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7 hours later

Elizabeth's POV

I go into Shawn's class, absolutely ready for the day to be over as I sit down, getting a glance and a small smile from him as he waits for the rest of the class to show up before standing and going to the board, starting to talk about Les Miserables again. "Mr. Mendes?" Matthew calls, raising his hand, and I know it can't be good because Matthew never says anything good voluntarily. "Yes, Matthew?" He says, and I can feel myself shrink down. "Where did you get those hickeys? I think I want a matching set!" Matt says, and I whip around. "Your mum, Matthew. At least that's what I heard. Now shut up and pay attention, you might learn something, and at this point in your senior year of high school it might be a good thing." I snap, turning back around as Shawn starts talking again. "Someone's on her period." He mutters, and this time I know Shawn heard it by the look on his face. "Have you ever thought that it's maybe because I just don't fucking like you?" I ask, standing up and going into the hall with my book. I know I'm behind so now seems to be the perfect time to catch up while I wait for Shawn to come out and yell at me for the third time this year for dropping the F-bomb in class, and I get a full 13 pages before he comes out. "Lizzie, you can't keep swearing in class. You just can't do it." He says, and I nod. "I'm not sorry though. The asshole needs to learn his place." I say. "I know this but you can't swear at him every single time he makes a remark at you or me." He says. "If I swear at him, he's learning new words to go home and tell his mother, leave me alone on this." I snap. "Can you please stop giving me attitude for five seconds?" He asks, and I shake my head. "Then I have to send you to detention." He says. "Yay! Detention! I promise I'll come out a changed woman, just for you!" I say, rolling my eyes as I go back to my book, utterly ignoring him. "Elizabeth, I am so done with this. Just go." He says. "No, don't you know this floor is so comfortable? I think I'd rather stay here with my donut from Tim's and call it a day." I say, and he sighs and shakes his head, going into the class and writing me a detention slip for two hours. "Really? I have two hours? That's cutting it close on changing, but I bet with the right attitude I definitely can." I say, giving a fake smile before going in and getting the rest of my stuff, moving into the hall. "And the period question? That's harassment and I am going to Michaels about it. Make sure he knows that." I say, kicking the door shut after he goes in, bursting back out again. "Leave it open!" He yells, and I smile as he goes back in, slamming it shut. I know I'm being a bitch, but I honest to god don't care as he comes back out. "Elizabeth, I am so done with your issues today!" He yells, closing the door. "What is going on?" He asks, sitting down with me as I shake my head. "Don't give a shit now, Shawn." I say, putting all my stuff in my bag and pulling out my phone. "Fine. We're talking about it later." He says. "I highly doubt that." I say, going on Instagram.

4 hours later

I go in the house from walking Jesse, Shawn asleep on the couch. "Come on, Jesse." I say quietly, getting my laptop from the charger and going upstairs, thankfully without waking up Shawn as I open it up and look at colleges while I do my homework.

2 hours later

Shawn's POV

I go upstairs and find Lizzie sitting in bed, typing furiously. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Nothing." She snaps, looking up at me. "Lizzie, what is going on with you?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "Nothing. I'm tired." She says, pulling down her sleeves and laying back. "That's not it and you and I both know it." I say, and she shakes her head. "Have you ever felt like you just don't belong where you are? You're alive but you aren't living?" She asks, and I nod. "Yes, why?" I ask. "That's how I feel with Toronto. It's why I'm leaving for college. I'm not staying with you and I'm sorry but I can't." She says, and I nod. "You do whatever makes you happy and I will support you no matter what." I say, and she nods, biting her lip and petting Jesse as she goes back to writing.

Mr. Mendes S.M.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang