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Shawn's POV

I watch as Lizzie climbs out of bed and goes to her bag, digging around for a few seconds before pulling out a bundle of envelopes. "I wanted to wait before I opened them. I wanted to open them with you." She says, crawling in beside me and looking through, finding her first choices and pulling them out. "What do we have?" I ask, and she sighs as her hands start to tremble while she holds on to UCLA's envelope; a thick one which usually means acceptance. "Lizzie, do you want me to open it?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "No, it's alright." She says, and I smile as she tears it open before putting it down. "I think I actually do want you to open it." She says a few minutes later, still staring at it. "Okay, how do you want me to do it?" I ask. "Open it. Do it fast and tell me." She says, and I nod as she takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly as I take the envelope out from in front of her and pulling out the papers. "Your middle name is Margaret?" I ask, looking at the top of her papers. "Yeah. It was my mum's name." She says, and I nod, unfolding the papers the rest of the way as she gets up and starts pacing the room as I read. "They want you to sign a form of intent." I say quietly. "What?" She asks, coming over sitting behind me before climbing on my shoulders and looking down. "They want you, Lizzie. And if you say yes it looks like we're moving to California." I say, holding on to her legs and kissing her thighs quickly before handing it up to her. "That's crazy." She says, and I smile and nod as she keeps reading. "Well, looks like its UCLA or University of Toronto." She says, and I shrug, knowing my preference as she puts the rest of the letters on the nightstand on my laptop and flips over my head, pulling herself into my lap and wraps her arms loosely around my neck. "Elizabeth Margaret Rainier, I like it. It has a nice ring to it." I say, and she smiles and kisses my head as I dance my hands around her back and unlatch her bra, pulling it gently off her shoulders and throwing it across the room, kissing and sucking down her neck as she grinds down on me. "Shit, I don't know if I want to- holy shit, Shawn!" She yells, and I smirk as I bite down, tugging gently on her skin and letting it snap back. "You say you don't know, but I know you do. Deep down you do too." I say.

Elizabeth's POV

"Have you ever been eaten out?" Shawn asks, and I shake my head as he hovers above me. "Want to be? I mean, if you're okay with it." He asks, and I nod as his hand slides into my panties, kissing down my chest and stomach as I buck my hips up. "Lizzie, keep them down, okay honey?" He says, and I nod as he slides my underwear off, resting his chin on my bellybutton as my breathing speeds up. "Want Afire Love?" He asks, and I shake my head. "Strip That Down." I gasp. "Getting more confident in your sex playlist, are you?" He asks, and I nod quickly as he gets his phone and scrolls for a minute before pulling it up and playing it on repeat. "I actually am." I say, intaking a sharp breath as I feel him let a stream of cold air hit my heat. "You ready?" He asks, and I nod quickly, needing him, wanting him, everything at the same time. "Shawn, please!" I cry, my eyes screwing shut as his tongue finds my clit and starts rubbing slowly as I cry out and squeeze my thighs tight around his head as he keeps going.

1 hour later

Shawn's POV

I smile as Lizzie comes out of the bathroom in shorts and a tank top, her hair in an extremely messy bun. "If I go to UCLA I want you to stay here. I don't want you to follow me." She says, climbing in bed beside me. "Lizzie, I don't want us to fall apart." I say. "Shawn, we won't. I promise. I love you so much, and I wouldn't let it happen." She says. "I'm going with you." I say, a tone of finality in my voice. "God damnit Shawn! Why are you so stubborn all the time!" She yells. "I am not leaving you to go to California alone!" I yell back, sighing when she rolls on her side and ignores me, pushing me away when I go to hold her. "Lizzie?" I say. "Don't fucking talk to me." She says, turning out her light, giving me no other choice than to do the same.

4 hours later

I smile as I wake up at 3 in the morning and Lizzie's hand has slid into mine, and I see it as progress even though she's still rolled away from me. "I love you." I mumble quietly before wrapping around her gently, resting my chin on her head. 

The next morning. 

Elizabeth's POV 

I wake up and climb out of bed before getting in the shower and doing what I have to do before getting out and getting dressed before doing my hair in a bun, sitting in the chair with my diary and starting to write, about the fight with Shawn and how I woke up in his arms even though I was pissed and about UCLA, and I can't help it; I start to cry softly, covering my mouth with my hand so I don't wake Shawn up. He doesn't need to worry about me more than he does already even though he says it's his job to worry about me, and I grab my diary and run into the bathroom when he stirs, not wanting to talk  him just yet.

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