First Flight Home

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Karla's POV

Rydel and I were in the room Olivia and Luke had given me when we got to their house. I was still terrified about what had happened to mom, but Rydel had calmed me down. Talking to Aunt Camila helped a lot too.

"Rydel, we need to go home," I told her.

"Mama said it's still not safe though," she replied.

"So? Chelsea's there, and she's younger than us. Besides sis, we're Lovato's! Aren't Lovato's known for being strong? For being independent? For being there for family? We need to be there for mom right now. Rydel, this isn't about our safety, it's about mom and the rest of our family and friends," I told her. She nodded.

"What about Jaden?" she asked.

"We'll take him with us," I answered. She nodded. I grabbed my laptop and bought three tickets back to LA for tomorrow night with Camila's credit card. She'll probably kill me, but right now I could care less. I just want to go home to my family.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked. I quickly switched to my youtube icon on my laptop.

"Oh, just watching Fifth Harmony funny moments from when they were younger. This one actually has you in it," I answered. I could see a young Rachel in the background who was about to jump on Camila's back.

"Really? Which one is this?" she asked me as she walked over. I pressed play. She laughed. "I remember that. We were on the Neon Lights Tour with Demi, Cher, y'all, Little Mix, and Ros. Lauren, Camila and momma were talking, mami was sleeping, and Dinah's like 'Let's scare the sh*t out of Camila.' So I jumped on her back," Rachel explained.

"How did Camila react?" Rydel asked.

"Oh, just watch." We watched the video, and a few minutes after she'd jumped on Camila, it was blank, and then you could hear and see Dinah and Rachel screaming and running off the tour bus with Lauren and Camila following them. Normani and a sleepy Ally ran after them.

"Don't kill my daughter Camila!" Ally yelled.

"It was Dinah's idea!" Rachel called after her.

"You helped though!" Mom yelled to her.

"Dinah Jane!" Camila yelled.

"Camila don't kill my Beyoncé buddy!" Normani yelled as Camila caught up to Dinah and pulled her down on the ground. Mom grabbed Rachel and threw her over her shoulder. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Normani.

"Really momma? Really?" Rachel said.

"I just don't want anyone to hurt my Beyoncé buddy," Normani pouted. By then, Rachel, Rydel and I were crying from laughter. Rachel left when the video ended, and Rydel and I got back to work.

"Rydel, can you go grab Jaden?" I asked her. She nodded. She soon came back in with him. She looked at me with a sick look on her face. Sh*t! I forgot it's morning. She ran into the bathroom with me following her. She started throwing up, and I held her hair back for her as I rubbed her back. She stopped vomiting and leaned against the wall. I rubbed her arm as Isaac ran in looking slightly scared.

"RyRy, are you okay?" he asked as he sank to his knees beside her.

"I'm okay buddy, just a little sick," she replied. He crawled into her lap and hugged her neck.

"I hope you feel bettew," he said in his 5-year-old voice. He's so d*mn cute! She hugged him.

"Thanks little buddy," she told him. He ran off to play with Luke, and Jaden came in. He closed and locked the door behind him.

Consequences (Book 2 In Secrets Trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن