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4 days later

Lizzie's POV

Shawn: Only two days left.

Lizzie: Yeah. How's my boy?

Shawn: Good. I'm fine.

Lizzie: I was talking about Jesse...

Shawn: Oh. What are you doing?

Lizzie: getting ready to go to the beach with Matthew. We have the rest of the afternoon to do as we like there since the school is taking us.

Shawn: Wear the red and white striped bikini.

Lizzie: Nah. I'm going to do the plain black one.

Shawn: Fair. You look great in either.

I set my phone down and put on my bikini and a coverup, smiling when Matt comes out of the bathroom shirtless and flips me off when I laugh, the tattoo of the small star right above his v-line poking out. "How's Shawn?" He says, getting his phone and checking it before putting it in his pocket and getting two towels for my bag and putting them in. "Fine. He misses us." I say, getting my flip flops and going out the door as he pulls on a shirt and follows me.

5 hours later

Shawn's POV

I smile as Lizzie's name pops up on my laptop, saying she wants to FaceTime, answering quickly as Jesse hops on my lap and pushes me back, barking at Lizzie's face while she coos softly at him. "So what's up?" She asks as I put him down and smile. "Nothing really. I just miss you." I smile, getting up from my computer and changing into sweats and no shirt, turning on the air conditioner. "What's wrong?" She asks, reading me like a book. "I don't know, I feel like you see me differently now that you know how I got the money." I say, and she sighs. "Shawn, it's over, you're not fucking cougars anymore, and I honestly don't care as long as your hands are only on my naked body." She says, Matt coming into shot. "What the hell are you talking about?" He asks, and I shake my head with Lizzie as she moves over and puts the laptop between them as he leans back and goes on his phone. "Hey! Get your ass off my pillow!" She yells, pulling it out from under him and setting it behind her. "Stop yelling!" He says, pulling her blanket around his shoulders. "No. So what's good?" She asks, Jesse resting his head on my leg so he can see her. "Nothing. I've said that." I say, rubbing Jesse gently. "Fine, I'm trying to be nice." She says, and I shake my head. "How's it going down there?" I ask. "Fine. Thanks for packing the dresses." She says, and I smile and shake my head. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I say as she holds up one of the two that I packed. "Uh huh. So ghosts live in our bedroom?" She says, and I nod. "That explains why I feel like I'm being watched when we're having sex." I say, Matt plugging his ears and yelling over me. "Shawn, please!" Lizzie says, and I sigh as Matthew gets up with the keys. "I'm gonna go get food, you want anything?" He asks, and she nods. "Can you get me a sandwich and a smoothie please?" She asks, handing him money before he leaves. "We have twenty minutes before he gets back, what do you want to do?" She says, and I smile and shrug.

2 hours later

Lizzie's POV

Shawn: I don't know.

Lizzie: I don't either. Matt's asleep so I should probably turn my light out and go to sleep too.

Shawn: Attachment: 1 video

I shut my light out as Shawn's next text buzzes through, and I quickly silence it and get up, going to the window and looking out before turning on the air conditioner and crawling in bed, hitting play and screaming when a video of him pleasuring himself starts, and I shut it off as Matthew sits up. "What?" He asks, taking my phone before I can stop him and unlocking it, cursing myself for not changing the password when he guessed it. "Matt, no!" I yell, trying to get my phone back as he moves away and runs around the room, dodging me as he plays the video judging by the sound. "Lizzie, why is he sending you porno?" He asks. "Why are you watching it?" I say, grabbing my phone back and protecting it. "I don't know." He says. "Phone. Now. Then we're even." I say, and he sighs before handing it to me, giving me the password. "Who's Joseph?" I ask, finding some pretty lovey text messages from him. "I met someone." He says softly, and I cheer loudly, hugging him tight and laughing as I lift my legs up and he spins me around. "Does he go here?" I ask, and he nods. "I met him down here last summer. He came out to his parents not too long ago and that he wanted to be with me. I said I would think about it." He says as I drop down. "Tell me everything!" I say. "First, let me ask you something." He says, and I nod. "What?" I say. "Was that Shawn?" He asks, and I sigh and nod. "Shit, Lizzie! How is your vagina not fucking destroyed?" He asks, and I shrug. "I don't know." I say, but I know why, and so does Shawn. "Okay, but to Joseph." He says, and I nod quickly as he begins to talk.

2 days later

I smile and shake my head as I pack, Matt leaving out our Griffyndor robes for when Shawn comes to pick us up, a complete and utter surprise. "I don't know if I like them." I say, setting my heels and my knee high socks by mine. "I don't either, but we're going to look absolutely ridiculous together." He says as a knocking starts on the door, and he jogs to get it, letting a guy in who looks about 6'1, caramel hair and bright blue eyes. "Matt?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "Shut up, Lizzie. He says, getting his phone and wallet before leaving again, nailing me with the rest of his packing and my own since we have the first flight out tomorrow morning.

4 hours later

I wake up to Matt quietly coming in with someone else behind him, and I'm assuming it's the guy who came earlier as they flop on the bed together and cuddle up before turning on the television, and I roll over and get up, walking quietly into the bathroom before coming back out and sitting at the foot of my bed. "Lizzie, you can sit with us if you want." Matt says, and the other guy nods as I get up and relax on the other side of Matt, groaning when he pulls me in between them and they sit up. "Lizzie, this is Joseph. Joseph, this is Lizzie." He says, and I smirk and nod.

The next morning

Matthew's POV

I smile as I wake up in Joey's arms, Lizzie already in her own bed fast asleep. "Joey." I mumble, his hand moving on my back telling me he's awake. "What?" He asks quietly, letting me get up and go into the bathroom, brushing my teeth quickly before going back out and cuddling in again, laughing quietly as he nuzzles in my neck and nibbles gently.

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