First Concert

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Karla's POV

The doorbell rang, and I walked down the steps to go get it. Aunt Cher and Uncle Craig were standing there with Jacob behind them dressed in a suit and little Ana on Cher's hip. I let them in. They were the first one's to show up for Rydel and I's 17th birthday.
"Come on in guys. Hey Little Bit," I told them as I tickled Ana. She giggled and hid in Cher's side. Cher smiled and sat her down.
"Where's your mama?" She asked.
"Upstairs, pro-"
"I'm right here. Hey Cher," mama interrupted me as she came over and hugged Cher. I hugged Craig and greeted him. Then I moved to Jacob and hugged him. I move to Cher and hug her tight. Cher and I were really close. Finally, I hugged little Ana and picked her up. Rydel walked downstairs and hugged everyone, and she hugged Jacob last, giving him a kiss on the cheek. She came over to Ana and I. After everyone told us happy birthday, Rydel started talking to Ana.
"Hey Ana," she said.
"Hi RyRy," she replied cutely. Ana went to Rydel, and someone knocked on the door as mom came down the steps.
"I'll get it!" I said. I walked to the door and opened it. Aunt Demi, Uncle Nick, August, Cat, Jazzy, Aunt Kelsey, Uncle Cade and little Olivia and Morgan were standing there. "Hey!"
"Hey girlie, how are ya?" Nick asked as he ruffled my hair.
"Nick, quit," I whined.
"Nicholas, leave her alone," Demi scolded. August, Cat, Jazzy, Kelsey and Cade all snickered. "By the way, happy birthday sweetheart," Demi added. I hugged everyone, and we walked into the living room. Rydel handed Ana to me as she hugged everyone. Jazzy came over to us. She gestured for me to bend down, so I did, and she whispered in my ear.
"Do you believe in unicorns?" she asked.
"Yes, why?" I replied.
"I found out Aunt Lauren is one."
"What do you mean Jazz?"
"Look up 'Lauren Jauregui the unicorn' and watch it. You'll find out what I mean."
"Ok, I'll do that later. Right now we need to wait for everyone else." My phone started ringing; it' was Aunt Perrie.
~CONVO (P=Perrie K=Karla)~
K: Hey Pezz!
P: Hey Karla.
K: What's wrong?
P: Um, I really, really hate to tell you this, but we can't make it to the party. Carolyn's sick, and I don't want anyone else to get sick too. I'm really sorry Karla.
K: Oh, ok.
P: I'm sorry sweetheart.
K: No no no! It's not your fault, things happen.
P: Ok, well I got to go sweetie. Carolyn just threw up.
K: Ok, well, tell her I said to get better ok? Bye Pezz.
P: Bye girlie.
"Who was that sis?" Rydel asked with a smile.
"I-It was Perrie. She said that her, Zayn and Carolyn can't come because Carolyn's really sick," I explain. Her smile drops.
"Oh, I was really hoping they could come," she replied. The doorbell rang.
"I was too." Mom ran over to us then.
"What are you two doing over here? We're all greeting everyone. What's wrong?" she said.
"Perrie called and said they can't come because Carolyn's sick," Rydel explained.
"Oh, I'm sorry girls. I know you were excited to see them." She slung an arm over both our shoulders and directed us over to everyone else. Jaden walked in with Aunt Kelsey, Uncle Cade, the twins Morgan and Megan, Aunt Dinah, Uncle Elliot, and Lea. I hugged them all, and then Dinah came over.
"How are you dawg?" She asked. I laughed.
"I'm okay. I'm sad because Perrie said they can't make it, but otherwise I'm happy because it's our birthday!" I told her truthfully.
"Ah, you'll still have fun. Remember, the two of you's first concert as a member of Ros is today," she reminded me.
"I know! I'm so excited. To be honest, I've always wanted to be like you guys. You know, singing to my heart's content, touring with my friends, having fun with the fans. That's a life I wanna live."
"Ha! I think that's a life you've been living since you were a baby. I understand what you're saying though. Lea keeps telling me she wants to be in Fifth Harmony." I laughed.
"Yeah, she really loves you guys."
"Speaking of us," she started to say.
"CHEECHEE!!!!! LOLO!!!!" Aunt Camila screamed as she, Uncle Austin, Elijah, Aunt Ally, Aunt Normani and Abel all came in.
"CHANCHO!! ALLYCAT!! MANI!!" Dinah screamed as Camila, Ally, mom and Normani ran over. They all hugged, and then I went to hug Ally, Camila and Normani. Austin, Elijah and Abel came over too. I hugged them, and then there was yet another knock at the door. Rydel and I exchanged a look. "Uh oh, everyone back up!" Dinah exclaimed. She knew what we were going to do.
"And....GO!!" Mom yelled. We both took off doing flips, cartwheels, sprints, everything we could think of, all the way to the door. I got their first and opened the door.
"You beat me again!" Rydel exclaimed.
"Admit it sis, I'm just the superior twin," I teased her. She stuck her tongue out at me. I turned to who was standing at the door, and it was Aunt Maddie, Uncle Frankie, little Lucas, Bea, Reed, and Aaron. Maddie and Bea burst out laughing.
"You two sound like Dylan and Dani, only you two are better about it," Maddie said.
"I HEARD THAT MADISON!!" Mama exclaimed from the living room. We all laughed. Rydel picked up Lucas, and I hugged Bea.
"I missed ya buddy," she told me.
"I missed ya too Beatrice," I told her. She hates it when we call her that, so I do it as much as I can to annoy her. She playfully hit me. I hugged everyone else, and we headed to the living room. Dallas called me then.
~CONVO~ (D=Dallas K=Karla)
K: Hey!
D: Hey Karla!
K: What's up Dal?
D: Oh, I called to make sure that you were ready for the best birthday present of your life!
