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10 minutes later

Elizabeth's POV

I smile as we lay quietly in each other's arms, the lights on at my request. "I love you." He says carefully, not knowing what my reaction will be, and to be honest, neither do I until the tears roll down my cheeks and my lips find his, kissing gently. "I love you too." I say, smiling gently as he gently pulls away and shuts the lights off, wrapping around me when he's done. "Why are you crying?" He asks. "I'm happy, Shawn. That's all." I smile, kissing him again before relaxing in his chest and falling asleep slowly.

3 hours later

Shawn's POV

I slowly untangle myself from the cuddling position that Lizzie had me in, getting dressed and slowly going downstairs at 4 in the morning with my shoes and coat in hand, practically begging not to wake her up as I slip out the door with my keys, phone, and wallet, setting them down on the step while I sit and pull my shoes on, totally freezing my ass off as I pull my coat on and pick my stuff up, running to my Jeep. "Holy shit the things I do for this woman." I say, groaning when I find about four plastic water bottles in the backseat from Lizzie going to the gym and throwing them back there, not just holding onto them until I get her back to the house, and as expected, ten seconds after I pull out of the driveway, my phone buzzes with a text, and I pull over to see who it is.

Lizzie: Where'd you go?

Lizzie: I miss you and I'm cold.

Shawn: I promise I will be back soon.

Lizzie: Wait, you're not in the house?

Lizzie: Shawn? Where the hell are you?

Lizzie: Bitch I know you have your phone! Fucking answer me!

Lizzie: SHAWN!

Shawn: I'm not at home. I will be back shortly, I promise.

Lizzie: Are you with another woman?

Shawn: Hell no! You know you're the only one I'm with!

Lizzie: Then why the hell are you leaving at 4 in the fucking morning?

Shawn: You'll see in a few hours! Just calm down and go back to sleep!

Lizzie: Um, Shawn?

Shawn: Yes?

Lizzie: There's this funny thing; it's that I'm so used to you being here with me when I sleep, I can't sleep without you.

Shawn: Of course there is. I'll be home in no more than an hour.

Lizzie: I love you.

Shawn: No matter how many times you say that, I will still love you more.

1 hour later

I go into the house with the puppy carton in hand along with the bags of stuff that we're going to need, including toys, (Authors note: I know Shawn is allergic to dogs, but in this book he isn't ok bye love you all) and setting it under the tree before going upstairs and finding Lizzie curled up with my pillow, already back asleep as I slowly move it out of her arms and take its place, smiling when she wakes up and kisses my temple, groaning softly as she moves into my chest and wraps her arms and legs around me, falling asleep completely a few minutes later.

4 hours later

Elizabeth's POV

I groan loudly and bury into the pillows as Shawn shakes me awake. "Come on, Lizzie! I know you wanna open presents!" He says quietly, shaking me harder. "No!" I yell, pulling the comforter over my head. "I made breakfast." He singsongs, and I slowly push the comforter off and smile when I see him in a Santa hat and an ugly Christmas sweater. "Do you like it?" He asks, and I have to laugh. "I love it." I say softly, getting up and going into the bathroom, brushing my teeth and doing what I have to otherwise before pulling on one of his t-shirts and a pair of my leggings. "Shawn!" I yell, coming out and smiling when he's still there. "What?" He yells back, hugging me tight and lifting me up. "I don't know. I just wanted love." I say, smiling when he falls back on the bed and cuddles up with me, kissing my temple. "We should really get downstairs." He says, getting antsy a few minutes later. "Oh my god, fine!" I groan, getting up and hopping on his back when he stands up, promptly shaking me off onto the bed, raising his eyebrow at me. "Love me!" I groan, and he laughs, taking my hands and pulling me up slowly before picking me up and letting me dangle from his neck as he starts walking downstairs, setting me down at the kitchen table and setting a plate of eggs, potatoes, and bacon down in front of me before getting a plate for himself and sitting beside me, getting up and returning with at least 4 dozen roses. "Holy shit!" I yell, hugging him tight as he lays them down and kisses me gently. "Merry Christmas, baby." He says softly, putting me in my chair before sitting back down, his eyes widening when he hears the door open. "Go! Out the back! I'll get you later!" He whisper shouts, standing up and putting my plate in the fridge before herding me out the door.

Shawn's POV

"What are you doing?" Aaliyah asks as I stand awkwardly in the kitchen. "Nothing, I just made breakfast." I say, setting the dishes in the sink and leaving the pancakes on the plate. "Weirdo, why did you make so much food?" She asks, and I shrug and roll my eyes. I have to leave soon, I hate to say it but today we can't hang out." I say. "Who are you doing?" She asks, crossing her arms, looking rather unamused. "Nobody!" I snap, getting my phone and putting it in my back pocket. "Fine, Shawn. Fuck you, you fucking asshole. Try to spend Christmas with you so you're not alone but you're 'not going to be here'. Screw you. Hope she's fucking worth it." She snaps, turning around and moving to leave. "She is!" I yell, moving after her and locking the door after she leaves, my mistake that it's unlocked because I went to get the mail. " Lizzie!" I yell, going into the guest room and jumping when she climbs down from on top of the huge cabinet the old owners left here. "Look at you, sneaky." I smile, pulling her in my arms and kissing her head. "Why roses?" She asks softly. "Because that's your favourite song of mine. I remember when you first told me." I say, carrying her back to the table and getting her her breakfast from the fridge. "I only told you once the first time I came over. Like, 3 months ago." She says, stretching slowly as I sit with her. "So? I still remembered." I say, catching the piece of egg she decides to throw at me in my mouth before sticking out my tongue at her. "Is it bad?" She teases, laughing as I glare her down. "Fucking eat your fucking breakfast." I snap, rolling my eyes as she shakes her head and runs upstairs, probably going back to bed. "God damnit, Elizabeth! It is almost 10 in the morning!" I yell, noticing she nabbed a pancake on the way out. "God damnit, Shawn! I just want to cuddle!" She yells back, and I have to laugh. "Can we open presents first?" I ask, going into my room and finding her curled up in the center of the bed. "Can we have sex first?" She asks, raising her eyebrows, and I know then I'm supposed to say no. "No." I say. "Then I guess we're both not getting what we want, are we?" She says as I climb in bed and snuggle with her. 

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