Chapter 4

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"What is so urgent that you pulled me away from talking to my mate?"

My brother opened my room door and closes it leaning his back against it.

"I asked you if you were busy. You didn't have to come its not a life or death situation you can go" I was kind of pissed that that's the first thing he had to say to me.

I get that he just found his mate but I'm still his little sister. Against my will tears start to well up and throw my face in a pillow so he doesn't see me. I've always been very sensitive.

"Oh Sav you know I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry okay, I'm here for you talk to me what is it that you wanted to tell me?"

He sits on the bed next to me and I tackle him down with a hug that he happily returns.

"Well Uhm... I might have found my mate..." I mumble with my face still in his neck.

He pushes me away onto the bed and bolts up staring at me with shock and disbelief.

"What!? Who!? Is it a warrior from here? Or a pack member? ..." he kept rambling on and on and I just zoned out thinking about Nikolai's perfect beautiful face, wait what? Nope that definitely didn't happen.

"Luci just calm down please. I'll tell you just let me speak." I laugh as he finally shuts up and sits back down staring at me expectantly.



"As in alpha of the biggest Italian pack?"


"Holy shitballs Sav! Oh when dad finds out he's going to have a heart attack. Is he cute? Have you talked? Is he nice? Do I have to hit him?"

"I agree dad will freak out, no he's not cute he's hot and sexy, yes we talked and he's taking me on a date tonight, in his own way yeah he is, and no if he ever needs a good smack I'll deliver it myself." I laugh at his questions and just answer them honestly.

He is right about dad though. My dad has a weak spot for me and when he finds out that his little girl already found a mate and on top of that is an alpha from Italy he'll make a big show and possibly cry.

"Yeah right you can't even swat a fly"

I pout at him and he just laughs patting my head.

"That's not true! I can be menacing if I wanted to" my whines go unheard as he just keeps on laughing at me.

"Whatever you say little sis. Anyways at what time is this date of your's and what are you doing?"

"He said he would pick me up at 8 but didn't tell me what we were doing." I glance at my phone noticing it's only 12:30 pm.

"Well I better go, have fun and let me know immediately if I have to hit him I don't care if he's 'Mr.Almighty and Powerful' no one hurts my sister."

"Aww, thanks Luci! And yeah go back to your mate and keep it pg-13!" The last part I have to scream it because he was already leaving my room.

I do hear his mischievous reply in my head "No promises" and I can't help but laugh at that. I better not disturb him in the rest of today, for my sake.

I decided that napping was a good idea so I set an alarm for 5pm and shut off all the lights.

When I open them I don't remember hearing the alarm go off so I go to grab my phone and check the time but instead of finding my phone I feel grass, confused I open my eyes and look around at the forest. Trying to find an explanation and the only thing that would make sense is that I am dreaming.

I decided to explore this forest so I head over deeper into it. My eyes are wide open in awe and amazement at how gorgeous this place is. I see a cabin and i get closer trying to see if my mind made up someone to accompany me in this dream.

I don't see anyone so I go inside the little cozy place. There's the living room at the center with a kitchen and dining area to the right, farther back there's about four more doors and I walk towards them in curiosity. The first door opens to a supply closet, second door is a room, the third one is a bathroom and the fourth one is the master bedroom. There on the bed is a figure sleeping peacefully and I freak out momentarily but then calmed down remembering it's just a dream.

The sleeping figure moved and then sat up on the bed. I instantly recognized the individual as Nikolai, my mate.

"Hey there, what took you so long? I thought you were just going to grab some water." he had a deeper voice than he does normally but it's probably just my head messing with me. As if I lost control of my body and mind I start walking forward until I'm in the bed kissing Nikolai. He kisses me back with no questions asked and pushes me back on the bed hovering over me. He started kissing me all over and removing my clothing.

When he finally undresses me fully he starts getting out of his own clothes. Right when his boxers are about to come off I wake up with a start. I'm sweaty and grossed out at my mind, it's such a dirty place up there.

I sigh and look at my phone. I see it's 7pm and for a minute I just stare at my screen not moving. Finally I come back to my senses and hurry into the bathroom to shower. I put my hair on a pretty braid because I don't have time to wash it.

I pick out a pretty flower dress that for some miracle was in my bag and I pull on my sandals. As soon as I spray my perfume on a knock on the door makes my hands start shaking and I walk over to it swinging it open.

I see Nikolai standing there in blue faded jeans and a white t-shirt. He looks really good and i can't help but smile.

He smiles back at me after he scans me from top to bottom making my cheeks flame.

"Ready to go princess?"

A/N ~ honestly I'm in love with Savanna and Lucians relationship. Like their brother and sister bonds are great. And Nikolai already taking little Sav on a date?? Whattt???
Next chapter will be the date!! So excited

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