Can I ask you a question?

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Infirmary: Stark Tower/Avengers HQ New York

Percy woke up with a sharp pain in his head. "What happened?" he thought.

"Hey look! The kid's awake!" Tony said, feigning happiness.

"So I just have to ask you a few questions, okay?" Bruce asked.

"First: who the heck are you people?" Percy asked.

"We're the Avengers," Clint said. "I'm Clint, and this is Tony, Steve, and Thor, and you've already met Bruce and Natasha."

"Okay, so Percy, could you come with me and Steve to my lab so we can ask you a few questions?" Bruce asked.

Bruce's Lab

"So, your name?" Bruce asked.

"Percy Jackson," Percy replied.



"Legal guardian(s)?"

"Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis."

"Favorite color?"

"Blue. Do you have any blue food?"

Bruce shot him a strange look, "Um, no. What happened at the St. Louis arch when you were twelve?"

"This psycho kidnapped me and two other kids and decided to blow up the arch for some reason."

"Who were the other kids?"

"I don't remember... I think it was a girl with blonde hair? And I'm pretty sure that the other kid was a scrawny guy. That's all I can remember, sorry."

"Apparently you disappeared in December. Where were you?"

"Family emergency."

"For several months?"

"It was a big emergency."

"Have you ever been poisoned?"


"What? Why isn't this in your file?"

"I don't know. I've never seen my file."

After that, Percy refused to say a word, so Bruce finally gave up. The next day, they were going to do a physical evaluation.

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