The Rescue of Cher Lloyd

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Jade's POV

Perrie, Leigh, Jesy and I were alone in the studio recording late at night when four men came in and grabbed us. They muffled our screams with their hands and carried us out to a black van. They threw us in the back. I looked up and saw Niall's nephew (Theo) Lacey, Carolyn, Avery, River, Zayn's little sisters (Waliyha and Safaa), and Troy (who was in River's arms). Lacey crawled over to me and clutched onto me. Carolyn did the same to Perrie, River gave Troy to Leigh, who already had Avery with her, and then River moved over to Jesy. Theo went to Leigh and held Avery. Waliyha went to Perrie, and Safaa came over to me. I wrapped one arm around Safaa, and the other around Lacey. My phone started vibrating. I grabbed it quickly out of my pocket.

"Jade? Jade are you there?" I heard Normani's voice.

"I'm here," I replied in a whisper.

"Thank god they haven't gotten you yet. Listen, you need to get out of London, you and the others. This guy named Rico-" she started to say.

"Mani, they've already gotten us. We're in the back of a van now."

"Oh great. Dani! They're all in the van," she exclaimed. I heard the phone being moved around.

"Jade, it's Dani. Listen, when you get where they're taking you, stay together no matter what. As soon as you arrive, find Cher. She's been there for a few days. Do not separate from the others at all. Try to protect Cher, she's getting badly hurt out there. We have some people coming with us to help you guys. Don't try to escape on your own. The building they're taking you to is the HQ of Rico's army of 100. They're all trained well, so beware. Who all is there with you in the van?" Dani instructed.

"It's Perrie, Jesy, Leigh, Lacey, River, Carolyn, Troy, Avery, Theo, Safaa, Waliyha, and I," I replied.

"Ok. Like I said, stay together no matter what. I have to go, we're on our way to y'all. Whatever you do, do NOT let them take you to Rico. He's the one that wanted to take y'all, and he's extremely dangerous. He's killed 10 people with one bullet before, that's how dangerous he is. Bye Jade, stay safe. If you need to, show them y'all aren't the fragile little girls they think you are," Dani said.

"Ok," I replied as she hung up.

"Who was that?" Jesy asked.

"That was Dani and Normani. We were kidnapped by a man named Rico, and his men taking us to his headquarters. He's a general of an army of 100, and they're all extremely dangerous. Dani said to stay together no matter what. As soon as we get there, we need to find Cher. She's been there for a few days, and she's seriously injured. Whatever we do, we can't be taken to Rico. She said Rico is extremely dangerous. We need to stick together. Dani said if we need to, we must show them that we're not the fragile little girls the they we are," I informed them. River reached into her back pocket.

"They won't be bringing us there," she said. She showed us what she had, and it was a bobby pin. She picked the lock on the back van door, and it swung open.

"Remind me to take all of your bobby pins out of your room when we get home," Jesy told her.

"SHUT UP! Y' GIVING ME A HEADACHE!" a voice yelled from the front of the van. Perrie and I shared a look. Judging by his accent, he's from South Shields like us. The van wasn't going too fast, so we all jumped out quickly and quietly. Leigh handed Troy to me as she jumped down. I handed him back to her and slammed the doors of the van as it sped up. All of a sudden, it stopped and turned around.

"Sh*t! Everyone, follow me!" I exclaimed. We ran to an old barn and hid in the haystacks. Why there is a barn with hay in the middle of London I don't know. We all were as silent as possible.

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