He's Back

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Lauren's POV

Dylan led me into the waiting room after another visit to Rydel and the twins with Rylin behind us, and I heard the one voice I wished I would never hear again.
"Lauren! Ya miss me?" Luis said. I tensed in Dylan's arms, and she wrapped an arm around my waist protectively.
"Who are you?" Dylan demanded.
"I'm her boyfriend Luis, and who are you?" He spat. Oh how I wanted to mess him up right now.
"You're not my boyfriend. And she's my WIFE," I told him.
"Oh, I get it. You left me because you're a f**king dyke!" Dylan tightened her grip around me, and I heard Rylin gasp. I felt Rylin run past me, and then I heard a smack.
"What happened?" I whispered to Dylan.
"Rylin just punched Luis," she whispered back. I drew back in shock. We heard more smacks and then a thud as someone went unconscious. I heard panting as someone ran up to me and hugged me. I could tell it wasn't Luis, so I knew it was Rylin. I instantly threw my arms around her.
"Thank God you're okay," I breathed to her.
"I'm glad you're okay too," she replied. Dani ran in.
"Baby girl are you okay?" She asked Rylin.
"I'm fine. I just didn't want that guy to hurt Lauren," Rylin replied.
"Who was he Lauren?" Dani asked.
"His name's Luis Felipe, he's my ex boyfriend. He's also the guy that tried to take me away from my family, and he drugged me. He tried to rape me, but thankfully Chris came in and beat him up. I owe my life to Chris for that to be honest. When Luis did that, I was only 14, and he was 16. That would have ruined both our lives. I was so immature then that if I got pregnant, I wouldn't have been able to raise a child," I explained. It hurt to bring up my past, but I knew it was a good thing I was telling them this.

Dani's POV

I couldn't believe Lauren had gone through that. It was bad enough that Dylan had when she was only 16, but I couldn't imagine Lauren going through that at 14. Rylin and I spoke with Dylan and Lauren for a little while, and then we left with Liam. I had called Chelsea earlier and told her about Rylin, and she was excited to meet her little sister. We drove up to the house we owned in LA shortly after, and Chelsea came running out. Rylin and I got out of the car, and I helped Rylin up the steps.
"You must be Rylin," Chelsea said. Rylin nodded. "I'm Chelsea; I'm your older sister. You and I will have to share a room, I hope you're okay with that."
"Yeah, I'm cool with it," Rylin replied. I could tell she was kind of shy around Chels.
"Hey Chels, why don't you take Rylin on a tour of the house? I bet she'll wanna see it," I told her. She nodded, and the two ran off. I turned to Liam.
"I can't even imagine how hard today was for Lauren. I can't believe Luis did that to her either! The nerve he has coming back here!" I exclaimed. Liam wrapped his arms around me. I laid my head on his chest as he kissed my head.
"I know this gets you mad, but maybe it was a good thing this all happened. She wouldn't be who she is today. H**l, she might not even be here after all her self harm issues she had when we were younger," he said. I looked up at him in surprise.
"She told you?"
"No, but I could tell from the signs. Remember, I was the first one to notice it with you." I remember that he was the reason I told Dylan, and together we got help. I couldn't have done any of that without him by my side. I smiled at him.
"Maybe you're right Li. I don't know, she seems a lot happier now. I'm more worried about Rydel."
"I'm worried too. She's a warrior just like her mothers though, and her amazing aunts. She's gonna be okay."
"I hope so."
"C'mon, you need some rest. I can tell you're tired." I nodded my head tiredly, and he swept me into his arms and walked up the steps. I laid my head on his shoulder as he went to our room. He laid me in the bed and kissed my head, and then I let sleep overcome me.
Lauren's POV

