman in there that she has small feelings for. It was better to ignore them. 'Why would she do that to me? Or was it even directed towards me? Why else would she try that?'

"Not enjoying the party?" Sophia shakes her head, not turning around, recognizing the voice.

"Nope. Not one bit." Gloriana walks up and leans against the railing next to Sophia.

"Let's get a drink. You look like you need one." Sophia looks at Gloriana in mock disbelief.

"Whaaat? What are you trying to say? I look bad?" And, for the first time today, Sophia had the pleasure of seeing Gloriana struggle for words.

"N-no, I-I just meant..Well-" Gloriana is cut off by Sophia's giggles. Gloriana narrows her eyes at Sophia and can't help the smile that was forming on her face. "You played me didn't you?"

This only makes Sophia laugh harder, the sweet sound ringing and being carried by the nice, cool breeze of the night. "I-I did. Woo, you should've seen the look on your face."

Gloriana rolls her eyes and shakes her head, the smile still on her face, "Very funny. Let's go grab a bottle." Gloriana offers Sophia her hand, and Sophia looks at it, hesitating. 'What Screw her.' She smiles and takes Gloriana's hand, walking into the house and down the stairs, the hot air emanating from the warm bodies dancing and rubbing against each other. Sophia rolls her eyes as she spots Emilia and the other girl that she was with earlier dancing and making out. Both too drunk to realize anything.

Gloriana grabs a bottle and pulls Sophia along, heading up to Sophia's room. They walk in and sit on the small bed near the window, opening one and looking outside as they sip the vodka.

"Mmm, this is really good. Strong, but really good." Gloriana nods her head in agreement and stares at Sophia, suddenly curious of how she got here in the first place.

"So, how does Emilia know you? I thought you were one of her fuckbuddies at first but there was something new about you."

"Yeah? And what's so new about me?" Sophia now directs her attention to Gloriana, who is staring at her, intrigued.

Gloriana travels her eyes all over Sophia's face. Her tanned skin, pink lips, brown eyes, dark hair with light highlights. Lost in Sophia's eyes, her voice comes out low, as if she's in a trance.

"Everything. You're not annoying, you have this vibe about you. Its...its beautiful." Sophia's mouth is opened, a little space where you can spot her teeth, her eyes are glossed over as she stares at Gloriana.

Gloriana clears her throat and laughs nervously," I'm sorry. That was creepy. I don't usually take a liking to people within five hours."

Sophia lets out an airy laugh, setting her hand on Gloriana's, "That was genuinely nice of you, Gloriana. I appreciate what you just said about me..but I don't think I'm all that special." Sophia smiles kindly and looks down at the vodka bottle in her hand.

Gloriana lifts her chin and leans in close, pressing her lips against Sophia's, wrapping her arms around her waist. Sophia kisses back feverishly, getting on top of Gloriana, wrapping her arms around her neck drunkenly.

"Mmm, wait wait." Sophia pulls back, her eyes closed and breathing hard. "Should we do this right now?"

Gloriana looks around, "Hmmm, I don't think anyone is here to stop us." She then hitches Sophia's dress up to her hips, trying to pull the rest off.

"No, no, no." Sophia stops her and gets off of Gloriana. "I can't do this right now. We're both drunk."

Gloriana sighs and runs her hand through her hair, standing up," You're right. I'm just gonna head back to my room then." As she starts to walk by, Gloriana kisses Sophia on the cheek and then leaves the room, leaving Sophia to her thoughts.

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