Chapter 7

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"Come on princess, in you go"
Nikolai tickles my waist making me laugh as I try to enter the passenger side of the car.

He closes my door for me and goes around to the drivers side setting up the gps towards the ice cream place called "Sweet Tooth". We head out making small talk as we go.

I found out his favorite color is red and he likes old rock music.

"So what flavor ice cream do you like?" I ask him just as we start walking to the counter where a nice lady who appears to be around sixty is waiting with a nice warm smile.

"Welcome to Sweet Tooth how can we satisfy your cravings for sweets today?"
The lady asked us before Nikolai could answer my question but I guess I'll find out now anyways.

"I'll have two scoops in a cup of the cookies 'n cream please. And she'll have..." he turns towards me expectantly but u suddenly feel myself close to little space and get very very shy.

I wave him down to my height so I could whisper in his ear. He had a confused expression on his face while leaning down but it quickly changed to a smile as he realized what I wanted. He gave me a smirk and leaned back up looking at the lady.

"She'll have two scoops in a cup as well, mint chocolate chip please, that'll be all thank you"

"That'll be $8.50 sweetheart. Your ice creams will be right out"

Nikolai paid for the ice creams and then grabbed them from the lady motioning me to follow him to a table nearby.

"You're one shy princess aren't you?"

"Uh... just a little...?" I giggle and he gives me my cup of ice cream. I instantly dig in to the delicious ice cream.

"Is that any good? I've never mint chocolate chip ice cream."
I do an exaggerated gasp and stutter a little.

"How is that possible!? It's like the best thing ever invented! Here try some!"
I give him some of my ice cream and stare at his face trying to guess what he thinks of it.

"It's really good. I can see why you like it so much princess" he smiles and I blush followed by more of my giggles.

After that we talk some more and eat our ice cream. He had already finished his and I was almost done when he got a phone call. He looked at the caller ID and his smile dropped.

I got worried at who it could possibly be. He picked it up and started speaking Italian to whoever it was on the other side of the line. I imagine it's from his pack or a friend back home, but by the tone of voice this conversation doesn't sound friendly.

He started getting agitated, his eyes flashing between him and his wolf. He also started raising his voice which made me whimper a little afraid although I'm sure he didn't notice. He suddenly hung up the phone and starts rubbing his face frustratedly.

"Everything okay?" I whisper shyly and still a bit afraid, I didn't want to upset him any more.

"Just business" he grumbles out still pretty pissed.

"You sure? Cause that sounded pretty bad" I don't know what compelled me to keep talking but I was just so worried. I wasn't used to this side of him.

"Yes Savanna , drop it already"
Now I really got worried because he didn't call me princess, he called me by my full name!

"I'm sorry it's just... I'm just trying to help out, I've never seen you like this and I want to help but for me to do that you have to tell me what happened..."

"Savanna I told you already, drop it!"
The last two words were growled and it sounded a lot like his wolf was taking control. That scared me a lot and pushed me straight into little space.

"Sowwy daddy" I whispered my eyes welled up with tears.

Just as quickly as I plunged into little space I came out of it. I looked up at Nikolai who had a surprised and regretful facial expression. The tears welled up in my eyes were already rolling down my face. Nikolai could probably hear the beating of my heart from across the table.

"I am so so sorry. I didn't mean that. Please don't get mad at me or think I'm weird or a freak I swear it was an accident and... just... Uhm... ugh... gosh I'm such an idiot! Why did I have to say that? Why did you have to mess this up? Stup..."

He cuts off my rambling by sitting next to me and wrapping me up in his arms. Intense up at first but then relax into his warm embrace.

"Shh princess it's okay, stop calling yourself stupid okay? You're a smart and beautiful girl. I'm not mad at you, not at all. I don't think you're a freak either"

He uses his thumb to wipe my tears from my cheeks and gives me a smile before continuing what he was saying

"I actually knew you were a little since our first date. I'm a daddy dom sweetheart. The only reason I looked shocked was because first of all I didn't expect you to call me that because I didn't think you were ready or that I had earned it. I still think I haven't because you said that out of fear and I never want to scare you princess."

He scrunches up his face like if just the thought of it hurts him. I poke his nose and giggle as he tries to bite my finger.

"I don't want to scare you into your little space or call me daddy because you're afraid. I want you to do it cause you trust me so I'm sorry I raised my voice at you Sav. Forgive me? Please?"

I act like I'm thinking really hard about it putting my pointer finger on my chin and humming a little. Then I smile throwing my arms over his shoulder and nodding my head into the crook of his neck.

He hugs me back and kisses the top of my head. After I let go we talk some more about each other this time not trying to hide anything although apparently I'm really and at hiding it in the first place. Oh well...

I'm so lucky that he's also interested in my lifestyle! I knew the moon goddess took kinks into consideration when assigning mates.

After spending some more time in the ice cream shoppe we decided to head back to the pack house.

"Thank you so much for the ice cream date, besides everything that happened I had lots of fun."
I give him a hug which he happily returns.

"No problem princess. No off you go. Take a shower and text me when you're out. Then it's nap time for you missy. You had a lot of sugar and you're probably about to crash from that high"

I giggle as I remember begging him to buy me gummy bears and him reluctantly giving in because he didn't want me to go on a sugar rush.

"Yes mister! Right away" I mock salute him and he just raises his eyebrows at me with a half smirk. I giggle and walk away towards my room.

I took a long relaxing shower and once I was out I put some comfy jammies on and laid in bed. I grabbed my phone and searched for Nikolai quickly sending him a text.

"Squeaky clean"

I laugh at my own text and tuck my blanket around me.

"That's good princess. You're probably not hungry for dinner right now after all the sweets so I'll save you some and take it to your room later, for now just get some rest"

I blush at his text and yawn sending him back a couple of emojis showing my agreement before closing my eyes and quickly drifting off to sleep.

A/N~ I'm so sorry I know this is long overdue but I had a bit of writers block and I'm still not 100% satisfied with this chapter but I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer.

So he finally knows her secret!! Yayy!

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I hope you liked it! Enjoy!!

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