Chapter 1 Edit

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A/N Hey, guys. Remember when I asked for your opinion on editing the story? Below, I've included the original Chapter 1 and an edited version. Could you let me know which one you like better?

For this chapter, please don't be nice. I want to know which one you actually like better. If you think the original is the best one, please tell me so I don't ruin the story! It's okay if you think my editing sucks. I want your honest opinion.

By the way, I've decided that if I do edit, I'll wait until I've finished the story. You guys deserve an ending.




S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters

The heroes looked at the file.

"Sir," Steve Rogers asked, "may I ask why we're wasting our time on a teenager that hasn't done anything dangerous?"

Director Nick Fury replied, "Because he blew up the St. Lewis Arch when he was twelve, apparently while he was a hostage. Every summer, he goes to a camp that doesn't exist. He disappeared in December. People saw him in Greece in July. He suddenly reappeared a few months ago. I want you to bring him back here so we can figure out what's going on!"

"Right away Sir!" Natasha Romanov said.

"Let's suit up and kidnap a teen!" Tony Stark said excitedly. Everyone stared at him. "What? Am I not aloud to get excited?"

"No," Fury replied.


Edited Version

S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

The Avengers had been reassembled. Director Nick Fury slid a file across the table.

"A possible new threat has been detected," he said. "We want you to look into it."

"Um, Sir?" Steve Rogers said. "May I ask why we're wasting our time on a teenager who hasn't done anything dangerous?"

Director Fury's response was startling, "Because he blew up the St. Lewis Arch when he was twelve, apparently while he was being held hostage. Every summer, he goes to a camp that doesn't exist. He disappeared in December. His parents didn't even report their missing child. People saw him in Greece in July. He suddenly reappeared in New York a few months ago."

"Wait a minute, I've seen this kid on the news!" Bruce Banner said. "I thought it was his kidnapper who blew up the arch."

"We have sources that say otherwise."

"What do you want us to do, Sir?" Natasha Romanov asked.

"Bring him in. We need to find out what's going on."

"Of course, Sir."

Tony Stark threw up his hands. "Hold on! Why do you need us to track down a kid? Isn't that a little below our pay grade?"

"Because if we're right, this kid is the reason you have a pay grade," Fury replied.

"Alright. Let's suit up and kidnap a teen!" Tony said excitedly. Everyone stared at him. "What? Am I not allowed to get excited? New mission! Whoo."

"Not the right time," Steve said. "Let's suit up. Target: Percy Jackson."

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