daniel and corbyn | 20

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Chapter 20:
Daniel and Corbyn

"But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad?"
-Melanie Martinez (Pacify Her)

Week 2 - Day 1

It was practically midnight and the eight teens were about to head to bed. They felt unnatural as if they should be doing something else. But not wanting to stay awake in such a creepy cabin any longer, they decided it was best if they just rested their heads. It could help the week go by faster if they slept anyway.

Daniel had just slipped into bed next to a already asleep Corbyn, closing his eyes as soon as his head had hit the pillow. He kept tossing and turning as he suddenly felt very uncomfortable. It was colder in his room and even Corbyn's warm body beside him, couldn't shake the weird chills he kept getting every few seconds. It was as if someone turned on an air conditioner and never gave him any blankets to cover up just in case he got too cold. And Daniel was just about to give up on trying to sleep, when he heard his bedroom door open.

The brunette snapped his attention towards the door to see a figure standing there. It scared Daniel a little before he came to figure out it was just Zachary. Daniel sighed, relaxing his muscles as the younger stood in the doorway.

"Zach what are you doing? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Daniel wondered as he stared at the other. Zachary didn't say a word as he flipped the light switch on to reveal his face. It was covered in tears and he was clearly stressed out. It was as if he was being forced to do something.

"I am so sorry Daniel" Zachary choked out as he got closer. The brunette just looked at the younger confused and a little scared. By now Corbyn began to stir awake, the events taking him down from his sleep. He opened his still tired eyes to see the scene of Zachary raising a knife and stabbing it right into Daniel's stomach. The brunette let out cries as he was continually being wounded. Corbyn jumped up, going over too Zachary and trying to force him to stop.

"Stop! Stop! You're killing him" Corbyn cried out. Zachary kept the years flowing, not understanding why this was happening. He wasn't controlling his body. And like a switch being flicked, Zachary's sadness turned to anger.

"If I can't have him, no one can" the younger pushed Corbyn away and took one last swipe at Daniel's once flawless skin. This time it being right across his throat. Zachary dropped the knife, backing away suddenly realizing what he had done. He turned towards Corbyn to see that he was curled up in the corner crying severely. But the second the two locked eyes, Corbyn stood to his feet and ran out the room. He tried opening the other's rooms, but they were locked. No one could get in or get out.

But Corbyn couldn't stay in the cabin any longer. Especially when he knows he could be killed. Dashing out the cabin front door, Corbyn ran through the forest, not knowing where he was going. It was still really dark out and all he had seen were trees and bushes. Tears blurred his vision as pushed past whatever came in his direction. But it wasn't until he tripped over a tree branch that he managed to have fallen to the ground. Corbyn landed on a rock, his head twisting the other way and blood pouring from the side of his head.


The next few chapters will be about the same length. Short but worth it.


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