Stay With Us....Please

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Dylan's POV

I was in a meeting at work when my phone started ringing. My boss glared at me as I checked the caller ID. It was Demi. She never calls me at work unless it's important.

"I have to take this, I'll be right back," I said as I ran out the door. I stood in the hallway and answered the call. "This better be important Demi, I'm in a meeting."

"Dylan, this is important. Lauren, Ally, Normani, Camila, Cher and Dinah were on their way back from their mission, and they all got shot. They're being taken to the hospital. You need to get there fast; things aren't looking too good," Demi replied hastily.

"Ok Demi, calm down. I'll meet you there," I said. I hung up and ran inside. "Maya, I need to go to the hospital. I'll make sure to finish on the deadline and everything, but this is urgent," I told my boss.

"I heard Dylan, you may leave. I hope everything is alright," Maya replied.

"Thank you," I said as I hurriedly gathered my stuff and hurried out of the room. I ran into Dani on the way out.

"Dylan, where are you going?" She asked. I pulled her into an empty room.

"Demi called me and told me Camila, Dinah, Ally, Normani, Cher and Lauren were on their way back from the mission, and they all got shot," I told her quietly so no one else would hear.

"Oh my god. Let me get my stuff, I'll go with you," she replied. I went with her to the office we shared, and she grabbed her stuff. We ran out the door to my car. We drove to the hospital and ran in to the receptionist desk.

"We're here for Lauren Lovato, Dinah Morgan, Camila Mahone and Ally and Normani Hernandez," I said.

"They're in the ER right now, follow me into the private waiting room we have for you," the lady answered. We followed her into a room where Austin, Elliot, Demi, Dallas, Rob, Bea and Reed were. "Dylan! Dani! Thank God you're okay!" Dallas exclaimed as her and Demi came and hugged us.

"What do you mean, 'Thank God you're okay?'" Dani asked. Dallas frowned.

"You don't know? The person that shot the girls were trying to figure out where y'all work. They found it out and shot them. They're on their way to your work building to kill you, and they'll kill anyone in their way," Demi told us. My eyes widened.

"Oh no, Demi, Jacob is an intern there. He'll get killed! Dani, we have to go," I said. "Call me if you have an update!" I called over my shoulder as Dani and I ran out the doors and into a crowd of paps. "Get out of my way! LAPD coming through!!" We yelled while flashing our badges at them. They surprisingly moved, and we quickly got in my car and drove back to the station. I ran into the building to mass chaos. I found Maya under her desk with a gunshot wound in her shoulder. I grabbed Mica, a medic, to stay with her as I ran to help Dani find the shooter. We finally found him trying to kill a teenage boy and a little girl. When I looked closer, I saw that the boy was Jacob, and the girl was Taylor Swift's daughter, Becca. I saw Taylor in the corner looking scared as h*ll trying to call Becca to her. Becca was standing in front of Jacob protectively, and it was then that I realized Jacob was hurt. I looked at the shooter, and she was coming closer and closer to Becca. Taylor was now sobbing and begging for Becca to come to her. Jacob was even begging for Becca to leave him. No one had seen us yet. I snuck up behind the woman and slung my arm around her neck and tightened. She tried to get me to release, but I wasn't about to do that. She dropped her gun, and I kicked it to Dani, who grabbed it and aimed at the woman. I felt a sharp pain in my side, and that's when I realized the woman had a dagger.

"AH!" I screamed. I kept my arm around the woman's neck, and my face twisted in pain. Taylor was crying even harder after that. I nodded at Dani, and Jacob grabbed Becca and covered her eyes. Dani shot the woman, and she instantly died. Her body dropped to the floor, and so did I, clutching my side. I pulled the dagger out and put pressure on my side. I hurt like h*ll, but it helped stop the blood. Mica rushed in with her team to help us. Mica ran to me. "No, take care of Taylor, Becca and Jacob first," I told her. She nodded and helped them. She came back over to me, stitched up my side and bandaged it. "Taylor, Becca, Jacob, we're heading back to the hospital, do you want to come?" They all looked shocked, and then we explained and left with them. We drove up to the hospital and went inside.

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