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2 hours later

Shawn's POV

I watch Lizzie get up quietly, and there's something wrong about it until I realize that she's not awake. "Elizabeth!" I whisper, getting up and gently grabbing her wrist, easily pulling her back into the bed. "I have to go to practice." She mumbles, letting me tuck her in. "You can go to practice when you wake up." I say. "Will you drive me, Shawn?" She asks. "Of course I will, get some sleep." I say, and she nods slowly.

1 hour later

I watch as Lizzie wakes up, kissing me gently before wrapping her arms around me. "Do you remember anything?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "No." She mumbles. "How many teams are you on?" I ask. "Soccer, track, softball, and cheer." She says, pulling away and sitting up before getting up and going to her bag, pulling out a bra and a pair of underwear and grabbing her jeggings and the t-shirt she was wearing earlier, getting dressed quickly. "What are we going to do today?" She asks. "Well, we're going to go grab some lunch and then we're going to go up to the slopes, then we'll get some dinner and come back up here and do whatever you want to do, probably rent a movie or something." I say, and she nods, climbing on me and bouncing gently. "Get up. Come on. Let's go!" She says as I roll her off and get up, getting dressed quickly, going into the bathroom with her and doing my hair while she does her makeup, something I fucking hate on her since she's perfect without it, but I have to deal. "How much do you actually do?" I ask, picking up a bottle and looking at it, not knowing what the fuck it is. "A lot. But it only takes about ten minutes." She says. "When we get back I can do my makeup on you and you can try to do it on me. I feel like it would be fun." She says, and I sigh and nod. "Whatever will make you happy." I say, tugging gently on her ponytail as she puts on some lipgloss and puts her makeup bag under my toiletry bag and goes out, getting a flannel and her white converse high tops before pulling them on and hopping on my back as I get my wallet and my keys, sliding on my ring and my watch before carrying her out, closing the door. "Babe, can you carry me forever?" She asks, and I laugh and nod. "If you want me to." I say, dropping her when she tugs down, and I see why almost instantly after: Olivia is right down the hall with a suitcase in hand. "Lizzie, did you just call Mr. Mendes babe?" She asks, her eyebrows furling. "No. She was on the phone with her boyfriend when she came out. We're right next door to eachother apparently." I say, pulling out my phone and sliding it discreetly into her hand, pulling away slowly. "Uh huh. You know what I think?" She says, and I shake my head. "I think that there is something going on between you two that you aren't letting on. I've seen the way you look at eachother in class, and it isn't right. I will figure out what is happening and I will stop it." She says, turning around and walking off. "She won't." I say, and she looks at me with fear in her eyes. "We need to cool it. It will be fine as soon as we get past graduation and nobody will be able to get in trouble for it." She says, and I sigh and nod. "I know but she's leaving today with her parents. Then we can be open and love the shit out of eachother in public. We only have to be careful for 20 more minutes and that's when checkout is." I say, and she nods quickly as we get in the elevator and she pulls me down, kissing me gently, pulling away when the doors open, another couple with a pair of suitcases that look oddly like Olivia. "Mr. Mendes! How are you!" The woman says, and that confirms it. "Fine, how are you?" I ask, getting a nod. "I really hate to say this, but I'm concerned about Olivia passing my class. She is at a D and I'm just not happy about that. I know she can do better." I say, and their faces change quickly. "We're not happy about it either. We're cancelling the rest of the trip and we would love it you would send us an email as to what she's missing and how she can pass." Mr. Palmer says, and I nod. "I will as soon as I get back to my room and open up my laptop, but that won't be until later tonight." I say, and she smiles. The slopes are pretty good, if that's where you guys are heading." She says. "We're not together, but thanks for telling us." I say, getting out with all of them at the lobby, watching Olivia's parents' faces change when they see her. "We're going home. And you are going to work for the rest of break, young lady, Miss I'm failing English." Mrs. Palmer says, grabbing her wrist and pulling her out while her father checks them out. "Come on, Lizzie." I smile, taking her hand and leading her to lunch.

20 minutes later

Elizabeth's POV

I smile as Shawn sits back down at the table with his phone, kissing my hand gently before rubbing it gently. "I'm sorry, I had to take it." He says, and I smile and nod. "It's fine. We're going to have a nice trip. And things are going to happen no matter what." She says, looking up as the waitress brings us our food and smiles before going away as I steal one of his fries. "You have your own!" He whines, taking one of mine and popping it in his mouth before I can nab it back. "Bitch!" I say quietly so he can hear it but the other people can't. "Watch it." He snaps, raising his eyebrow. "No. Don't tell me what to do!" I say, taking one of his fries again. "Elizabeth, you literally ordered the same thing that I did. Eat your own before you come for mine." He says, and I groan and start eating mine, his fingers lacing through mine and squeezing gently. "No. I'll eat your fries if I want to." I say, and he shakes his head and laughs as I eat a chicken strip.

1 hour later

I sigh as I squeeze Shawn's hand tight, whimpering quietly. "You're going to be fine. I promise." He says, but I have a feeling that I'm not as we go off the lift and start skiing the slope, and I slowly start to panic when I realize I can't find him. "Lizzie! You're okay! Pay attention!" I hear from behind me, and I smile when I see him pop up beside me like magic it seems. "Now, just focus. You're doing great." He says, watching.

8 hours later

I sit in my bra and my underwear in the bathroom, putting a bandaid on my scratch I got when I fell down coming in the resort. "Lizzie, you okay?" Shawn asks, knocking quietly on the door. "Yeah!" I call, sighing as I grab my makeup bag and go out, swallowing hard when his mouth drops before closing quickly. "I wanted to be comfortable." I say, and he nods before setting his laptop on the nightstand and sitting up more while I open my bag and get my stuff out.

20 minutes later

"You actually did a good job!" Shawn says, looking in the mirror as I put my stuff away and give him makeup remover wipes before turning down the lights and climbing in bed, looking at his laptop. "Whatcha doing?" I ask when he comes out again, turning on the television and going back to his laptop. "Class plans. What we're going to do for the rest of the year." He says, and I nod like I understand and care when I honestly really don't for either. "Fun shit?" I ask, and he sighs, closing it and setting it down. "Not so much." He says, laying down and rolling over to face me. "Then I might have to skip." I say, his eyebrows raising. "Then I might have to write you up for skipping." He says, and I shake my head. "I'm doing my senior skip day. And I'm going to make sure that I skip on the least fun day of class." I say. "I'm honoured at your choice." He says, rolling his eyes. "Good!" I say, pulling my phone off of the nightstand and checking it, smiling at the wallpaper of Shawn flipping off my camera and rolling his eyes, but I know he's happy because of the sparkle in his eyes. "Shawn?" I ask. "Hm?" He mumbles, half asleep. "What's going to happen when I go to college?" I ask, and he sits up quickly. "I will follow you wherever you go. No matter what." He says. "So you'd follow me to UCLA?" I ask, and he nods. "I'd follow you anywhere. I love you and I'd do anything for you." He says.

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