Lauren's Birthday Part 2

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Camila's POV

I grabbed my gun out of my pocket and grabbed my son, Elijah.

"Elijah, look at me. Go inside the house with the other kids and take them to the basement. Lock the door and don't answer it unless it's me, Dani, or Dylan, do you hear me?" I told him. He nodded. "Go on." He ran off with Jesse and some other kids, including Jaden and Rydel. Wait, where's Karla? Rydel was crying, and I ran to her. "Rydel, where's Karla?" I asked.

"Sh-She's over there. C-Camila, please h-help her, sh-she's being t-taken!" she exclaimed as she pointed to a man dragging Karla away. My face went red with anger. NO ONE touches my goddaughter.

"Go inside Rydel, I'll take care of her." I ran away from her and towards the man. I flipped over the two and went to kick the man. He dropped Karla, and at the last minute, he caught my leg and twisted it. I screamed out in pain.

"AW H**L NO!" I heard Dinah yell as she ran my way. She shot the guy in the back. I punched him in the face and knocked him out. I highfived Dinah, and then I heard a scream that I wish I'd never heard. We ran back into the backyard to see Carly, CeCe and Diamond in danger. Carly and Diamond were bleeding and screaming in pain. A man had a gun held to CeCe's head, and CeCe was crying.

"MUM!" I heard a voice scream. I saw Jesse running to Carly.

"Alguien le agarra!(Someone grab him!)" I heard the man holding CeCe shout. Oh no he didn't. I ran at the man trying to grab Jesse and shot him in the head, killing him instantly. I saw Lana in the corner of my eye come up to me with Beyoncé leaning on her.

"She got cut," Lana told me. I saw Beyoncé's leg was bleeding.

"Take her inside to Jaden. Take Jesse with you to Rydel. They'll know what to do," I replied. She nodded and took Jesse's hand, and well as helped Beyoncé walk inside. Dinah and I ran to Carly, CeCe and Diamond. I saw Karla out of the corner of my eye.

"Jason! Put her down!" she yelled.

"Not until your d**n sister comes out so I can kill her!" the guy holding CeCe yelled back. I ran up behind him and threw my arm around his neck.

"Put her down, or I'll kill you," I told him.

"You wouldn't, especially if they're about to die," he said. I was confused, who's "they"? Then I knew. I saw two hooded people drag Demi and Ally in front of Dinah and I. I saw the one holding Ally was Nick.

"You bastard," I spat at him. He looked down.

"Camila, I'm sorry, they're making me do it!" he said.

"Bulls**t! You could've done what I did, disobey and risk your life," Bea said from beside Carly. She was trying to help Carly. The man holding Demi kicked Bea in the side, making her fall to the ground clutching her side. I lifted my gun and shot him. It hit him in the stomach, and he fell backwards. Demi stood up and jumped over Carly, Bea and Diamond. She ripped CeCe out of Jason's hands and held her tightly to her body. Jason somehow bit my hand, and I pulled away from his neck. He turned around and punched me in the jaw. I stumbled back, but quickly regained my balance and punched him. I kicked him in the groin, and he fell to the ground. I kneed him in the head, and he fell unconscious. I grabbed Nick by the collar and punched him in the face, causing him to drop Ally. She crawled away quickly to Dinah, and the both of them got away from Nick and I. They knew that I was livid.

"Don't you ever, EVER touch her again, got it? As for you being an **s to Demi, go f**k yourself. If you really cared, you would've done what Bea did. You would've betrayed them. You would've stopped them when they hurt YOUR F**KING WIFE! WHEN THEY TRIED TO KILL YOUR NIECES!! YOUR F**KING FRIENDS!!! TO TOP IT OFF, YOU WOULDN'T HAVE HURT ALLY IN THE FIRST D**N PLACE!!!!" I screamed at him. I slapped him as hard as I could, which is actually pretty hard.

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