•BTS Confronts The Boy's Mother•

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(A/N: that fucking photo is everything! But what a BOP AIRPLANE PT2 IS PLAYING GOTTA BLAST p.s. there isn't much confronting 😂😂 this is actually clickbaiting at its finest.)


~No One's P.O.V.~

Ciel left the boys to her mother, Nina. meanwhile with Eric and her father, David they were plotting something against Ciel so they could have her trapped but it wasn't going to work.

Ciel needed to leave the house it was too much for her so she went to the dorms and packed they boys stuff and a few things so that they wouldn't be bored in the night since he boys how a weird sleep habit.

But currently the boys were relaxing and listening to Nina's stories.

~Jin's P.O.V.~

Nina was a wonderful women she was telling us stories about her past before David and Ciel were ever a thing and what struck me was when she talked about how if she had broken the rules she would of been an idol and wouldn't have been married and had a child she said she would be pretty popular and I believed it.

She could sing very well and I was sure she could dance as well and I can see why she allowed Ciel to continue one following her own path.

Though what I don't understand is why pretend to not support your own child from beginning to end?

I didn't know how to ask her but I did anyways.

"Nina?" She looked at me and smiled slightly "Yes Jin?"

The other's looked at me and wondered what I was going to ask.

"Why did you pretend not to support Ciel from beginning to end?" I finally looked at her and her eyes were widen and the others seemed to be shocked to why I asked the question.

"....At first I didn't support it when she said she wanted to be an idol at 7 years old.... but after I put her through vocal lessons, dances lessons, hand even intensive language programs she never once gave up I pre trained her like would if she was a trainee and she fought till the end.... and when I saw that she was serious and this is what she wanted I wanted to support her.... but Jealousy grew and then her father found out and made me not support her.... but deep down I supported her see I secretly watched and listened for Ciel on the tv and radio and I was happy for her and I was happy that she found you boys... thank you for taking care of her" I smiled at her honesty and the others did too.

~Yoongi's P.O.V~

At some point after that we decided to show videos of Ciel dancing to anything to Nina.

She loved them all she questioned the one we did a year ago which all of us remembered how sexual that dance was.

"Lord... I didn't think a Ciel had a think for ripping off shirts!" Nina turned red because she was seeing our abs that most of us had and she was just amazed about how well everything was.

She started to analyze he dancing a noted a few things that Ciel would work on it was interesting since Jimin and Hoseok often did that as well when they watched people dance.

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