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>still hokage POV<

I woke and dressed quickly. When I arrived at my office, the sensei's, along with Jiraiya and now Gai, were already gathered.

"I heard that the youthful princess has been found! I have come to determine her skill!" Gai announced. I simply sat in my chair and took out the crystal ball. The picture formed to showed Emily already in the strange moving wagon which I believe i heard to be a 'car'. Fifteen minutes later, she got out and walked to the same class as yesterday.

"Why are they living in such a small space?" Kakashi questioned. I grew curious of that also. For some reason, the picture of the ball changed to show Emily in a yard, picking up a gate panel, which looked fairly heavy. We watched as she walked carefully backwards when a large dog ran behind her. Her features changed to something of shock as she stumbled back, still tripping over the large dog. The dog ran off as the entire gate fell on Emily, colliding with her head as she hit the ground.

"Is she okay?!" Kurenai gasped as we watched Emily's stunned face. Said girls eyes whipped back and forth before she grabbed the panel with one hand, pushing herself up slightly. Ever so slowly, she pushed the panel off of her form and sat up straight, rubbing her head. She stood and blink once before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Bahahaha! That. was. hilarious!!!" She gasped out between laughs. We were all slightly shocked but soon recovered. I found myself smiling softly at the young girl on the screen. She lifted a hand to her head.

"Kinda hurt too" she chuckled to herself quietly. I shook my head with a smile as the picture faded to show emily sitting in the gym, far away from the other girls in the bleachers, shaking her head with an amused smile.

"We're those her thoughts?" Asuma questioned.

"I believe so" I answered thoughtfully. Emily and the girls rose, following the grey haired man from the day before. They went into a room and did a few stretches which consisted of toe-touches, sit-ups, push-ups, etc.. During the push-ups, Emily was the only one to do them correctly. They then walked outside and stretched their calves and such before breaking into a run around a track. Emily and another girl, who was a good half-foot short, easily out ran the others within a few seconds. Emily ran with headphones in, her strides long, breathing even, facial features virtually uncaring. They ran the stretches and walked the curves. They did the process twice before sitting down, Emily laying on her back and evening out her breathing. She eventually sat up and they went inside to sit down again. The picture blurred and transformed into another memory. Emily was with her father. They were at an unfamiliar area and were both picking up a heavy looking machine. Her father grunted at the effort but emily made no noise. The only sign of strain was the small, almost unnoticeable, vein that was standing out on her neck as she helped him load it. She stood once they had finished and grinned as she brushed the dirt off her pants.

The image faded again to show Emily in the bleachers again, but the boys from yesterday sat beside her. People started bouncing balls so she stood and got one for herself. The red head followed her around as they continued their debate from yesterday.

"Sasuke is so much better though," the boy insisted.

"Wrong. He's a duck who has anger issues" Emily responded calmly.

"But he was trained by a Sanin."

"So was naruto"

"Orochimaru is better" he stated. Jiraiya had a hurt expression.

"You hold your tongue. Jiraiya is better than that pedophilic snake any day!"

"Awe. She still loves me" Jiraiya said happily as he watched his self proclaimed niece.

"Jiraiya is old though!" Gavin protested.

"Orochimaru is the same age, if not older! To be perfectly honest, when I first saw Jiraiya, I thought he was like forty! He is also better because he fights on his own. Meanwhile, Oro-pedo is a spineless coward who sends others to fight for him! So there!" She finished with a nod. The boy opened his mouth, but closed it again.

"We got off topic" he stated.


"I'm not saying naruto isn't strong, but sasuke is way stronger!"


"True" he defied. She shot the ball and it sailed through the hoop. She retrieved it and held it under her arm as she smirked at him.

"You're just on sas-gay's side cause you go for the gay ducks" she said. There was a long, shocked silence as we stared at her. Asuma's cigarette fell from his mouth, which he promptly covered with his hand to keep from laughing loudly. Jiraiya, however, didn't attempt to contain his bellowing laughter.

"She hasn't changed a bit!" He finally choked out through his laughter.

"Well, she is Naruto's sister" I pointed out. He chuckled and stopped laughing as a sad smile covered his face.

"I miss her" he sighed.

"Me too. ANBU are on the case." I said quietly. He nodded.

"Alright! Everyone has to go home. We've all been cooped up in here for too long. Be active." I ordered. They left and I kept watch over Emily.


The next two weeks passed uneventfully. Emily's birthday already passed. She had gotten jerky and a purse with a skull on it, along with a shirt. Simple. She didn't complain, though I could tell that she would have liked to at least get out of her house. It's been two days since then, her school was over for the day, and she was at home. A couple days ago, her dad took her to a hospital, where they discovered she had strep-throat. They gave her a shot and watched her for fifteen minutes to make sure she didn't react badly. She went home and was immediately sent to bed, where she had fallen asleep with a pained expression. I had felt my heart ache every time she groaned in pain. Anyways, now she was typing on her 'iPod'. Apparently, she was writing stories. An ANBU burst into the room as I watched her.

"We've got it. But we have to do it now! We've caught wind that Orochimaru and the akatsuki are also after her!" He said quickly. My heart stopped. I saw Emily set her iPod down and drift into a tired sleep, her small bear clutched tightly to her body. I also saw a familiar snake like shadow creep past her window. I cursed.

"Do the jutsu! Now!" I yelled in panic. He nodded and did the handsigns, slamming his hands on the floor. Emily faded from her bed, along with her iPod, charger, teddy bear, and purse. I sighed in relief, but looked around in confusion as I realized she wasn't here.

"Where is she?"

"She... Couldn't be transported inside Konaha for some reason. So she had to end up in the forest instead" he said nervously. I sighed.

"I'm just glad she's away from Orochimaru for now. Go get a search team together." I ordered wearily. He nodded and left with a bow. I stood and looked out the window. She's finally coming home...

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