The Gift (For those of you that couldn't see it the first time)

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~JUNE 25~ (I know I skipped a lot, but nothing has happened besides birthdays. By the way, Rydel is 6 months pregnant, and Perrie is 8 almost 9 months pregnant.)

Dylan's POV

Lauren's birthday is in two days, and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to get her! "Demi! Demi!" I yelled urgently. She came running down the hall from her home recording studio. Oops, I must've sounded a little too urgent.

"What? What is it?" She asked.

"Lauren's birthday is in two days, and I still don't know what to get her!" I exclaimed. She sighed of relief.

"I thought you were dying or something!"

"Sorry," I said smiling sheepishly. She groaned.

"You're an *ss." I faked being offended, and she laughed. "Why don't you just buy her something?"

"I buy her something every year, I want this year to be special. Besides, I've already bought her charm for her bracelet this year," I replied. For Lauren's birthday the year we got married, I got her a charm bracelet, and every year since I add another charm to it. I had to buy her another charm bracelet last year because her last one got too full.

"Um, well, how about you write her a song? You haven't sang one for her in a while, and writing and singing one is better than singing a cover," Demi suggested.

"You're a genius sis!" I exclaimed.

"I know," she said as she flipped her hair behind her shoulder.

"You're also an idiot," I told her. It was her turn to be "offended". "Can you help me? You know, put the song together?" I asked her after a while. I've known that she's my sister for 17 years, we're really close, but I struggle asking anyone for help.

"Of course little sis," she replied. We walked down the hall to her recording studio and worked on the song. I decided that it would be a new track on our album, and on the album, we were gonna focus more on one voice and collaborations. This would be my track with Demi. Dani and Camila are doing one, Craig and Cher, Liam (Monk) and Niall, Karla and Perrie, Rydel and Zayn, and, finally, Carter and Ally. I called a good friend, Jake Miller, to the house to put in his input. He got to the house, and I greeted him at the door.

"Hey Jake!" I greeted.

"Hey Dyl," he replied. We walked up the steps and down the hall to Demi's recording studio. We showed him the lyrics to the song. "I really like this. Have you come up with the music or beat to it?"

"No, not yet," Demi answered.

"Well, you're in luck. I just finished recording my latest album, and we have some leftover music we don't need. I think I have the perfect one for this song. Here, it's on this flash drive I have," Jake said pulling out the flash drive and plugging it into the computer. He played a track, and it sounded really good. I thought the two would sound perfect together. Demi and I shared a look.

"That's perfect for it," we both said.

"I think that this would be a perfect song for the two of you to sing together. Dylan and I have already done a track together on their first album, so you two can do it together. Let's try it that way," Demi said. Jake and I went into the booth and sang it while Demi worked the board. We finished recording, and Jake and I came out of the booth. We played back the track, and I think it was pretty good. Jake seemed to like it too.

"What're you doing?" I heard Lauren ask. I quickly stopped the track and turned to see Jaden leading her in.

"Just recording the track I'm supposed to do for the album," I answered calmly.

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