We Need An Army

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Dani's POV

"No, no this can't be happening," I thought as the line that represented Camila's heart beat went dead, and the annoying beep went off. The doctors shook their heads. Well, all except one. She grabbed Camila's hand and whispered something in her ear. Next thing I knew, Camila gasped and sat up abruptly. The doctor laid her back on the bed.

"Oh my god, Mila you're okay!" Dylan and I exclaimed at the same time. Camila pointed to her throat and rubbed it.

"Get her some water," I instructed a nurse. She ran off and came back with a water bottle. Dylan lifted Camila into a sitting position, and I put the bottle to her lips. She drank gratefully. I put the bottle down when she was done.

"Thanks girls," she told us.

"You're welcome. Never scare us like that again though," I told her. Dylan agreed.

"I won't. How is everyone? Did you arrest those guys?"

"Um, we didn't exactly arrest them both," Dylan said as she scratched the back of her head.

"What do you me 'didn't exactly'?" Camila asked.

"Dylan killed Beck, which was the one that tried to take away Normani. Andrew was arrested. Taylor almost got herself killed, so did Chris. Ally got kicked repeatedly in her stomach by Beck, and Dallas was almost choked to death by Andrew. Otherwise, everyone's okay. Austin's terrified that you died. Normani, Ally and Dallas are okay," I told her. Austin ran in and kissed Camila. We decided to give them time alone. We walked out of the room to the waiting room. We got bombarded with questions as soon as we got in there.

"Oh my god is Camila okay?"

"Is she dead?"

"Did she survive?"

"She's okay. She's in pain, but other than that she's okay. Remember, she's a fighter," I told them. Dylan and I went back to Lauren's room. Lauren was in a panic, with Taylor and Chris desperately trying to calm her down. Her parents had gone out to make sure the other girls were okay. Dylan ran to her and held her. She finally calmed down and fell asleep in Dylan's arms, and Dylan soon followed suit. Taylor, Chris and I quietly left the room to let them sleep. Clara came up worriedly when she saw us leave the room.

"Don't worry mama, they're just asleep. We didn't want to disturb them," Chris told her. That reminds me....

"Hey Chris, when do you go back?" I asked him as soon as we were in the hallway. Taylor had run off to Camila's room, and Clara went with her.

"I go back tomorrow. I really don't want to, but my drill sergeant said I have no choice. I really want to be here for Lauren right now. She's my sister, and I can't even be here to protect her!" he replied.

"Chris, why don't you apply to be her bodyguard? Dylan has been wanting to get one for her, but she couldn't find one who she could trust. We can all trust you," I told him.

"That's a good idea. That way I can be around my family and friends, as well as protect her. I'll talk to Simon tomorrow and ask him. I don't have his number though."

"I do. Demi gave me his number so I can prank call him. It's pretty funny. Don't tell him I said that though."

"I won't," he replied with a laugh. We walked back into Camila's room to see that she had fallen asleep in Austin's arms. Austin was just gazing at her as he ran his fingers through her hair. He kissed her forehead.

"Hey," he whispered to us. I could tell he was scared that Mila would die again.

"She's not gonna leave you Austin. I don't think we would let her anyway," I told him. He laughed a little. I went into Ally's room as Chris and Austin talked. Ally was laying in the bed, and she had a pained expression. I saw that a doctor was pressing down on her stomach wound. "Lee, cut it out. You're hurting her," I told him.

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