Operation Noche De Paz

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**Important A/N at the end of the chapter**

Dylan's POV

"Lauren! Dylan! Are y'all ready?" Demi yelled up the steps at us.
"Ya one second!" I shouted back. I turned back to Lauren. "I really don't want you going Lauren."
"Babe, I'm gonna be okay. You're coming too, and I can't have you getting hurt either," Lauren replied as she laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her body against mine.
"I know love. I will protect you and our baby with my life though, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you two," I told her.
"I'm going to protect you as well. I love you Dylan Nicole Lovato," she whispered. I smiled as she looked down at me. I looked up at her and saw her mesmerizing emerald eyes shining. I smiled back at her before pressing my lips gently to hers. She kissed back, and we pulled away before we ran out of breath.
"I love you too Lauren Michelle Lovato," I whispered back.
"Dylan! Lauren! C'mon!" Camila yelled from downstairs. I intertwined mine and Lauren's hands before kissing her cheek and heading downstairs with our bags. Demi saw us and made a heart with her hands. I blushed and hid my face in Lauren's neck. Demi laughed and grabbed our bags.
"Are you ready to go?" Cher asked as she walked over to us.
"Yes. Let's go," I said.
"So who's in what position?" Camila asked as we all walked to the black SUV. We'd said goodbye to the kids yesterday.
"Well, Camila, since normally Dylan or I are in charge, and this is your mission, we decided that you should decide and be our leader. It is your son and sister that we're saving after all," Cher said.
"W-wow. Well, uh......I guess I'll be leader, Cher you're in charge of bombs, Demi's in charge of knife supply, Lauren's our lookout, Naya will be in charge of gun and bullet supply, and Dylan be in charge of where we stay and finding their location."
"Speaking of Naya, where is she?" I asked. We had stopped at a gas station to grab food and supplies we'll need.
"Right here Dylan," I heard someone say behind me. I jumped as I turned and saw Naya. She laughed and hugged me. I hugged her back before pulling Cher and Lauren into the hug. Naya pulled Camila and Demi into the hug. We all pulled away laughing before we bought the stuff we'd grabbed and headed back to the car. Demi was in the driver's seat, Cher in the passenger, Lauren and I in the middle with the supplies, and Naya and Camila in the back with the bags. We started the long drive.
"Just so I know, where the heck are we going?" Demi asked. I smirked.
"Next stop on Operation Noche De Paz, the airport. Everyone's got their passports right?" I said.
"Yes, but why do we need them?" Naya said.
"Well my friend, I've located Elijah and Sofi, and-"
"They're in Comijar aren't they?" Camila interrupted. I nodded. Camila sucked in a breath as I reached back and patted her knee.
"Everything will be okay Mila, I promise," I told her. I stuck out my pinkie finger for her to link hers with mine. She linked ours together, and we each kissed the other's pinkie. She smiled as we put our hands down.
"Gracias chica," she told me. I nodded before turning back around. We soon got to the airport and grabbed our bags and stuff. We got on the plane and left for Comijar, Cuba.
Naya's POV