I was up before Dylan, or really anyone in the house. I stood up and felt my way to the bathroom.
C'mon Lauren, just one cut.
Just one, and you're done.
It'll be okay, they won't notice.
I found myself picking up the razor and sliding it across my wrist. I felt the familiar sting from the blade and saw the blood rise and bubble on my wrist. I kept cutting, tears streaming down my face. I heard a knock.
"Lauren? Are you in there?" I heard Camila's voice say through the door. I quickly grabbed a towel and pressed it to my bleeding wrist.
"Y-Yeah! I'm fine!" I shouted as I winced in pain. I cursed Spanish profanities under my breath, forgetting that Camila has really good hearing AND can understand Spanish.
"Lauren I'm coming in," she says as she opened the door. I quickly disposed of the towel, pulled down my long sleeves, and shoved the blade in my pocket before she came in. I felt her eyes on me as she grabbed my arms. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm sure Camz. I'm fine," I told her as I slid past her and out the door. I started feeling my way down the hall, but she grabbed my wrist. Thankfully, it was the one I HADN'T just shredded with my blade, so I showed no motion.
"Lauren, tell me the truth. I can see it in your eyes that you're lying. What's wrong?" She asked. I knew I couldn't lie to her.
"Everything from yesterday is affecting me. Why did Luis have to come back? Why did Rydel have to be raped? Why did Rylin have to end up in the hospital? Why why why?!" I cried as I slid down the wall. I felt her slide down beside me and put her arm around my shoulder.
"Well Lo, sometimes the bad things have to happen for the good things to come. You have to have the bad times so you can really love the good times," she told me.
"Oh look here, Camila's all wise and s**t," I said to her with a smirk.
"What can I say? I'm amazing," she replied. I laughed. She wiped my cheeks of tears, and we both stood up. "Let's get you cleaned up ey?" She helped me stand up and took me back into the bathroom where she put a little makeup on my cheeks to cover the tear tracks. She hugged me tightly, and I rested my head in her neck.
"Thanks Camz. You don't realize how much I've missed getting to talk to you everyday, and you actually be there physically," I tell her. I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"I've missed it too chica. I wish we were neighbors, but you know Bea's back in Miami and Austin doesn't want to leave. Also, you know, I want to watch over Sofi since she's training with the team," Camila told me.
"I know. I just we could see each other more in person ya know?"
"I know. It's hard, especially after living 20 minutes away for as long as we did. I really miss you LoLo."
"I miss you too, but hey, at least we're together right now yeah?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"I've learned not to dwell on the past, and honestly right now I'm struggling. But, all that matters is right now, and right now I'm with my best friend, my friends and family are safe, my daughter and granddaughter are healthy, and my grandson is stable. I honestly couldn't be happier."
"I'm glad. I'm so proud of you for everything that you've overcome. You're so much stronger than you were 16 years ago." A pang of guilt hit me hard. I suddenly felt sick. I rushed over to the toilet and started throwing up. I felt Camila pull my hair up and rub my back until I was done. I flushed the toilet and rested against the wall once I was done. She put a paper towel in my hand, and I wiped my mouth off. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little spell that's all," I reassured her.
"That didn't look like just a spell, but I'm not gonna push it right now. Can you stand up? You look pale."
"Yeah, I think so." I stood up, but I ended up falling. She draped my arm around her neck, and then she put her arm around my waist and helped me to the couch.
"What happened?" I heard Karla's voice say.
"Your mom just got a little sick, nothing to worry about. Can you go get her some water Kaki?" Camila replied. I smiled slightly. Ever since Karla was a baby, Camz has called her 'Kaki', like her nickname from Sofi. Karla doesn't know that she was named after Camila and I, so she thinks it's just her nickname. Sofi learned not to call Camila 'Kaki' around Karla so we wouldn't confuse her. Karla won't let anyone else call her that, only Camila. She won't let anyone but me call her 'babygirl' either. Dylan calls her 'baby', but that's it. I heard footsteps, and a cold glass was put to my lips, and I drank the water. I smelled Karla's familiar perfume of strawberries. I felt someone brush my hair back as I closed my eyes, and the glass was taken away from me. "Just rest a little while Lo," Camila said softly. I felt her kiss my forehead, and then I felt Karla grab my hand. She ran her thumb over it soothingly, which made me sleepy, but I couldn't go to sleep. Apparently, Karla felt my uneasiness and started singing softly to me. I heard Camila soon join in.
"Skies are crying
I am watching catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, as it's ending, like we never had a chance

But somewhere we went wrong
We were went so strong
Our love is like a song,
you can't forget it

Now I'm a warrior
Go on and try to tear me down
Now I'm a warrior
And I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper

Never put my love out on the line
You told me you never fall in love
Never said yes to the right guy
i know fear is what it really was

Oh we're like different stars
Was so close yet so far
Oh we're like Venus and Mars

Now I'm a warrior
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be
I'm a warrior
Now I've found who I am
There's no hiding out alone
I'm a warrior

Hard as I try I know I can't quit
Something about you is so addictive
We're falling together
You'd think that by now you know

Then now I'm a warrior
Go on and try to tear me down
Now I'm a warrior
And I will be rising from the ground
Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper" My eyes finally closed, and I fell asleep.
That song was a Demi Lovato Medley by Kurt Hugo Schneider and Sara Skinner, and it's one of my fave medleys. What do you think is up with Lauren?
QOTW: If you close your eyes, you can see the music. -Camila Cabello
Question Of The Day: Where are y'all from?
My Answer: Tennessee

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