The Secret Is Out

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Dani's POV

Ros was on stage performing when Rydel started rubbing her stomach and looking towards the front of the stage at Carter with a worried look. WAIT A SECOND. HOLY SH*T RYDEL IS PREGNANT!! Karla stopped singing and walked over to Rydel, who was now bent over. I came from out behind my keyboard and rushed over to her.

"Rydel, are you okay?" I asked her. She looked at me with a pained expression.

"N-no. I-it hurts!" She choked out. She was in extreme pain. She was now on the floor, and the rest of the band had surrounded her so the crowd couldn't see anything. I could hear worried voices from the crowd. The lights dimmed. I quickly picked up Rydel and carried her bridal style off the stage. I didn't stop for anyone, I ran right to my dressing room with Karla, Jesy and Carter and shut the door. I laid Rydel on the couch. Jesy came over to my side, and Karla ran to Rydel's side. I put my hand on Rydel's stomach. She writhed in pain from the small touch. I looked into her terror filled eyes and grabbed her hand. "You're gonna be okay Rydel, you're gonna be okay," I told her. Carter appeared at my side. "How far along is she?" I asked her.

"She's seven months," Jesy answered as she came back from the bathroom with a wet washcloth. She laid the washcloth on Rydel's forehead and ran her fingers through her hair. Rydel was failing to stay awake.

"Rydel, Rydel stay with me. God d**mit! Carter, keep her awake," I told her. I ran out of the room and ran to Bea. As well as being a spy, she had been trained in the medical field like Lauren was. "Bea, we need you, like, right now," I said. She nodded and followed me to the dressing room. Rydel was now screaming in pain.

"She's going into shock, keep her awake, and try to calm her," Bea instructed Karla and Carter. They nodded. "Jesy, go get me a towel." Jesy ran off and came back with a towel. "Help her get her jeans off," she instructed Jesy and I. We both got up and took Rydel's jeans off. She was clutching her stomach in agony. "Holy sh*t," Bea said.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Well, first off, how far along is she?"

"Seven months, why?"

"She's having the baby right now, and it's coming fast," Bea replied. Rydel arched her back and screamed in pain again. She was crying from the pain, and it was killing me. "Dani, go get Camila and Jade." I ran out of the room and got them. I explained what was happening, and they ran with me back into the dressing room. Jade went over to Bea, and Camila went to try and keep Rydel awake.

"Dani, take Karla and Carter out of here," Camila told me. Jesy and I each grabbed ahold of the girls and dragged them out kicking and screaming. I brought a screaming Karla over to Normani and Ally, and Jesy took a screaming Carter to Rachel and Demi.

"THAT'S MY TWIN SISTER IN THERE!!! LET ME GO!!!" Karla screamed as we went back in and locked the door. I ran to Rydel's side and held her hand. Camila was desperately trying to keep her awake.

"Rydel, Rydel stay with me. Stay with me baby girl. You need to stay strong. Please, baby girl, please," I begged Rydel. Bea and Jade were both trying to make this easier on Rydel, but nothing helped.

"Rydel, I know you're tired, I know you're in pain, but we need to get this baby out now. When I say, I'm gonna need you to push, okay?" Jade told her. She had more experience in this than any of us did. Rydel nodded weakly. "Ok...push!" Camila and I helped Rydel up a little, and she pushed. She was crying even harder now. We laid her back down.

"I-I can't!" Rydel cried.

"Yes you can Rydel. Push!" Jade said again. We held Rydel up again, and she pushed. We repeated this a few more times until we heard a small cry. Bea ran and grabbed some scissors and cut the umbilical cord. Jade picked up the tiny baby. Rydel was crying still, but for a different reason. Bea cleaned the baby up. Camila went over to help while I brushed Rydel's hair with my hand.

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