The Start of Calling Back the Kid

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Kelsey's POV

"And the Band of the Year award goes to.....CALLING BACK THE KID!!!!" The announcer yelled. All of the band stood up shocked. They started walking up, but Rydel stopped when she saw that Carter, Riley and I weren't with them.
"C'mon you guys! You're as much a part of this band as I am!" She shouted over the cheers. We all stood up and walked together onto the stage. I stood right beside my two brothers the whole time.
"So how was it winning your very first award?" Ellen Degeneres asked the band. Riley, Carter and I were on stage with them for once.
"It was amazing. The fans are awesome, I still can't believe they worked so hard for us to be where we are now. We've had several hardships and stuff has happened, but I think that made the band even stronger," Liam answered.
"I agree with Liam, we have become stronger through all that we've been through. Yeah we've been through a lot, but if one of us fell, the others would help them back on their feet. That was the great thing about when Kelsey and I got kidnapped. We didn't trust anyone but each other, Rachel and Maddie for several months, but the band stayed by us the whole time. They were the first ones that we trusted again. It's just carried on over the years with us," Carter said.
"Now we all know that you've never really said how exactly the band got started. Can you explain?" Ellen said.
"Well it started with Dani and Dylan, they wanted a band so they started one, and around that time Dani and Liam started dating, and then Dylan and I were still together. Liam and Craig joined, and around that time Cher got the band its first record deal. They later added Nick, but for him it was more of a backup kind of thing if the solo career didn't work out for him. Carter wanted to be a dancer, but no bands would hire a kid, so they took her in as one of their dancers, same as Kelsey. I was added in shortly before we came on here that first time, and then of course Karla and Rydel joined this year," Riley explained, her British accent showing through clearly.
"It originally started with Dani and I just like, "Oh let's make a YouTube channel where we cover songs and put songs we write on there. Maybe we'll get a couple likes." We didn't expect it to go into Cher Lloyd getting our band a record deal, Nick Jonas joining the band, or worldwide tours and fans all around the world. We also never expected a fan to get married to a close friend but hey, anything could happen! I mean Dani and I started this band when we were 14, and now we're 34," Dylan said.
"So I've heard that you've changed the name a few times. Why?"
"Well the first band name was Double D because well, we were 14 and couldn't come up with anything better. Yeah my name back then was Caitlyn, but our nicknames as kids were Demon and Devil because we were very mischievous. When we added the rest of the band, we changed the name to Ros because it means "praise" in Norwegian. It's always been a favorite of ours. We changed it a few months ago to Calling Back The Kid because we needed a change, and we aren't the kids we were. You get older and eventually lose your childishness, but there's always that kid in your heart. Even though Dylan, Carter and I had to grow up fast and mature, we still are able to have fun and be the kids we didn't get to be. Dylan had to grow up to raise her sister and kids, I had to grow up and help, but we still were able to be teenagers every once in a while," Dani said.
"So Dani and Dylan, we know the both of you went to treatment when you were younger, and this was when Dylan was pregnant with Karla and Rydel. What was the turning point for you guys, like what was the last thing that made you go to treatment?" We all turned to Dylan and Dani because we'd actually never heard the answer.
"Well for me it was more than one thing, it was actually two things. There was a fan, a Harmonizer actually, that cut. When she met the girls, Lauren told her to never do it again because she wanted to see her again. She said that she'll always be here for us, forever, and that all of them will. That touched my heart. The second thing that made me think,"I really need to straighten up for my kids" was when my adoptive uncle Beck tried to rape Dani. He was an alcoholic and drug addict like we had been, and I didn't want to come to the point where I would deliberately try to hurt someone that I saw as a daughter. When we were younger, about 10 or 11, Beck was like a second father to Dani and I. The alcohol and drugs hadn't come into the picture, and Carly hadn't left us yet. I couldn't believe he'd done that to her, and I vowed that I'd never end up like him. I never wanted it to come to the point where I would get in such a state that I would hurt my children, or someone that I saw as my own child," Dylan explained.
"I think the turning point for me was when I was at home, drunk and high as I'd ever been, and Cher came in. Jacob and Kendal, my adoptive parents, weren't home, and Cher was going to help me with a new song. She saw me in my drunken high as a kite state and called me out on it. She told me that I wasn't gonna get anywhere in life if I kept doing that. She said that if I continued, she would even take me out of the twins' lives. Yeah they weren't her kids, but they were as much hers as they were Dylan's. We treated her, we still do, as our own sister. She told me that she would make it her personal mission to protect the twins from Dylan and I if it ever came to it. She said she'd even take Carter, Kelsey and Rachel out of our lives. That got me because the three of them are like my little sisters. I watched them take their first steps, speak their first words, lose their first tooth, I was with them, same as Dylan, through all of that. Now, 18 years later, I couldn't even imagine if I was still like that. There are moments in our lives when we're thankful for specific people, and still to this day, I'm thankful that Cher was there to turn me around that day. She only knew about the drinking and drugs, she didn't know about me being anorexic, or bulimic, or even that I self harmed. She was still there to turn me around though," Dani explained.
"So this a question for all of you. If you could say something to kids that are struggling with their life now, what would you tell them?"
"I would tell them to never give up. Life is only what you make it out to be, so make it the best you can. One thing I learned from being in this band is that you can't let someone else make your life for you, YOU have to make your life. God gave you a purpose, so why don't you fulfill that purpose?" I said.
"Wow, very wise words from a young woman," Ellen commented.
"I know right? She's like a little Gandhi!" Liam exclaimed. We all laughed.
"Well, I'm afraid that's all the time we have. Join us back after this commercial to hear Calling Back The Kid's new single, Fallen Angel," Ellen said to the camera. We walked off stage with Ellen. She hugged all of us before we went to get our earplugs in. We all headed on stage, and Carter handed me a mic.
"What's this for?" I whispered.
"Dylan said she wants you to introduce this song because you were the one that wrote it," Carter explained as she went to her place.
"Ok," I said nervously. She patted my back reassuringly. The lights came up as I lifted the mic to my lips.
"This song, Fallen Angel, is really special to me. I wrote it, with the help of my sister in law, Cher, about my childhood best friend, Chelsea. Some of you may know Dani and Liam's daughter Chelsea, but you may not know about Dani's sister. Chelsea was a great girl, she really was. I was the closest to her out of all of Dani's family. She had cancer from the time she was 5 until she died at 9, just a month short of her 10th birthday. It killed us all inside, but we got through it. All through my life, I saw her as my guardian angel. When she died, it was like-for me-God called his angel home because she wasn't needed here anymore. We were all broken after her death, but we got better, and now she still lives in our hearts. This is Fallen Angel," I explained. Dani and Dylan started the music, and Dylan began to sing. (Btw this is my song so please don't steal it.)
"Dylan: She walks a different way,
She talks in a strange language.
She's a fallen angel in a human's twisted world,
She's trying to find her place where she doesn't belong.

