Find Dinah

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Dani's POV

I took a deep breath as I opened the door, got out of the car after Dylan, and looked at the building that had been h**l for us. I looked at the 5H girls, who gave Dylan and I reassuring smiles. They all knew how hard it was for Dylan and I to be here. Lauren grabbed Dylan's hand. Dinah put her arm over my shoulder, and Camila put an arm around my waist. Ally put her arm around Dylan, and Normani grabbed Ally's free hand. We all walked up the steps and into the familiar hallway. We walked down the hall. I saw a familiar person walk out of the front office.
"Dani! Dylan! What a surprise!" A woman who I remembered as Alison, our close friend in high school, exclaimed as she walked towards us. She also played soccer and tennis with us. Dylan and I broke away from the girls and headed towards Alison.
"Ali! We missed you!" We exclaimed as the both of us embraced her. We both hadn't seen Ali in 18 years.
"I missed y'all too," she replied. We broke away, and the girls looked at us quizzically.
"Oh! Ali, this is Normani, Dinah, Camila, Lauren and, your practically twin, Ally. Girls, this is Ali. Dani and I played soccer and tennis with her back when we went to school here," Dylan introduced.
"So how have ya been Ali? I mean, we haven't heard from you in 18 years, so we wanna know what's been going on," I said.
"Well, Joel and I got married-" Ali started.
"Oh my god! I told you Danielle that they would get married!" Dylan exclaimed. We were acting like we were back in high school obsessing over celebrities.
"Ok ok ok! We had a daughter and a son, Seria and Alejandro. Seria is a freshman this year, and Alejandro is-" She got cut off by a boy running up to us and hugging her.
"Hola mami," he said.
"Hola hijo, ¿dónde está tu hermana?" Ali replied. This must be Alejandro. He had her same dark brown hair that was cut short. He had Joel's piercing green eyes that reminded me of Lauren's. I looked back at her and Dylan, and Lauren had her head on Dylan's shoulder with their hands intertwined. Lauren was smiling, and Dylan looked down at her, grinning like an idiot. I couldn't help but smile. Ally had her head on Normani's shoulder with their hands intertwined. Camila and Dinah were standing alongside me now, with Dinah on my right and Camila on my left. Alejandro looked away from his conversation with his mother.
"You must be the visitors mami won't shut up about. I'm Alejandro Morgado, I'm a sophomore here," he introduced.
"Nice to meet you Alejandro. My name's Dani Monk," I greeted.
"Oh I know who you are. Same as Mrs. Dylan Lovato. Mami has told me about her high school experience here. She told me that y'all were very close as teenagers. And, thanks to my little sister, I also know who you five beautiful women are," Alejandro said gesturing to the girls. Camila blushed; she was never good with compliments. I pinched her cheeks playfully. She swatted my hands away. I looked back at Dylan, and she was hyperventilating. I furrowed my eyebrow in confusion until I heard the one voice I wished I'd never hear again.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the b**ches back at their high school. Hello Dylan and Caitlyn," Amber said. I clenched my fists. Camila and Dinah looked at me worriedly and with confusion. They'd never met Amber, they didn't know what she had done. They also didn't know that my old name had been Caitlyn. The fact that Amber was Rylin's "mother" who put her and her sisters in the hospital made my anger worsen. "Oh Caitlyn, how is my little girl? And my other two babies? I know your little friends from S**t Mix adopted them." That's it.
"Amber, shut the h**l up!! First off, my name is DANI. Second of all, Perrie and Jesy are not s**t, you're the s**t! Rylin's fine, and Hailey and Megan are in better hands than they EVER would've been if they'd stayed with you. Besides, they would never have gone back to you even if we hadn't adopted them, we wouldn't have let them because we know you and your sorry **s. If you so much as come near MY daughter, Hailey OR Megan, you will never see the light of day again, and that's a promise," I spat at her. She smirked before raising her hand to slap me like she had so many times when we were younger. I closed my eyes, expecting the sting I knew so well, but it never came. Instead I heard a shocked gasp and shriek. I quickly opened my eyes to see Ally standing in front of me, and I saw that she had grabbed Amber's wrist roughly before she could hit me. Amber had a red mark in the shape of a hand on her cheek. Everyone, including me, stood with their jaws dropped and their eyes wide looking at the sight in front of us.
"If you ever, EVER, hurt Dani or the girls, you won't ever hear the end of it. And you'll have to deal with not just us and the rest of the family, but our fans as well," Ally told Amber. Amber's eyes widened in fear as Ally let her go, and then Amber took off out of the school and off campus. I threw my arms around Ally's neck.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"You're welcome," she whispered. We pulled away, and I walked to Dylan. I hugged her tightly. She took short, stuttery breaths as she tried to calm down.
"Where's Dinah?" Camila asked. Dylan and I looked around, and Dinah was nowhere to be seen. Then we heard the intercom cut on.
"Good afternoon James High! (Not real school) I hope you guys are doing great today! My name is Dinah Jane from Fifth Harmony, and we will be seeing you guys in a little while! Hope you have a good day!" Dinah exclaimed over the intercom. Camila, Ally, Lauren, Normani, Dylan and I shared a look.
"DINAH!!!!" We screamed as we ran to the office after Alison and Alejandro. We got in there, and she was nowhere to be seen. Dylan, Alison and I smirked as we realized where she went. I jumped over the desk and ran to the janitor's closet across the hall. There was a door in the back that I opened to see Dinah hiding there with the intercom microphone. I took it out of her grasp and handed it to Alison. I grabbed Dinah's hand and dragged her out of the closet. When she was out of the door, I smacked her in the back of the head.
"OW! What was that for?" She yelped as she rubbed her head.
"That's for being an idiot and disrupting the classes," I told her.
"Dani, how'd you know where she was?" Ally asked. My face paled remembering how I knew that spot.
"Dylan and I used to be dragged in there and beat by the football players and Amber until we passed out," I said as I shuddered.
"Hey Dani, it's time for the girls to go on. You know where to take them," Alison said. I nodded and directed the girls out of the room and down the hallway to the auditorium. I took them behind the stage to the dressing room.
"You guys ready?" I asked them. They all said yes, but Normani looked a bit off. While the other girls got ready, I pulled her off to the side. "Mani, what's wrong?" I asked her.
"I'm nervous. This is the same place where you two got your start with the band. I don't want to screw that up," she replied.
"Mani, you won't screw it up. If anything you'll outdo it. Y'all are amazing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise." She smiled and nodded. I went out on stage with my sister to introduce the girls and perform a few songs.
"Hey guys!" Dylan greeted as soon as we came on stage. The crowd went nuts.
"We are Dylan and Dani Lovato from the band Ros, and we're gonna perform some songs for y'all," I said. More cheers and screams came like music to my ears. "Ok. So this first one is an acoustic version of mine and Dylan's favorite song. This is Hurricane, originally by our good friends, The Vamps."
"Dylan: Rolled out of bed today
And I feel brand new
And I cannot explain
So let me show you
I feel ali-i-ive
And I'm gonna let me let me show
Try-y-y kick me down I'm a full hot air balloon
I'm gonna take this in my stride

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