Chapter 29

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"Mummy!" Monty's bright smiling face draws near as he runs towards me, his chocolate brown eyes bursting with pleasure, unruly red curls bouncing on his head. Hugging me tightly he plants a sticky kiss on my cheek, a reflection of the treats Willie has no doubt bestowed on him.

"Hello, my gorgeous boy. I've missed you so much!"

"Where's my daddy?"

"You'll see him very soon, sweetheart. I promise."


"Alright, Gracie hen." Unable to meet my eyes Willie stares below but his anxious expression can't be hidden. Taking his hand I give it a gentle squeeze.

"No change?" Shaking my head he frowns, concerned.

"Thanks for looking after our children. Max would want it."

"It's the least I can do. Yesterday was such a magical day. I can't believe how it's turned out."

"It'll be fine, Willie. It has to be." With an anxious nod he makes his way inside.

"Let's take a little stroll, sweetheart." Grinning, Monty yells excitedly. "I know what we can do. Shall we count the birds?"

"Yes, please!! I'm going to win, mummy!"

"Of course, you are. You're such a clever boy." My throat stings bitterly as I swallow but I will my voice to stay strong and as we walk we count, stopping a few minutes later when we reach the pond. Removing the makeshift picnic from Soph's rucksack I pass Monty his snacks.

"Mummy has something to tell you, Monty." I say nervously.

Memories of his kidnapping swamp me; I'd handled that, hadn't I? With my head full of fairy-tales I begin shakily quickly realising there's no pretty way to disguise the horror of what's happened. I need to be truthful in a way he understands.

"What is it, mummy?"

"Erm... OK. Remember in nursery when the bigger boy pushed you?" His sweet face grimaces as he recalls.

"Stefan. I don't like that boy."

"Why sweetheart?"

"Because he got mad and he pushed me and I fell and hurt my head and it was bleeding and he didn't even say he was sorry," he yelps, breathless.

"Well, something like that happened to daddy this morning." Drawing a sharp breath he glares astonished.

"But my daddy is strong and would've pushed back."

"That's right, Monty. He would've done but what if he wasn't able to?"

"What do you mean?"

"Imagine if Stefan had tied your hands behind your back before he pushed you."

"Is that what happened to my daddy?" Adding forced excitement to my voice I continue.

"Almost. But you'll never guess what happened, Monty!"


"He flew here in a helicopter with some very special people who are looking after him." Thrilled with this piece of news Monty's lips grow wide, his eyes full of wonder as he grins.


"I know! Can you imagine how excited daddy would've been?"

"He loves helapopters."

"Exactly! And when he got here, guess what else happened?"

"What?" He grins wide again and I feel like such a fraud.

The Affectionate Player - Part2Where stories live. Discover now