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1 month later

Elizabeth's POV

I smile as the snow starts falling around me as I walk to Shawn's, ready to babysit Camden with him, but Aaliyah doesn't know that we're going to be together. "You look absolutely gorgeous." He says, opening the door when I get there. "I'm only in sweats and one of your shirts." I say, pulling off my coat and smiling as he takes it from me and hangs it up in the closet along with my backpack and my overnight bag, another thing Aaliyah doesn't know about. "Like I said, absolutely goregeous." He smiles, kissing my temple and leading me to Camden. "Shawn?" I ask, smiling when he looks up quickly from tying Cam's boot for the snow. "There is literally nothing out there." I say, laughing as they both stick their tongues out at me and continue what they're doing. "Stop using big words!" Cam yells, and I laugh while Shawn just gets an amused look on his face and stands him upright, watching as he runs through to the backyard and starts running around in it. "So, were you this excited about snow when you were a kid?" He asks. "No, I was more excited about what came after it." I say softly. "What came after it?" He asks. "My dad wouldn't drink and beat us, my mum wouldn't cry, we'd all come in from building a snow family, and she'd make us hot chocolate with these huge marshmallows, and we'd all sit by the fire, cuddling or playing games, I loved those days, but we never did it again since Mum died." I say, and he turns me to look at him. "You need to be honest with me." He says seriously, and I nod. "Does he still beat you?" He asks, and I bite my lip softly before nodding. "Camden, come in now, kiddo!" Shawn calls, and I look up at him, noticing the quick flashes of rage flicking across his face. "Elizabeth, what all has he done to you?" He asks after sending Cam up to his room and sitting down with me on the couch. "Nothing really." I say, and he shakes his head. "Elizabeth, please tell me." He says, and I sigh. "He would beat me until my mum died. She was in the hospital a lot so nobody would really know what happened when she wasn't there. Then she died and I was helpless. It only got worse from there. He would leave me locked in a room starving for days on end, and when he found out I got my period, his friends would come and rape me. Yeah, it was pretty bad. I got my sister to my grandmother's before he came for her. I stayed and took it." I say, curling up in a little ball as he watches me, a look I can't place behind his eyes. "So he starved you, beat you, and gave away your virginity like a game?" He asks, and I nod as tears threaten to fall, letting him pull me into his lap and hold me close. "It's okay. It's going to be okay." He mumbles, but his strong voice is gone, the one that makes me believe what he says is true, the one that helps me feel better. "Elizabeth?" He asks softly after a few minutes of silence pass. "Yeah?" I say. "I hereby re-bless you with a virginity. Don't waste it." He says, and I nod. "I wouldn't dream of it." I say, letting our lips brush together before pressing lightly, smiling as he pulls away and rests his head on mine. "Take it back." I whisper, looking up at him. "What?" He asks, obviously confused. "Take my virginity back." I say, and he blushes and smiles, catching on at that moment. "Do you really want me to?" He asks, and I nod quickly. "Yes, I really want you to." I say, knowing sex is a lot, not to mention we haven't said 'I love you' yet. "I want you to be the one that takes it. I know I'm okay with it. I feel safe with you." I say, and he smiles and nods, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me gently. "Uncle Shawn! Can I come down yet?" Cam yells, and I smile as he sighs and shakes his head. "Yeah, come on down!" He yells back, kissing me gently as I get off and curl up on the opposite end of the couch as Camden runs down and jumps between us, hugging me before Shawn. "When will mummy get here?" He asks. "In an hour. I have to go to the store and get some food for dinner, but I'll be back." Shawn says, winking at me as he gets up and pulls on his shoes, a coat, and a hat before going out. "Bye guys!" He says, waving as he closes the door.

2 hours later

I smile as Shawn comes in, Camden long gone. "Hi honey." He says softly, setting down the bags in the kitchen before coming out to me, kissing my temple and wrapping his arms around me. "Hi." I say softly, resting my head on his stomach as he stands there, holding me and rubbing his hands up and down my back. "I got food." He says awkwardly, and I smile and laugh, pulling away. "What exactly did you get?" I ask. "Chicken and potatoes. I have pasta already if you want it." He says, and I nod quickly. "Yes! Fuck yes! I love pasta!" I yell as he cuddles up to me and checks the time, only 7:47 at night. "I'll start dinner soon, unless you want to help." He says, and I nod quickly, moving as I get tugged into his lap and held there as he lets our faces touch slightly before brushing my lips to his. "Are you still okay with sex?" He asks ever so softly, and I nod. "Yeah. I'm ready for this." I say quietly, rubbing his back as I pull away, getting up and grabbing my bag before going to the bathroom and changing into a Nike hoodie I nicked from his dresser because I was cold and just never returned and a pair of black leggings, leaving my bag in the corner for later. Hey, don't judge me! I always come prepared. "Shawn!" I yell, finding him gone from the couch. "What!" He yells from upstairs, and a few minutes pass before he comes down in a towel, water practically dripping off of him. "What did you need? Are you okay?" He asks, concern written on his face. "I just wondered where you were. I'm alright." I say, smiling as he turns back around and goes upstairs after kissing my head 

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