Battle in the Graveyard

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Random Graveyard in New York

The graveyard was completely empty except for one person. Percy Jackson was standing in front of a small, grey tombstone. Buried here was his biggest what-if.

Calypso had died during the war with Gaea. Her sacrifice saved the world, and broke a few hearts.

Percy stood there, in the cold November wind. He stood there and did something that he hadn't done for months: he cried.

S.H.I.E.L.D Surveillance Helicopter

"Are you sure this is the right kid?" Bruce Banner asked. The Avengers were watching the teen through the graveyard surveillance camera. He was standing in front of a grave. And Bruce was pretty sure that he was crying.

"Yes," Nick Fury replied. "He looks completely normal, but he's not."

"Alright then," Steve said. "Let's go meet him."

A/N They meet in the next chapter! I have so many ideas! Don't get mad at me for waiting a few chapters before they meet! The next chapter will probably be up in, like, ten minutes anyway.

I'll update soon. Until then:


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