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2 hours later

Elizabeth's POV

I wake up and smile when I find Shawn fast asleep on his back, his mouth wide open; and at that moment, I realize there are so many things I could do to him right now, including tear up pieces of my pancake I never finished and put them in, and that's what I decide to do, and I get to seven before he coughs and wakes up. "What the hell!" He yells, and for once there's something other than annoyance in his eyes. "I was bored." I say almost as a whisper, terrified. "So you put pancakes down my throat? Why the fuck would you do that! I could've choked!" He yells, and I shake my head as tears well in my eyes before I get up and go downstairs, tears falling down my cheeks as I sit on the couch and hugging my arms around my knees, and a few minutes pass before he comes down with pancake pieces in hand, throwing them out quickly. "Shawn?" I ask quietly, and he shakes his head as he hands me a white box with holes in it, something black and wet poking through. "What did you do, Mendes?!" I ask, watching as he holds his phone up, probably recording as I open it, a gorgeous chestnut golden retriever hopping out into my lap, scrabbling up my chest and licking my face. "Hello gorgeous!" I say, laying back and loving it, seeing that it's a boy. "They didn't have anymore girls." He says, sitting beside me and kissing my cheek. "I wanted a boy when I got a dog. I just didn't expect one this soon!" I say. "I'll keep him here and you can come and see him whenever you want." He says, and I nod quickly, setting him down and watching Shawn scoop him up again and set him in the open box while I get up and go to the tree, getting the biggest box there for him. "Now this took me so much fucking overtime it isn't even funny, so if you don't like it, screw you, I can't return it, so pretend to like it." I say, and he laughs, taking it from me and tearing the paper off, his jaw dropping. "Lizzie, you didn't." He says, a smile growing on his face. "I did. I know it isn't much, but I still hope you like it." I say as he lifts the guitar I painted with the flowers from his third studio album on the body. "I love it. Thank you so much." He says, hugging me tight and kissing my temple, my phone buzzing with an incoming call from my dad.

Shawn's POV

I watch as Lizzie gets up, going into the kitchen before coming out a few minutes later. "I have to go home. Now." She says, biting her thumbnail as she goes upstairs and returns with her bag while I get my keys and phone, putting on my slides and following her out. "I'm going in with you." I say, ignoring her when she shakes her head. "No, it's fine. I promise." She says as I drive her home, seeing her dad waiting on the porch with a beer in hand. "It's settled. I'm going in with you." I say as she gets out and runs, slamming the door hard and trying to avoid the slap from her father but she doesn't, and that's the final straw for me. "Hey asshole!" I yell, getting out as she lays there, curled in a ball, arms over her head, and he starts coming for me, but there's two things I definitely have on this guy; height, and the fact that I'm sober. "Who the fuck are you?" He asks, a split second before I'm pushing him back into the house and pounding his face in, punching hard enough that I eventually knock him down, blood pouring from his nose and his mouth, Elizabeth's grip on my shoulder the only thing holding me back when she gets to me. "Where is your fucking room?" I ask, and she takes me to it quickly, watching me open her drawers and her closet, pulling out her luggage that I find under her bed. "Shit in the bag. I am not happy, it is best you just do what I say right now." I say, blocking the door as she packs all her things in her suitcases, zipping them tight before going to the bathroom and returning with what I assume is her makeup bag and putting it in her backpack and following me out silently, putting her bags in the back of my Jeep. "I think it goes without saying that you're living with me until you move whenever or until we move whenever if we stay together for that long." I say, and she nods quickly, her hand covering her mouth as she stares out the window. "Shawn?" She asks quietly, refusing to look at me. "What?" I say. "Thank you." She says, smiling weakly before squeezing my hand gently, looking out the window once again.

1 hour later

Elizabeth's POV

I smile as I sit beside Shawn, both of us not really caring enough to want to open presents, more focused on the puppy in my arms. "What are you gonna name him?" He asks quietly. "I honestly don't know." I say, cuddling in his side and smiling as he wraps his arm around me and pulls a blanket over us. "I love-" "What the hell, Shawn!"

Shawn's POV

"Aaliyah, it's not what you think it is." I say quickly, getting up and going to her as she holds her phone in her pocket. "Then what is it, Shawn! She's your fucking student and my fucking babysitter!" She screams as Lizzie gets up and runs out with the puppy on his leash, and I can see the flash of tears in her eyes. "I love her!" I say, running my hands through my hair as she paces in a circle. "How old is she, Shawn!" She asks, anger still covering her features. "18. It's legal on that front but she's my student. I can lose my job if you tell, Aaliyah. Please don't." I beg, and she shakes her head. "Shawn, I have to. I can't ignore it." She says. "Please!" I cry, tears rolling down my cheeks. "Shawn, I'm sorry. I can't ignore you dating your student." She says. "Then I'll break up with her. I don't want to lose my job and her. I can wait until she graduates, I don't care. She will stay with me. She has an abusive father and I'm not putting her back in that situation." I say, and she sighs. "If I do this for you, you owe me the rest of my fucking life, Shawn." She says. "Okay." I say. "Continue on what you're doing, but if you get caught by someone else, I'm not helping you. I will tell everything I know." She says, and I nod gratefully. "I really do love her, Aaliyah. It's not just lust." I say, and she smiles gently and nods, sitting down, moving her phone to her bag and closing it. "Tell me about it." She says, and I shrug and smile. "It's been going on since September. Beginning of the year actually. I think I kissed her first day. Principal caught us hugging and thought I was raping her or planning to so I had to talk to him and she had to do the same. It's lowkey but it's still great. We have to drive an hour away just for simple date nights but I'm okay with it. It's still amazing for me that she's there. She makes me a better person, even though this morning I kicked her dad's ass after he laid a hand on her, drunken asshole." I say, looking up as Lizzie comes back in, refusing to look at Aaliyah. "It's okay, Liz. She's not going to tell." I say, and she nods quickly, going into the kitchen and coming back with a water bottle and sitting beside me. "So, I think I'm going to head out. Merry Christmas." Aaliyah says, standing up and hugging me gently before leaving. "Shawn?" Lizzie says quickly, looking up at me. "Yeah baby?" I say, and she smiles, but it's not a real one. "I'm scared." She says, and I shake my head and wrap my arms around her. "I am too, but it's going to be okay. I promise." I say. "Let's name the puppy Jesse, after Jesse St James from Glee. He's my favourite character." She says, and I nod. "Honestly, whatever you want, baby. I don't really care, I just want you to be happy." I say, getting a real smile as I kiss her gently. "I love you." She says, laying her head in my lap and letting Jesse snuggle in her chest, his head going into her neck as she falls asleep slowly.

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