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-hokage POV-

I paused in my painting. A picture shot into my head of Minato. Wait.... That means the princess's powers are awakening! We can find her at last! I let my paint brush clatter to the floor as I stood quickly and put my hat on my head.

"ANBU!" I barked. They immediately came. "Go get all the future sensei's and bring them to my office! Get going!"


The teleported off and I stalked into my office, sitting at my desk. All future sensei's teleported before me just as I got out the crystal ball.

"Lord hokage?" Asuma questions.

"Come! I feel that we will find the Uzamaki princess today!" I said hurriedly. They immediately gathered around my and we looked intensely into my crystal ball as a picture slowly formed. It showed seven people. A middle aged man with dark brown hair and light blue eyes was cooking; a middle aged woman with brown hairs and brow eyes was moving clothes around, grumbling to herself; a young woman with brown hair, all strung around her face, was sitting in a chair with two strange devices, said girl seemed a bit... Out of shape; next was a young girl who was short with brown hair and green eyes ,wearing baggy pants and a formfitting tanktop, who was moving around quickly as she struggled to clean the living area, she also seemed to be in better shape than the girl before her; another, fairly stick figured, girl with light down hair was sitting on a couch, looking at a lit up brick; on the floor was a brown haired girl who was coloring something in carelessly, humming a strange tune; finally, a small blonde boy in nothing but his underwear ran through he small area, constantly slapping the cleaning girl on her back loudly, causing her to swat his hand away in irritation.

"Which is the princess?" Kurenai asked curiously. We all got a pretty good guess when something interesting happened on the screen. The cleaning girl stood quietly and did a back bend, making her spine pop and causing us to flinch.

"Freak" the skinny girl sneered. The bending girl staightened her stance and grinned as she bowed.

"Why thank you my good sir" she said dramatically. The skinny girl growled and threw a brush at the bowing girl. The girl caught the brush and threw it back quickly, hitting the other girl on her arm. The now livid girl started throwing many things at the standing girl. The standing girl dodged easily.

"Enough you two!" The man barked out. The dodging girl stoppe immediately, allowing a shoe to collide with her knee. She didn't flinch at all.

"Yes sir" she said politely as she continued cleaning. She finished and grabbed a book, turning to the first page. She sat in a chair and read for many hours, giving us time to get lunch and such. We came back just as someone called her name. She stood, marking a place in her almost finished book. I was able to catch the page number she was on.

"She read 256 pages in half of a day" I muttered in disbelief.

"Impressive" Kakashi said with a nod. The girl we now suspected was the princess stood and clipped a knife to her side before slipping on shoes and walking outside. She approached the middle aged woman from before curiously.

"Did you want me mum?" She asked curiously. The woman turned to her angrily.

"Yes! I want you to stay off your lazy butt and get something done!" She snapped. The girl looked at her mother calmly.

"Yes ma'am. I'll go get a trash bag"

"No!! There are bags out here! Get to work!"

"Yes'm" the girl started picking up cans and such and paused, her bag half full as she took three steps backwards. "Sweet! I found a dead snake!" She cheered as she picked the headless animal up by its tail. The skinny girl looked at it curiously.

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