We all got in a rental car in Cuba to head to wherever we were staying.
"Dylan, what hotel are we staying in?" Lauren asked.
"We're staying in one down the road from where they're hidden. I thought we could go out there late tonight when no one's expecting it and attack. Luckily, we have some backup, as well as a few spies," Dylan answered, smirking at the last part. I saw Cher smirking in the passenger seat.
"Who are our spies?" I asked.
"You'll see," she replied as she pulled the van into the hotel parking lot. We all dropped our stuff off in our rooms before grabbing our gear for the night. I grabbed my bag of guns and bullets. I got dressed in my usual uniform which consisted of a tight fitting black shirt, black pants, black ammo belt, and then I had my weapon vest with the FBI's symbol on it. Even though I lived in England then, I still worked for the American FBI.
"Lea you ready?" I heard Dylan call. We all had to call each other by different names in case there was someone close by that worked for Amber and Luis. Both had been arrested, but Sofi and Elijah's captors hadn't gotten word about that yet.
"Ya Jessica!" I shouted back. I filled the empty slots in my vest with bullets and guns. I threw a shirt on over my clothes. We couldn't have people knowing that we came from America. I ran out into the hallway to see the girls all out here. Camila was standing off to the side. She wasn't wearing her vest because she didn't need it. She had a slight bulge under her shirt though. I walked over to her.
"Camila, are you hiding something from us?" I asked her.
"What? N-no, wh-why do you ask?" She stuttered.
"Camila. You know you can tell me." She looked around before dragging me away from the girls. "You're pregnant aren't you?" I said.
"H-how did you know?" She asked. I put my hand on her stomach.
"You have a baby bump," I told her.
"Girls, if we're gonna go, we need to go now," Dylan said. We all ran out of the building down the road. The girls, minus Lauren and I, hid behind the bush as Lauren and I ran up to the building that Elijah and Sofi were being held. Suddenly, I was thrown to the side as someone put a bag over my head. I landed hard on the ground with the person on top of me.
"Who are you?!" They demanded. The voice sounded familiar, very familiar.
"Darren?" I asked.
"Naya?" He replied. He quickly got off me and took the bag off my face.
"Darren why are you here?" I asked him.
"Cher called and said they might need backup. Why are you here?"
"I'm on the mission with Cher and the girls."
"Naya? Naya where are you?! What happened?!" Lauren whisper-yelled frantically. I ran to her. "Who is that?!"
"It's me Lauren."
"What happened Naya?"
"Someone tackled me, turns out it was some of our backup. Who else is backup?" I asked Darren the last part.
"Agent Azalea, Agent Swift, Agent Sheeran, Agent Grande, Agents Cimorelli, and new recruit Lana Del Rey. Maya said she would need experience in the field."
"Lana?" Lauren asked.
"Lauren? What are you doing here?" I heard a higher, girlier voice than Darren's say.
"Ariana?!" Lauren said. I looked towards the sound of the first voice to see all 9 of the agents standing there with Lana. I heard a noise behind me to see Luis standing there in the dark.
"Well hello there Lauren," he sneered. I heard the agents pull their guns out, and I heard the click of their triggers.
"Hold out," I heard Camila say as her, Cher, Dylan, and Demi come out from behind the bush.
"Who told you you're in charge?" Lisa Cimorelli said.
"I did. She's your leader, so listen to her," Cher stated. "What do you want Luis?" Cher said. She wasn't about to back down from him.
"Lauren knows what I want. She knows why I took the brat and the slut," he replied. Lauren got up in his face after grabbing his collar.
"Look here Luis. I already told you, I will NEVER be with you again. Dating you was the biggest mistake of my life. Give us Elijah and Sofi, and you might make it out of here alive," she said.
"I never did anything to hurt you though Lolo," he said.
"You tried to rape me Luis. You took me away from my family, my friends. The ones I care about the most were forced out of my life because of you."
"I never meant to do any of that." Dylan scoffed. "What the h**l is your problem?" He spat at her. Lauren came back to my side.
"My problem is that you say that you didn't mean to do it. We've heard those words before. Rico, James, Beck, Nick, Joe, Carly, all of them told us that. Rico, Carly and Beck are dead, and James, Nick and Joe are in jail, will be for a long time. You're just a jerk like the rest of them," she said. She turned to grab something behind her, and then I heard gunfire. I heard a scream, and I whipped my head to see Iggy fall to the ground in pain. She had blood coming out of a wound on her arm. Camila and Cher rushed to her side. I turned and saw Luis heading towards Camila, who wasn't paying attention. He pulled up his gun and went to pull the trigger.
"CAMILA WATCH OUT!!" I shouted as I tackled Luis. It was too late, he'd already fired. Camila was able to get out of the bullet's way, but Cher wasn't. She got hit in the back of the shoulder, and she fell beside Iggy. Darren ran to her side and tried to stop the bleeding. Ariana and I ran inside after Christina and Katherine took Luis, and we ran to find the kids with Dylan and Demi. I heard weak shouting coming from a woman. I turned the corner and saw Heather there with a man who was beating her. I shot the man and ran to her. She had her eyes closed, and she was crying.
"Heath, open your eyes. You're safe," I whispered. She warily peeled one eye open, and then she opened the other one.
"N-Naya?" She asked confusedly.
"It's me," I whispered. She went to stand up, but she was stopped by the ropes tied around her wrists and ankles. I sensed someone behind me, and I looked to see Demi. "Demi help me cut these ropes." Demi came and worked on the ropes on Heather's wrists while I worked on the ones on her ankles. We finally cut them off, and she stood up. She was too weak, so she fell, but I caught her. I carried her out to the van and set her in it with Iggy and Cher. I ran back in to see Dylan and Ariana fighting two men. I saw two other men dragging an unconscious Elijah and a terrified Sofi out of the room. I followed them with Camila, who'd just shown up, and Demi. Camila led the way after them. Sofi saw us, and her face lit up before paling again.
"KAKI WATCH OUT!" She screamed as a man came up and yanked both Camila and I back. Demi shot the men holding Elijah and Sofi, and then Lisa and Lauren Cimorelli came up and wrestled the guys on us down. We turned and shot the guys before Camila stumbled against the wall. I caught her before she fell.
"Camila are you okay?" I asked her. She was beginning to lose consciousness.
"I got......hit......in the......s-stomach," she said before passing out in my arms. I yelled at Demi, Lauren and Lisa to take the men down as I took Elijah, Sofi and Camila with me. Sofi picked up Elijah and carried him as I carried Camila bridle style to the van. I threw open the back before jumping in with Sofi, Amy, Dani Cimorelli and Darren, who had come to help. I laid Camila down before checking for her pulse. She still had a steady one, so I knew she would be fine. As for her baby, I didn't know. I looked at the others just as Dylan, Demi, Ariana, Lisa, Lana, Taylor, Ed, and both Laurens jumped in the van. Dylan jumped back into the driver's seat and sped off to the hotel. Dylan, Lauren and Demi ran inside to grab our bags. They ran back and we sped off again. Dylan drove to the hotel and we all jumped out. I carried Camila, Demi carried Heather, Sofi carried Elijah, and Dylan, Lauren and Darren carried the bags. We all headed to our plane. I set Camila down, and we all tended to her, Cher, Iggy, Sofi and Elijah's injuries. The plane took off to go back to LA.
Hey guys! So sorry I couldn't update yesterday, I didn't have wifi and half the chapter hadn't even been written:/ Gah I'm awful! Anyways, I hope y'all liked the chapter. What do you think? Naya knows about Camila, and Lou now knows about Lauren. I'm going to update again on Wednesday. Hopefully I'll be able to update next Sunday and then the last update will be next Wednesday, or Christmas Eve. I'm going to have to take some time off after this book because I have a lot of personal problems going on in my life right now and my books are just stressing me out. Well, I hope y'all have a great next two days.
QOTW: Courage is being scared to death, and then saddling up anyways. -Luke ("One Starry Christmas")

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