The New Baby

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Carter's POV

"It's a boy," I announced.

"What's his name?" Mom asked. I looked at Ally as I answered.

"Chris Brandon Hernandez," I said. A nurse wheeled his little basket down the hall to me, and I carefully picked him up out of it.

"You named him after my brother?" Ally and mom said astonished.

"Of course! Speaking of which, where is he? And y'all's parents?" I asked them and Normani as they walked over to me. I handed CB to Ally, and she looked down at him in amazement. He was sleeping, and then he yawned and opened his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.

"They're on their way," Normani answered as she wrapped her arms around Ally's waist and gazed at CB.

"He's so..." Ally trailed off.

"Adorable! Really Carter, were you really gonna hide this little joy from me?" My best friend, Iselin, exclaimed with a heavy accent as she walked in.

"Issa! I missed you!" I exclaimed as we hugged.

"I missed you too CC," she replied.

"Now is this Iselin? The 17 year old exchange student that came and stayed with us? I haven't seen you in years!" Mama exclaimed. They both hugged, and then Iselin turned her head to Ally and Normani.

"You must be the infamous Ally and Normani Hernandez that Carter never shuts up about," she said as she sent a playful glare my way. "Hold up, is that Karla, Rydel and Jaden?!" Karla did little jazz hands, and I couldn't help but laugh. The three of them ran to Iselin and hugged her. I saw a nurse wheeling Rachel down the hall. She looked extremely tired, but she was putting on a brave face. I walked over to Rachel and kissed her cheek. I thanked the nurse and rolled Rachel into the room. She took one look at Iselin and instantly teared up. Iselin wasn't looking, but then she turned around. She gasped. "Rachel!" She exclaimed. Rachel hugged Iselin. "Last time I saw you you were just 24 and still in college! What are you doing now?"

"Well, as of right now, I'm off of work. I work as a back up dancer for Beyoncé," Rachel replied.

"Wow, that's crazy to think that you're friends with Beyoncé," Iselin said.

"Oh trust me, it's hard for me to believe too," Normani said. Rachel threw her head back laughing like a little kid. I love her laugh, it's so sweet. I was just watching her smile and laugh, and I couldn't be happier right now. I have my family, friends, Rachel and Chris all with me right now. This may sound cheesy, but I don't think life could get better right now. I love where I am right now.

"Rachel? I need to speak with you," the doctor said concernedly. "And your spouse." Rachel and I shared a confused look. I rolled her wheelchair after the doctor.

"What is it doctor?" Rachel asked.

"Well, we took some tests to figure out why you were in so much pain. The pain that you had is abnormal for a woman in labor. Now, before I tell you the results, have you ever had a disease? Such as cancer?"

"Um, yes, I have. When I was about 10, I had Stage 2 lung cancer, why?" Rachel asked. I was getting a bad vibe from this.

"Well, I hate to tell you this, but it seems that the cancer has returned, and it's at Stage 3. We can go over treatment options if you would like?"

"Yes," Rachel stated after a few minutes of silent shock. We spoke about the treatment options, and then the doctor left us to talk privately.

"Rach, are you okay?" I asked her.

Consequences (Book 2 In Secrets Trilogy)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon