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The next day

Shawn's POV

"Wanna go shopping?" I ask as Lizzie camps out in front of the air conditioner, absolutely uncomfortable because she's close to that time of the month. "I can risk getting my period, so no. I don't really want to do anything but sit here in this chair." She says, swinging her legs over the arm and attempting to work off her vans. "Lizzie, I will load my pockets with tampons and chocolate if I have to. Just come with me." I say, and she sighs. "Fine, But I will keep my tampons where they always go, thank you very much." She says, getting up and going upstairs with me, smiling as I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her gently, picking her up and laying her down gently on the bed and climbing on top of her.

Lizzie's POV

"Hold on, I don't really want to." I say, and Shawn nods, climbing off and getting up, going into the bathroom quickly as I grab my mini backpack and put everything I need in there, ready to go by the time Shawn comes out. "You good?" He asks, and I shake my head as I look in the mirror. "Let me change quick." I say, and he nods as I pull off my sweats and tank, changing it for a mint green vans crop top and a pair of white shorts, making sure my belly button ring is still in as I put on my flip flops and follow him downstairs and out the door.

1 hour later

I smile as we walk through the mall hand in hand, glad we can finally do it. "I'm hungry." I say to nobody in particular, smiling when he nods and finds a small cafe to eat at. "Then we can go shopping." He says, sitting down with me as a group of girls watches us through the windows, eyebrows furled in concentration. "I think they know it's you." I say, and he nods and shrugs. "If they want to come say hi they can. I don't really care." He says as the waitress comes with out sandwiches and fries, and sure enough they do. "Are you Shawn Mendes?" A brunette asks, smiling when he nods. "I am. This is my girlfriend Lizzie." He says amiably enough, even though I can see in his eyes he's not that happy that they did come interrupt us. "Oh my gosh, she's so pretty!" They say, and I smile lightly as they get their pictures and leave, waving. "That honestly wasn't that bad, they were nice enough." I say, and he shakes his head. "Wait until they get on Twitter. Good thing they didn't get your social media or they will be so mean and hateful to you." He says, and I smile and squeeze his hand. "You know, you never really asked me to be your girlfriend, it just kinda went without saying." I say, and he smiles and shakes his head. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. "Of course I will!" I say, kissing him quickly and sipping my drink before eating.

30 minutes later

I climb on Shawn's back as we go into Nike, letting him have his time and look around as I rest my head on his shoulders as he gets some things for himself and for me before going out again, bag in hand while I get down and squeeze his hand. "We can go to Pink when we're finished everywhere else, okay?" He says, and I nod as we go into other stores for a while.

2 hours later

"Ready?" Shawn asks, and I nod as we go into Forever 21, the start of my store choosing, and I smile as we look around, picking up a few pairs of shorts and tops, completely avoiding the bras and panties before paying and leaving, Shawn putting the receipt in my bag and kissing my cheek as we go into Vans, and I move around until I find a quiet spot and sit down, suddenly feeling really off, like I'm getting closed in. "You okay?" Shawn asks, finding me a few minutes later, sitting on a bench with my head in my arms, and I nod quickly before standing up as he carries three boxes and two hoodies, one cropped so I'm assuming it's for me before paying and leaving, and we go to a bunch more before finally landing at Pink, and I bite my lip as I go around. "Shawn, we've honestly spent enough." I say, and he shakes his head. It's fine. It's not like we're doing this every day and I just want you to be happy." He says, and I sigh and nod. "I'm still not comfortable with this, I don't know." I say, letting him wrap my arm around me and watching him pick up a variety of leggings, bras, tops, shorts, and sweaters, letting me pick my own underwear and toiletries before going up and paying, taking the three huge bags from me. "Do you need a suitcase?" He asks, and I nod. "I can just-" he puts his hand up and goes back in after finding me a bench, coming back with three more bags. "We have three more places and then we can go." He says, leading me back to the Vans store and picking up three more boxes, and I sigh. I honestly hate that he does this for me, but it's still a kind gesture of him as I watch him pay and return to me, a smile on his face as I put down my phone and slide it into my bag. "Shawn, this is honestly too much. No more." I say, and he nods slowly but goes off, returning twenty minutes later with a Sephora bag and a Pandora bag. "Okay, let's go." He says, and I am oddly grateful as we leave, but we don't go home. "Shawn, I don't want Ulta!" I yell. "Then stay here." He says, getting out and going in as I start to cry uncontrollably as I call Matthew. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Shawn is spoiling me and I've told him multiple times that I don't want him to and he does anyway." I cry. "Lizzie, relax. Let him spoil you. You are one of the people in this world that deserves to be spoiled." He says. "I don't know." I say. "Lizzie, think about why you're really upset about this. It's because you've never really had anyone care about you, you've never really been the best to someone, but you are to him. Lizzie, he's doing it because he wants you to have the best since your first 18 years fucking sucked." He says. "Thanks Matt." I say. "Now wipe your tears and put on a brave face. You've got this, and I'll see you next week." He says, and with that, he's gone and Shawn is coming out of the store with two big bags and putting them with the others. "I promise the wine shop is the last one." He says, and I nod slowly as we pull up a few stores, his phone buzzing with a call from the bank. "You might want to answer this." I say, and he nods, picking up and speaking for a few minutes before hanging up. "What was that about?" I ask. "Nothing, just checking to see if my card didn't get stolen by the amount spent." He says, and I clench my body and try to relax as we pull in and stop, and I let him kiss my cheek before getting out and going in, watching him come back a few minutes later with two bottles of wine, placing them in the back. "Okay, lets go home." He says, and I nod, my eyelids growing heavy before falling shut completely.

1 hour later.

Shawn's POV

I drive around Toronto as Lizzie sleeps, not wanting to wake her by stopping, but a few minutes later she does anyway, giving me the time to start driving home as she falls asleep again. "Shawn, how much longer until we're home?" She asks. "About 10 minutes." I say, and she situates herself so she can wake up.

10 minutes later

I get the bags out of the trunk and carry them into the house, going straight to the bedroom as Lizzie closes the hatch and locks my Jeep, following me up and pushing me back into the bed, kissing me hard and squeezing my hands as they travel down her hips.

Lizzie's POV

"Don't. Let me please you." I say quickly as Shawn goes to push into me, shock showing quickly on his face before going away. "So you're telling me what to do now?" He asks, and I nod as I look at the bags sitting in the corner, knowing I have to make it good to make up what he did for me today as I swallow hard and find his member, lifting a little and slowly easing onto him, moaning and biting my lip, slowly starting to ride him before speeding up as he moans loudly, gripping the sheets tightly. "Lizzie! Jesus Christ!" He yells, throwing his head back as I go harder, slowing down when I get close and he takes over, pushing his hips up faster so we're moving together as I moan and we hit together, and I fall silently on his chest, panting hard as he comes out of me, and I roll off slowly and lay beside him as he takes care of the condom. "Lizzie, are you okay with more?" He asks, and I nod as he gets another condom and puts it on, pressing into me and thrusting hard as I tug at the sheets, screaming as loud as I can as the bed rocks violently, and I'm actually scared that it's going to break when he speeds up, and I obviously don't know my strength when I'm lost in the moment since the next thing I know there's a loud ripping sound and he stops and looks at me, the same look of shock on his face that has to be on mine. "Well, I guess we're going to have to get new sheets." He says, starting to laugh as I groan and start moving under him, moaning when he catches on and starts thrusting slowly again. "Daddy!" I scream, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him gently, groaning as he cums with me and gets off, laying beside me and putting his hand through mine after dealing with the condom. 

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