K: Dallas, I hate to tell you this, but of course I'm ready!
D: Alright, well, we're pulling up now, come out with Rydel to get your presents.
K: Okay, we'll be out in a sec.
D: Okay.
"RyRy! Dallas wants us outside!" I exclaimed. Mama smirked, she knew what was going on. Everyone went outside with us. Dallas and Asher were sitting on the tailgate of a brand new black Chevy truck. Rob was sitting on the hood of a new white Charger. I realized that they were the exact ones that Rydel and I had wanted. Dallas, Rob and Asher jumped off the cars and looked at Rydel and I.
"How do you like birthday gifts?" Dallas asked.
"Oh my god! These are ours?!" Rydel exclaimed as she ran to the Charger. I ran to the truck. Rob laughed.
"Of course they're yours silly!" he replied.
"Oh my god thank you!" I yelled as we hugged them. I squeezed Dallas extra tight because I knew she was the one who thought about getting it. A black Pathfinder drove up to the house. It parked, and Jonah, Samantha, their little boy Aden, Carter, and a very pregnant Rachel got out. Rydel and I ran over to them. "Carter!" I exclaimed. She dropped the bag she was holding and hugged me. I closed my eyes and breathed in her scent. "I missed you sis," I told her with my eyes still closed.
"I missed you too," she replied. We broke apart, and she hugged Rydel and Jaden. I hugged Rachel carefully.
"Hey Rach, how are you?" I asked her.
"I'm ready for this kid to come out already," she said with a chuckle. I laughed. Rydel came over and hugged Rachel. We moved on and hugged Sam and Jonah.
"Hey buds, how're y'all doin'?" Jonah asked, his Southern accent clearly showing. I picked up little Aden.
"Great, what about you guys?" Rydel answered.
"Awesome," Sam replied.
"Hey guys! It's time to go to the venue! Leggo!" Cher exclaimed. Her years living in LA had started to take a toll on her British accent. We all got back in our cars, and Rydel and I jump in my truck with Jacob and Asher. We drove to the venue and got out of the truck.
"Asher, come here," I told him. He walked to me, and I hid his face in my jacket to keep his eyes from the flashes. I had my sunglasses on, same as Jacob. He was protecting Rydel's eyes with his jacket as well. We got inside and met up with everyone. I released Asher.
"Are y'all excited?" Dallas asked as she walked over behind us. I jumped.
"Yeah, I can't wait!" I exclaimed. I saw some familiar faces come around the corner. "Dani! Jade! Chelsea! Lacey! Sam! Liam!" I exclaimed again as I ran at them. I hugged Jade and Dani first.
"Hey sweetie," Jade said.
"Hey Jadey." I hugged Chelsea and Lacey next. Then I hugged Sam and Liam.
"Are y'all ready for your first official concert?" Liam asked Rydel and I.
"Yes of course! Today will be awesome!" Rydel responded. Grandma and grandpa came around the corner. I ran and hugged them.
"What, no hugs for us?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and saw Taylor and Chris with Papa J and Clara. I ran to Taylor and Chris, and then I hugged Papa J and Clara.
"How are you guys?" Taylor asked Rydel and I.
"Amazing, and stoked for the concert," we answered.
"Well, I can say that we are too," A voice said. I looked past Taylor and saw Jesy, her daughter River, Jordan, Leigh, Niall, their daughter Avery and baby Troy. Rydel and I ran to them and hugged River tight. She was our best friend, but we hardly ever see her in person because she lives in London. We moved on to hug Leigh and Jesy.
"How are ya lass?" Jesy asked in her fake Scottish accent. Rydel giggled.
"We're doing pretty good over here, what about you?" I replied in my best Irish accent.
"That was good! How long have ya been working on that one?" Niall asked.
"A week," Rydel and I responded at the same time. I hugged Niall and Jordan, and then I hugged Avery. Leigh handed me baby Troy.
"Alright guys, it's time to do our concert prayer," mom said. We got in a circle, and We all held hands. I held Rydel's hand, and Jade was on my other side. (I couldn't hold Jade's hand because I had Troy.)
"Dear God, please help us with the concert today. Please bless Rydel and I's birthday today, and please help Carolyn get better. Please help Rydel and I to be able to perform today and just have a great time with everyone. In Your name I pray," I started.
"Amen," everyone finished. Mama, Craig, Dani, Liam, Nick, Kelsey, Carter, Riley (who had just showed up with Harry and Darcy), Rydel and I all ran to the stage. Rydel and I went to a little platform that would lift us on stage. Everyone else ran onto the stage.
"Hello LA!!" I heard mama exclaim. The crowd cheered and screamed. "Today is a special day for my family because KARLA AND RYDEL'S BIRTHDAY!!!!"
"Alright, alright, alright. Now please welcome Karla and Rydel Lovato themselves doing their first concert as official members of Ros!!!" Dani exclaimed.
"Ready?" Dallas asked Rydel and I. We nodded. The platform went down and then shot is into the air. We landed on the stage to millions of cheers. Rydel and I had our mics on our hands, so I started talking.
"How are you today LA?!" I exclaimed.
"This first song that we're singing is dedicated to our little brother, Jaden. We want him to live his life to the fullest, because we only get One Life. This is Ros's song, One Life," Rydel explained as the music started.
"Dylan: You lie awake
But the world's asleep
You made mistakes
And you're in too deep
But now's the time

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