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1 hour later

Shawn's POV

I go in the house quietly, knowing Lizzie is probably asleep and I'm going to be up for a while since the sex keeps me going because it wakes me up but puts Lizzie to sleep faster than anything, and I smile when I see her phone on the kitchen counter and a sandwich on the table with a note.


Don't get this in your head that it's going to be an every fuck thing. I just wanted to be nice, maybe because the orgasms made it impossible to be mean, so there you go. Take a picture, it'll last longer. And shut off the Alexa when you come in to bed? You will be dead by morning. Love, Lizzie.

I smile and fold the note up before sliding it in a card holder in my wallet so I never forget it before eating and putting the food for tomorrow which is now today along with her roses in the fridge and going up to bed, smiling when Because I Had You is playing softly in the bedroom as she sleeps, snuggled up with my pillow, and I quickly get undressed before pulling the pillow away, groaning softly when she wraps her arms around my waist as I'm still standing. "Lizzie, wake up. I can't get in bed." I say, smiling when she stirs and moves off, letting me in. "Did you get your sandwich?" She mumbles, and I nod. "I did. Thank you." I say, pecking her lips gently and smiling as she holds on, keeping it going, and I can feel how she still isn't dressed as she rolls on me half asleep. "Lizzie, you're tired. Go to sleep." I say, gently rolling her off. "But I want to!" She groans, rolling back on and laying there for a second before falling asleep on my chest. I mean, I'll take it.

The next morning

Lizzie's POV

I cry out in pain as I move to get out of bed, knowing instantly it's not happening as I flop back and Shawn comes running in. "What's wrong?" He asks. "It hurts to move. I can't do it." I say, letting him put my legs back and covering them up before going out and returning with hot water bottles, placing one between my legs and the other right below my belly button. "Thank you." I mumble as he kisses my cheek quickly and nods before going out, coming back about an hour later and carrying me downstairs and into the kitchen and sitting me at the table and setting a plate of breakfast in front of me before doing the same for him and I smile as we quickly eat and put the dishes in the sink and he goes out into the living room, returning with Jesse on his leash and roses in his hand. "Happy because I love you day." He says, and I kiss him gently as Jesse strains against the leash. "I love you." I mumble, letting him pick me up and cover me with a blanket after carrying me to the couch, making sure the remote is in reach in case I want to watch Netflix while he's gone, but honestly I just want to sleep. "I'm going to go run with Jesse since he's restless, but I'll be back soon." He says, and I nod and pat Jesse gently before rolling over and cuddling up, falling asleep.

1 week later

Lizzie's POV

I go downstairs quietly when I hear a rattling, probably Shawn back with the takeout until I see a guy all in black with a mask on, and before I know what's happening, I'm in arms and my hands are being tied behind me and I get shoved down into a chair, screaming in pain as my shoulders protest. "Where's the fucking cash?" He growls as I start to cry and cry, the tears not stopping. "I don't know! Up in the top dresser drawer there's four Armani watches and under the bed are two laptops, an iPad, and in the nightstand there's a Louis Vuitton clutch. I don't know the combination to the safe. I'm sorry." I cry, getting punched hard in the side of the head, hearing the back door unlock. "Babe! I'm home! We can eat and then we can go up and fuck till sunup!" Shawn yells, and I know they got him as I hear the thump and what has to be his struggles follow, my screams as I move and cry, eventually knocking myself over onto the floor and wiggling off of the chair, grateful that I'm not tied to the legs of the chair before running upstairs as quietly as I can, digging my hands in the stack of pillows and finding Shawn's phone, managing to get the police before getting dragged off the bed, screaming loudly as I get pulled downstairs, getting shoved down and crying out as I hit my head. "Don't hurt her!" Shawn bellows, struggling out before running to me, hugging me close in his chest as I get pulled and tied again, this time my feet as well. "I got the Armani she said there was!" One of them yells, coming down with Shawn's watches. "I told them, I'm so sorry." I cry as he lays under me, tied as well. "Don't fucking cry, Lizzie. It's going to be okay." He says, kissing me gently as I cuddle into his neck, curling up on his chest as I hear sirens in the distance, closing my eyes.

4 days later

Lizzie's POV

I go into class after missing four days, my back killing me. "Um, Lizzie, are you okay?" Matthew asks, actual concern on his face as I sit down slowly, watching my back. "Yeah, I'm okay, thanks for asking." I say, pulling out my binder as Shawn rushes in with papers in hand. "Today we're just going to do a study guide for your finals next week. Come to me if you have any questions, and if you'd like you may work together, just stay quiet." He says, absolutely exhausted. "So, Lizzie, do you want to work together?" Matthew asks, and I nod gently. "Sure, but I'm not doing everything." I say, a small smile growing on my face. "I wouldn't expect you to. So I got my acceptance letters and I wanted some opinions since my mum and dad honestly don't care about what I do or anything else really." He says, and I nod. "Yeah, I feel you. I opened mine already with my boyfriend and I got into UCLA, so that's where I'm gonna go." I say. "Are you serious? I got accepted there too, but I think I want to stay here." He says, biting his lip. "Well, if you do go, I mean, I'll be around, and maybe if you luck out I'll be your roommate." I smile, and he nods. "I like this, not being a dick to you because you're actually a nice person." He says. "Yeah, and I like when you're not being a dick too." I say, opening the packet and starting to work.

2 weeks later

Matthew's POV

I smile as Lizzie walks by, giving me a small wave before going into her next class for finals, and I sigh as I go in to Mendes for my final. "Hi." I say, sitting down in my seat with the others as he passes them out and starts the timer, and I actually finish the whole damn thing before it goes off.

4 hours later

I smile as Lizzie sits down next to me at the small cafe table with her lunch and checks her phone quickly. "Lizzie, what's going on?" I ask. "Nothing. Just stuff." She says, setting it down. "I'm gay." I say quickly, and her mouth drops before closing quickly. "Are you referencing?" She asks, and I shake my head. "Oh my god, Matthew I'm sorry. That was rude of me." She says and I shake my head. "No, it's alright. I guess I was just really insecure about myself, so I took it out on you." I say, taking one of her grapes and touching her finger gently. "It's fine, honestly, I guess now we can put this behind us and be friends." She says, and I nod and smile.

Mr. Mendes S.M.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora