Goodbyes and Albums

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Karla's POV

After Carter and I explained why we were in the tattoo parlor, mom walked in. She didn't have a shirt on, but she had a sports bra on.

"Hey Karla. Hey Carter," mom said.

"Hey mom. Hey Tyler," I greeted.

"Hey mom. What's your tatt?" Carter replied. Mom turned around so we could see it. It was a large wing on her shoulder blade and under the wing it said "You've got to jump off cliffs and build your wings on the way down." Carter smiled as mom turned around.

"I like it," she told mom. I got the tatt I wanted of a cross like Demi's on the back of my neck. I had "Philippians 4:13" written under it. We all headed back to the hospital, and Rachel was released. It was time for all of us to leave. Jaden and I were heading to Tennessee with Olivia and Luke. Little Isaac was at home. Rydel was going to Dallas to stay with Carter, Rachel and baby Chris. We all hugged and headed our separate ways. All that was left was Rachel, Carter, baby Chris, Olivia, Luke, Jaden and I. Everyone else were in their cars except Rydel and I. I embraced her and decided to tell her I knew.

"I know about the baby," I whispered in her ear. She pulled away.

"How?" she asked me.

"Twin's intuition," I told her. She nodded.

"So now you know that that's why I ran out earlier."

"Yes, and I also know that if no one had gone after you and you two had died, I would have killed myself. You're my sister, my twin, my best friend, and you always will be. I love you." We hugged again, and Carter told us it was time to leave. I hugged Carter and Rydel one last time before getting in Olivia's car.

"We're gonna have fun Karla, I promise. You won't even notice you aren't together," Olivia told me as she reached back and put a reassuring hand on my knee. I shot her a fake smile. "I'm afraid the two of you will have to be enrolled in school. We've already enrolled you in the high school your mama and I went to. The kids are really excited." Oh god, we're in trouble.

Rydel's POV

"Rydel! Can you help Rachel?" Carter called to me. She had the luggage and Chris. Rachel put her arm around my shoulders, and I helped her stand up. We walked to a car that was surrounded by paps and fans. I put Rachel in the car and stayed with Carter to sign a few autographs.

"RYDEL! RYDEL! WHERE'S KARLA AND JADEN?! WHERE'S DYLAN AND LAUREN?! RYDEL!" the paps screamed. I just ignored them and continued signing. Someone grabbed my arm and started to pull me away. I slapped their hand, but it didn't do anything.

"Help! Help!" I exclaimed. Someone came through the crowd and punched the paps who had grabbed my arm. The pap released me, and the person pulled me out of the crowd. They held me as I tried to calm down. I finally calmed down and looked at my rescuer.

"Harry? I thought you were going home!" I exclaimed as I looked up into those familiar green eyes.

"Riley and I decided we would make sure you got back safely," he told me.

"Rydel are you okay?" I heard Riley say as she ran up to us. Carter came over and quickly embraced me.

"I'm okay, Thank you Harry," I thanked as I looked back at him. Carter and I hugged Harry and Riley, and then we left to go to the Hernandez's house. Carter drove, Rachel was in the passenger seat, and I sat in the back with baby Chris. He started crying, and I lifted him up and rocked him. We soon pulled up to a house which I assumed was Carter and Rachel's. We all went inside, me helping Rachel and carrying Chris with Carter carrying the luggage. I walked into their huge mansion and sat Rachel on the couch. She soon fell asleep. Carter sighed and took Chris to the nursery upstairs.

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