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***Excuse my language***

Listen here everyone. If you are hating on Camila right now, YOU NEED TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Camila's own MOTHER has said recently that Camila came to her CRYING about this hate. Don't any of you DARE call her a crybaby, because you would do the same damn thing if someone was calling you a slut, a whore, a cunt, ugly, talentless, telling you to go kill yourself, all because of this CAMREN SHIT. GET OVER YOUR DAMN SELVES!!!! If you're a "Harmonizer" and you're doing this just because of the Camaustin thing, I hope you're happy. I hope you're fucking happy because one of your beloved idols are crying and probably wishing they could die right now because of YOU. I know PERSONALLY how she probably feels, and it's not fun or good to feel that way. The fact that people are saying she was using Austin is fucking ridiculous. If you're doing this, you're a fucking asshole. Normally I would NEVER say that about anyone, but I'm way too pissed to care. I'm just gonna say this: Camila deserves to feel loved and appreciated, and right now she's getting the exact opposite. She's amazing, and she doesn't deserve to be treated like this. If you're a real Harmonizer and really care, please help me let Camila know that she's loved.

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