Dani: You can see the pain in her eyes
It's in the way that she smiles
You can see the hurt behind the mask
It's in the way that she laughs." I got lost in the music and danced to my heart's content. It felt so good to be on stage dancing again, to hear the fans yells, the adrenaline of the band, the happiness of everyone, and all the emotions pulsing through the band, the crew, the fans, everyone.

"All: She's a fallen angel
A fallen angel
She fell hard like a stone
To thrive on her own
She's a fallen angel
A fallen angel
Oh woah

Liam: She's crying
She's screaming
"What do I do now?!"
She sees the things humans can't see
She believes the things humans won't believe

All: She's a fallen angel
A fallen angel
She fell hard like a stone
To thrive on her own
She's a fallen angel
A fallen angel
Oh woah

Rydel: She's finally breaking
She's got more than she can take
She wants them all to know that
She sometimes needs a little room to fly
Sometimes I need a little time to cry(music stops and it goes acapella)
To cry, to cry, to cry (voice gets louder and music cuts back in)

All: She's a fallen angel
A fallen angel
She fell hard like a stone
To thrive on her own
She's a fallen angel
A fallen angel
Oh woah, oh woah, oh woah______

Craig: She went back home, a month ago
She told me, "Don't let them get you,
You're stronger than before"
I cried, she died,
But then I stood up and said

All: She was a fallen angel
A fallen angel
She fell hard like a stone
But now she's back home
She was a fallen angel
A fallen angel
Oh woah
A fallen angel
Oh woah
A fallen angel
A fallen....

Karla: She's a fallen angel
A fallen angel
She fell hard like a stone
To thrive on her own
She was a fallen angel
A fallen angel" We all walked off stage to screaming and shouting fans.
"Great job guys," Ellen said as we hugged her and went outside. We signed some fans' stuff and took pictures before jumping in the car and driving off to the airport so we could all go home.
How'd y'all like it? That song is very special to me because of the meaning behind it. I have an announcement: 5 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS!!!! Which sadly means that this book will end in 5 days.😢😢 I hope y'all have enjoyed both Secrets and Consequences, and I think y'all will just LOVE College Years.
So I did an early update mainly because I haven't slept at all tonight, and I'm bored. I'm at this church lock-in, and everyone's watching the movie but me.
QOTW: Life is a confusing puzzle, you never have all the pieces at that moment in time, but when it all comes to matter everything will make sense even if its years from now. -Rylin Dunlap

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