Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up cuddles up to Nikolai just like yesterday morning. I loved the feeling of his arms protectively pulling me against him.

I watched him sleep until I couldn't handle the boredom anymore and I started playing with his hair until he woke up.

"Good Morning Princess" his deep morning voice made me blush and I hid my face in the crook of his neck.

"Hi" I wasn't sure he heard my mumbled reply but I felt his chest vibrate as he chuckled and ran his hand through my hair.

We went to have breakfast and afterwards he told me to get ready and he was going to pick me up at 3:00 pm.

He gave me a quick kiss and left me to shower and get ready. I washed my hair and dried it letting it cascade in its natural waves down my back. I put on some black jeans with rips at the knees and a white shirt along with a pair of white and black sneakers.

I waited impatiently in my bed and when Nikolai finally knocked on my door I was basically jumping in excitement.

"Someone looks like a beautiful big girl today. Should I call you Queen instead of Princess?"

I giggled and leaned up to kiss his lips and then wrapped my hands around him in a warm tight hug.

"I think I'd rather be your princess daddy"

"Alrighty then. Let's go Princess" I giggle and grab his arm following him outside towards his car.

We drive towards a park that was nearby although it took us a little bit to get there since Nikolai took a wrong turn and then spent the rest of the way complaining about America's difficult addresses and directions and just about anything.

It was really amusing to watch and I couldn't help but giggle at his silliness.

We walked up to a little food truck and got sandwiches and sodas and then walked to a bench to eat our lunch.

"Savanna there's something very important we have to talk about"

As soon as the words left his mouth a million scenarios went through my head and none were good. I nodded slowly and looked up at him expectantly.

"As you know I came here for a business meeting and tomorrow is Sunday and that's the last day of the meetings. I leave to Italy Sunday night. I want you to come with me."

A small sigh of relief left me as soon as I knew that it wasn't anything bad. I had thought about it for a while and I knew I was going to go to Italy with him. Sure I'd miss my dad and my brother a lot but I could always visit them.

I don't have any friends anyways and I can always change colleges and learn Italian instead. No matter where it is that I have to go if it's with Nikolai it'll be alright.

"Yes. I'll go. I want to go with you." As soon as the words were said I felt arms engulf me and then lips were on mines and everything seemed to be alright.

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I was scared you wouldn't want to go with me"

I smile and place a kiss on his cheek and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I would never leave you." I whispered next to his ear.

"You have to tell my dad though" I tell him giggling and crossing my arms.  "Oh and my brother too"

"Not a problem Princess. But for now let's just enjoy the afternoon."

"Alrighty. I like the sound of that. Just let me make a quick call, please?"

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