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3 weeks later

Elizabeth's POV

I sigh as I sit up in bed waiting on Shawn, since he said he would be home shortly. We've had sex a few more times since Christmas, but honestly it's slow and I don't really like it. I like it but I don't like it, it's kind of disappointing. I wish it was better, that he would stop being so shy with me. "What are you doing?" Shawn asks, coming into the room as I set down my book. "Nothing." I sigh as he climbs on top of me and kisses down my neck hard, pulling the shirt I have on off along with my shorts. "I have had an absolutely miserable day. And I am not going to deal with it, I'm going to take care of it." He says, getting undressed as I lay there, my arms covering my chest until he comes back, climbing on top of me and spreading my legs, getting a condom before slamming into me. "Shawn!" I scream, clawing his back up as he groans loudly, thrusting harder. "Be quiet." He says, and I nod quickly, moaning and screaming as loud as I can until I cum around him, my whole body relaxing as he slows down, falling hard on top of me as he hits and rolls off, his chest heaving as I climb on him and lay down, kissing him gently, nibbling up his jawline before nipping his earlobe quickly, leaving a mark at the top of his jaw as he moans and squeezes my waist. "What do you want me to do, daddy?" I ask softly, kissing down his chest to his bellybutton. "Whatever you are doing. It's fucking amazing." He says. "Shawn, just relax." I say, sitting up and easing down on his throbbing member, crying out as he slams me down, sitting up and squeezing my hips hard as I start grinding hard on him, moaning loudly with him, leaving more marks along his shoulders and neck. "The students are going to see." He says, his mouth dropping open. "I have concealer. We're somewhat of the same skin tone." I say, kissing him hard as he nods.

20 minutes later

Shawn's POV

"Were you not satisfied or something before?" I ask, kissing Lizzie gently as she takes off her makeup in the bathroom. "I don't know what you're talking about." She says quietly. "I know what's going on, Lizzie. I accidentally found your journal and I read it to figure out what it was, and I read the part where you were talking about how you weren't getting anything out of gentle sex, the loving kind." I say, and she looks at me before looking down again. "Why would you read anything in my handwriting that I don't fucking give to you?" She asks, and I sigh. "It was a mistake, I'm sorry!" I say as she tugs away from me, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I think it's best that you sleep somewhere else tonight." She says quietly, lifting her backpack on the bed and pulling out her homework. "Lizzie, please!" I say. "No! Get out!" She screams, covering her face and refusing to look at me as I nod and leave, closing the door behind me, grabbing a blanket from the hall closet on the way downstairs. "It looks like we're on our own, Jesse." I say as he looks up at me while he lays on the floor, whimpering quietly. "Come here." I say; and he quickly gets up and runs to me, scrabbling up on the couch and cuddling in with me, licking all over as I turn on Netflix and watch Grey's Anatomy, my stress reliever.

The next morning.

I wake up with Lizzie on the back of the couch, a blanket over her with her arms around my shoulders and her bottom half hanging over the back. This girl falls asleep in the craziest positions sometimes. "Lizzie, wake up. We have to get moving." I say, and she smiles before hugging me gently. "I'm sorry." She whispers, and I shake my head. "Let's just forget about it." I say, and she nods, getting up and rubbing her belly gently as she goes, a red spot on her shorts. "Lizzie, um, honey?" I say, and her head pops back in the living room from the kitchen. "What?" She asks. "I think you got your period." I say, and her eyes widen in embarrassment. "Um, okay. I'm sorry. Hold on." She says, and I nod as she goes up to the bathroom, a string of obscenities leaving her mouth after the door closes. "Shawn!" She yells, and I run upstairs quickly, knocking on the door. "What? I'm here." I say. "Can you go get me tampons? I'm out." She asks, and I can hear the tears and embarrassment in her voice. "Um, yeah. Sit in the tub until I get back. I'll be back soon." I say. "I need my phone." She says, and I nod, going into my bedroom and getting it for her, passing it to her through the door. "Thank you." She says quietly before the tub water starts running.

Elizabeth's POV

Shawn: What colour?

Elizabeth: What do you mean?

Shawn: Tampnons? What colour.

Elizabeth: What the fuck are tampnons?

Shawn: You know what I mean. Hurry up, I have to get home and get ready for work, kind of like how you have to get ready for school.

Elizabeth: I have all my stuff ready. You're the one who doesn't prepare.

Shawn: Lizzie, I am begging you: people are staring at me.

Elizabeth: Are they offering to buy the tampnons?


Elizabeth: Fine. The yellow plastic ones. They should say plastic applicator.

Shawn: Thank you.

Elizabeth: Yeah yeah.

Shawn: I love you.

Elizabeth: I'm sitting in my own blood. Stop texting and get home.

Shawn: Now look who wants me home!

Elizabeth: 😑🖕

Shawn: 😛

Elizabeth: Hurry up.

Shawn: 😐

20 minutes later

I groan in relief as I hear a knocking coming from the door while I fill it up with clean water again. "Don't come in!" I yell, getting up and opening the door wide enough to take the bag before slamming it shut. "Thank you!" I yell, hearing footsteps going away from the door after it closes.

Shawn's POV

I smile gently as Lizzie comes in while I'm buttoning my shirt, going into her drawer in the bottom of the dresser and tugging out a pair of leggings and a hoodie of mine, pulling her hair into a messy bun. "I don't care today." She says as I wrap my arms around her waist and smile as she leans into me before pulling away and getting her bag and her flip flops, stepping into them while I finish getting around. "You ready?" I ask, going into the bathroom and fixing my hair and brushing my teeth before shaving quickly, going out and shaking my head silently when I find her asleep in bed, holding her belly as I pick her up with her stuff and carry her out to my Jeep, laying her in the passenger seat and putting our stuff in the backseat before driving to the nearest Tim's, even though it compromises a good 20 minutes of grading. "Lizzie, honey, wake up. What do you want?" I ask, and she shrugs. "Glaze donut and coffee." She grumbles, rolling on her side and falling asleep again. "You sure?" I ask, knowing she's going to take mine anyway. "Yes." She groans. "Fine. Just making sure because I know you'll complain and take mine because it's too bitter." I say, but she just doesn't care enough to respond or she's sleeping too heavily to hear me as I place the order and get it a few minutes later, holding the donuts in my lap and putting the coffee in the cup holders. "Lizzie, you have to wake up." I say, shaking her awake a few minutes later when I sit in my parking spot at the school. "Fine. She groans, getting her coffee and taking it out of the car before getting her bag while I do the same, watching her jog onto the sidewalk and wait for me to buzz us in. "Can I sleep in your chair?" She asks, and I sigh. "Drink your coffee, okay?" I say. "It is 6:30 in the fucking morning. Let me sleep! Classes don't start until 7:56!" She says. "Fine. Sleep in my chair." I say, and she quickly goes to my desk and curls up in my chair, promptly falling asleep as I pull out papers and start to grade.

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