Don't pour your guts out infront of your first love AND your enemy

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"Are you seriously trying to pin all of this on me?!" Sebastian asks incredulously.
"What?!" I ask.
"You wanna know the truth Clary? I'll give you the truth.....I love you Clary.." he says. We both look at him in shock. "I know we don't see each other often...but I do...i do love you Clarissa Fray, and I will love you until we die..and if there's a life After that...I'll love you then." I straighten up as the lines he said are a little too familiar.

I have to tell clary I love her before tomorrow...i need to at least tell her...she told me...she loves me... I have to tell her I love her back. I start writing down something on the paper.

I'm sorry I can't tell you this in person...but I need to tell you before it's too late... Clary...I love you too...and I'm sorry i kicked you out of my room when you told me you loved me.

You may not think this tomorrow, but I promise you clary, no matter what you do,

I will love you until we die...and if there's a life After that...I'll love you then..

I stare at the letter for a few minutes. I was about to slip it in her locker. Finally I sigh and crumple it up. I then toss it behind me, aiming to the trash can. I missed the shot, but I didn't care enough to go back and put it inside the bin.

Asshole stole my line! "Seb, that was beautiful.." Clary says looking at him awestruck. Then she shakes her head, as if the motion will clear the star struck from her. "You know what Jace....I really want to believe you.." she says. "Because if I did maybe we could even be friends.... but You're making it terribly never said you loved me back..." I start to open my mouth but she shuts me up by quickly adding, "and I don't want you to...not anymore...Jace...Seb loves lying to me about what you did trying to blame it on him. Just because i'm pretty now won't make me like you anymore than I barley do" she says. "So yes Jace...I know I was ugly...but you didn't have to break up with me like that...but you did...and there's no way in heaven or hell that I will take you back. Just because you think I'm pretty now, it won't make me crawl back to you!" She snaps and walks out of the house with Sebastian. Clary's right. I never thought she was pretty. And I still don't think she's pretty, and yes there was a time I thought she was ugly. So yes, she's right, Clary's right. I don't think she's, not at all... I think she is and always has been absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

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