Mission: Fail Or Success?

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I watched the battle between Sasuke and Gaara, completely tense as I stared at the two, waiting for what I was sure would come. I held a kunai tightly in one hand as the my other hand was holding my hair clippy. I could feel gramps regularly look at me, and at one point I heard him whisper something to someone. Yet I ignored it, waiting.

My nerves were screaming at me, I could feel my body shaking in anticipation and exhaustion. There was a poof behind me, but I paid it no mind since it wasn't yet time, and then more whispering. A gentle hand wrapped securely around my wrist.

Completely on edge, I jerked my hand away and turned to the person with a killer glare. There, right behind me stood a surprised Jiraiya and Kakashi. Behind them, I saw gramps staring at me in surprise with them, all their eyes filled with concern.

I turned from them and stared out the window again. Luckily, I hadn't missed anything.

"Kota, I think you need to rest." Kakashi said softly. I twitched.


It surprised me how empty, how cold, my voice sounded, yet the expression stayed off my face. They seemed taken aback as well, for there was a long silence before anyone spoke.

"Come on Kid, you're tired, lets get you home." Jiraiya said softly.


Once again, my voice as cold and dull.

"Kota." Kakashi said sternly. "I'm taking you home and you are going to go to bed."


"Don't tell me no Kota." He said in a warning tone. "Jiraiya-San, take her home please. I should stay hear and watch Sasuke's fight."

"I'm not going." I said bluntly, staring out the window.

"Yes you are."






"That's it!" He grabbed my wrist in a secure grip. "You're going home and that is it! I can't only put up with this for so long, Kota! What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm staying here!" I yelled at him, glaring at him as my head buzzed and my shaking worsened. "I'm not going home!"

The visible part of his face was bright red.


"You are not my dad!" I yelled at him. He flinched back, his eye showing hurt and guilt hitting me hard. "I'm staying here and that's that!"

Then I felt a shift in the atmosphere and my curse mark was hit with a piercing pain. I whipped around to see Kankuro and Temari helping Gaara up as the crowd watching was fast asleep. I whipped around and gramps and Orochimaru were gone.

I screamed in outrage and ripped my hand from a shocked Kakashi's grasp, running away from him and toward where gramps and Orochimaru would be. I found them and jumped through the force field just in time, though it caught my arm, making me scream in pain as the appendage was torn from my body. I fell into a bloody heap between gramps and the pedophialic bastard themselves.

"Oh Kota!" Orochimaru tutted. "Now I cannot use you."

"Kota!" Gramps yelled. I held my hand over the bloody area that my arm used to be connected to as I shakily and painfully got to my knees.

"And it seems you cannot help your precious village" Orochimaru continued, smiling cruelly. "Because you cannot do jutsus with only one arm, not a child like you." He took out a kunai and grinned down at me. He threw it, and I rolled out of the way, using the movement to get to my feet.

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