The Unwanted Encounter

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A/N: This chapter is about harassment. If you're triggered, don't read it.

The Next Day

Sherlock strode through the Museum corridor, heading for Adelaide's office. John and Mary had brought little Rosie to the museum and they'd suggested lunch in the museum cafe all together. They didn't need to say anything else as he immediately split off to collect his girlfriend. He knew she was playing desk jockey today anyways- she wouldn't be missing anything important. No one tried to make him stop as he entered the Research Centre simply because he was such a frequent visitor and had a direct line to the government. So he sped through and came to the large chamber where the offices were.

His then pleasant mood soured when he heard Adelaide speaking to another man. He stopped and listened, and as he did his jaw set.

"Come on, Adelaide, just once won't hurt!"

"Yes, it most certainly would and I'm not interested. I have work to do and so do you. So go back to your department and stop annoying me, Albert."

"Playing hard to get, are ya?"

"I'm in a serious relationship, Albert. There's no way you'd get me no matter how hard you try. I'm. Not. Interested."

"I bet I can change your mind."

"I'm sure you can't."

"You sure do talk a lot more when you're cornered."

"Leave me alone and let me pass, Albert."

Sherlock scowled and took out his mobile.

Lestrade, how close are you to the Natural History Museum? -SH

John, get down here. Adelaide is being harassed. -SH

"He's a hotshot detective, Addie, why don't you date someone more your speed? Besides, he's only ever giving you flowers. He obviously does that because he doesn't care to do anything more." Sherlock clenched both fists.

"Don't call me Addie. And he is my speed. So stop trying to make him out to be a bad boyfriend."

"He must not care having you gone so much, either. Plus I've heard he's pretty loyal to his blogger friend..."

"Stop it, Albert."


"Because I'm telling you to. I've given you my answer and it is No."

Yeah, I'm just around the block. Need me? -GL

On my way with Mary. Don't do anything brash yet. Is Greg coming? -SH

Yes, Lestrade. And have an ambulance on standby just in case. -SH

Yes, now hurry up. -SH

"Oh, please. All he does when he comes around is sit in your office thinking or traipse around the labs messing with stuff. It's kind of obvious at least to a guy that he's just not that into you. How'd you meet anyway?"

"That is none of your beeswax. Back up and leave me alone. I will tell-"

"Tell who? No one's going to believe you."

"I don't care. I'll still report you and my answer is still no."

"You're rather quiet, but you are a bit of a sass, aren't you, Addie?"

Sherlock wouldn't take it any longer and stepped out, texting John and Lestrade from behind his back, "Step away from Adelaide."

Adelaide, as he had expected, was cornered just beside her office door by Albert. She looked past him and her eyes glimmered with relief, "Sherlock!"

"I believe I said to step away from her, Albert." Sherlock repeated, sending a comforting gaze in her direction before Albert spun on his heel and took a few steps away from her, looking more than just a little peeved about Sherlock's appearance.

When Lestrade finally arrived, Sherlock's explanation for Albert Barnes's bloody split lip and broken nose was that he'd tried to run and slammed into two of the sharp metal lab doors. It was technically true, but Lestrade didn't press further, knowing John and Sherlock were both responsible. Mary, however, gladly took responsibility for Albert's now funny walking. After giving statements, Sherlock pulled Adelaide and Rosie out of the office and the group left the scene, heading for the Cafe.

Adelaide was silent and Sherlock knew she wouldn't be comfortable talking about it until later. So he just held her hand tightly until they got to the restaurant and once they were there, found the most secluded table for them. Mary and John offered to order for them and let the couple sit alone for a couple minutes. Once they were gone she wrapped her arms around his and leaned into him, curling over, "Thank you, Sherlock."

"If it happens again, don't hesitate to come to me about it, Adelaide," He reached around and slid her glasses off, "Let's not smudge these up."

It merited a small giggle from her at least, as she buried her face in his coat sleeve. He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head as she hummed, "I had a feeling you'd turn up."

"And I'm glad I did. Promise to tell me if anyone harasses you again?"

She nodded against his arm, "I promise."


Harassment is a serious and very real issue. I've gone through it and so have many of my friends because people think it's okay to keep pestering after being told no, thinking it's a game. If it happens to you, please don't give in to them and PLEASE find someone who will help you. Whether it's a family member, friend, or if it's so severe that you have to go to the Police- Reach out and don't give up! It's not okay to be pressured and harassed like that. EVER. And, from personal experience, it's always a good idea to get proof, especially if the harassment is over social media or text. You may not need it but it can be very helpful!

Thank you for reading and Love You All!!

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