pills | 13

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Chapter 13:

"Everything is blue, his pills, his hands, his jeans"
-Halsey (Colours)

Week 1 - Day 5

The pounding on doors is what woke the eight teens from their sleep. It was Sam and her energetic form yet again, making sure they followed through with their personality session. She held a clipboard tight in her grasp along with a smile plastered against her face.

"Come on! Get up, get up! We're heading into the woods today!" Sam slightly cringed at her words, but kept her posture nice and straight. Christina was the one to open her and Tatum's shared bedroom door. A scowl was on her face as she eyed a positive Sam.

"It's too early Sam. Give us all at least ten more minutes" the brunette sighed, while rubbing her still tired eyes. Sam rolled her eyes playfully, before agreeing and walking away deciding that she would make sure what they needed was packed. The plan was that they all were going to go deep in the forest and do a few exercises that encourages them to work as a group. One activity actually being a game where you had to guide a blindfolded member of your team to the finish line. Not too hard, but not simple either.

Christina watched Sam walk away, before closing her room door and flipping on the large bed that once had Tatum laying it also. Now the other was searching through her clothes, deciding that she would take a shower to wake herself up a little more. She also was about to take a singular pill from her medicine, when she couldn't find the orange tube anywhere. She began freaking out, her emotions running wild as she couldn't control them. Her breathing began to pick up, as she reached for her hair and began tugging on it. Christina noticed such actions even through a sleepy state.

She began to worry as she saw tears streaming down Tatum's face. Jumping up from her spot on the bed, she instantly went and wrapped her arms around the other, rocking the two.

"It's okay Tate. Just breath" Christina hushed. The brunette looked up at Christina and instantly stopped crying. Here anger began to rise as she had a crazy suspicion. She pushed Christina away and stood to her feet. The other watched Tatum in horror.

"You did this! You took my medicine away as if it was some sick joke! Give it back, I need it!" Tatum yelled. Christina shook her head, nothing but confusion on her face.

"No I didn't. I didn't even know you took meds. If you just tell me what they look like then ma-" she was cut short.

"I know you took them. Give 'em back" Tatum once again said, her face red and hands balled into a fist. Christina took steps back a little scared.

"Calm down first" Christina looked around trying to spot the missing pill bottle. And when she seen an orange tube laying under the dresser she dashed for it. But when actually reading the name, it didn't say Tatum Dahl. But a different girl with only the same last name.

Samantha Dahl.

Christina looked at the label shocked, but then started to raise suspicion on their very own therapist Sam. Tatum noticed the pill bottle in Christina's hands and immediately took it. The other tried to stop her, but Tatum had already popped a pill in her mouth, calming almost instantly. Her orbs settled on Christina's, guilt beginning to eat at her

"I didn't hurt you did I? If so, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I just tend to loose control whenever..." Christina wasn't listening to Tatum ramble as she was fixated on the bottle that wasn't prescribed to Tatum, but someone else instead. Yet the pills worked exactly how needed. Christina grabbed the pills from Tatum and looked at the name again, making sure.

Samantha Dahl.
Take one whenever needed.

Christina looked up at Tatum wide eyed.

"These aren't yours" she stated.

"What?" Tatum asked confused now. Christina pointed towards the name and way overly expired date.

"These aren't yours."

Both girls jumped though when they heard a screaming coming from down the hall.

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